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MCSG is de...ALIVE

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Jul 17, 2012
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I can't wait for the 1 year anniversary. What can we blame clank for when it happens? I guess we will have to find out. #Blameclank


May 28, 2012
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I don't mean to sound harsh, but who does care about the core guys? MCSG only cares about donators, which give them money! Please notice that the core players are still here. Blamph, SamDude09, nate252, etc;. They are just not as active because they are busy. In my opinion, you sir are overeacting.
They do not just care about donators, that is not true, they care about keeping the servers running and having more people play them, but it's becoming like COD were they get alot of players, but the old guys/core guys is loosing intrest because they change it up to much and don't fix stuff that we care about, but just fix stuff that the "new" guys will care about which is reasonable, but i wish they would do more to please the guys that has been there since the begining. And yes, blamph is still here, samdude aswell, but what about 3crowns and mindahl, the two best mcsg players? I have spoken with both of them and both quit because it changed for the worse and because of all the bugs.
And would it be so hard to downgrade a few servers?

I agree to an extent. I did like those older times a bit better but MCSG is certainly not dead. They improved to make those older times the best, and they will continue to improve to make these newer times the best too! Some core players will leave but more dedicated players will take their place.
This was just a bump in the road, all great servers have them.
Yes, we will have new dedicated players, but that doesn't mean they will be more dedicated than the others, surely some of them would also have left if they had been here since the beggining, but it's a bump in the road as you say, but it's a really big bump

We do not just care about money, im sorry if a disagree with you. But we make no (not even a cent) profit from the servers and we need the donors to survive, thats the only reason why we like our donors so much.

The reason for the server not being at its best is becuase of the multiple bugs, all of which are caused by either Bukkit or the Minecraft updates itself. We cannot fix things that the bukkit team has made, nor the ones from Minecraft. But we are trying our best to make work arounds. Bukkit has just recently updated and we hope we can use it to fix a couple (or all) of our bugs. I too have noticed some older players leaving, but that is the natural progression of people that play video games. You find something you love to death, and then you play it so much until it is extremely boring and finally you find something else to do until you have an urge to play the thing you loved again. "The circle of gaming" by Nooby
I didn't say that you just care about money :)

And great that you maybe will be able to fix some of it, but if it takes much longer you will keep loosing core players and these are the guys who most of the time know the most about the game and what could be done to improve it and balance it.

Sorry for the really long post :)


May 31, 2012
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The servers are just too populated with hackers for me to play here anymore, I'm about to go purchase FRAPS and try to deter those numbers. It's such a pain having to deal with forcefielders in every game, lol.


District 13
May 26, 2012
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The servers are just too populated with hackers for me to play here anymore, I'm about to go purchase FRAPS and try to deter those numbers. It's such a pain having to deal with forcefielders in every game, lol.
2 good tips when it comes to catch them:
stalk them
dont say: "Your hacking!!!" before you got proof.


Apr 16, 2012
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They do not just care about donators, that is not true, they care about keeping the servers running and having more people play them, but it's becoming like COD were they get alot of players, but the old guys/core guys is loosing intrest because they change it up to much and don't fix stuff that we care about, but just fix stuff that the "new" guys will care about which is reasonable, but i wish they would do more to please the guys that has been there since the begining. And yes, blamph is still here, samdude aswell, but what about 3crowns and mindahl, the two best mcsg players? I have spoken with both of them and both quit because it changed for the worse and because of all the bugs.
And would it be so hard to downgrade a few servers?
I dont think your getting the point, we cannot fix a lot of the issues so we have made work arounds. Things like the /joingame command that was there for a little bit was one of the workarounds, we get rid of them as soon as we know there is a better way. Downgrading the servers would not change the plugin in the least.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but who does care about the core guys? MCSG only cares about donators, which give them money! Please notice that the core players are still here. Blamph, SamDude09, nate252, etc;. They are just not as active because they are busy. In my opinion, you sir are overeacting.

There's also core players from other regions, such as Mindahl (quit) and more (can't think of any atm) :(


May 28, 2012
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I dont think your getting the point, we cannot fix a lot of the issues so we have made work arounds. Things like the /joingame command that was there for a little bit was one of the workarounds, we get rid of them as soon as we know there is a better way. Downgrading the servers would not change the plugin in the least.
Couldn't you use the plugin for 1.2.5?


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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I personally love this thread after reading it as really the main reason (which is not our fault) why we are stuck on where we are is that bukkit is refusing to fix most of the bugs we are facing (or taking their sweet time on it). So we been trying to locate work-arounds but nothing we found so far was just as stable as the bugs we got now. Example ticket request for the most popular bug which they so conveniently closed with no resolved version of bukkit: https://bukkit.atlassian.net/browse...ira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel

If we made the servers just to make money, then we would have converted everything to pay to win so you can buy kits like what other PvP servers do. "Want a diamond sword at start? Sure, give us $50" kind of deal (true kit from a server). We wanted to make sure all donations did not affect any gameplay and would be cheap enough for everyone so we can break even on our monthly server costs. Hosting servers in 3 physical locations (including Australia) is something you will not see most MC communities do. If you notice, the servers always have been free to play since the start and always will be.

Mostly the main reason why some of the players have been "leaving" is that they are bored of SG. It's been almost 5 months with this gameplay style and people are looking for more variety. Our "core" guys including myself have been working on brainstorming some ways to modify the game style a bit to spice something up again. Plus also working out an update plan for constant new maps by TeamVareide and the community which will help. More stuff I cannot say right now but also we are looking into other automated server ideas.

So we are not dead and far from it. Actually with the website stats (a true health checker), we have been consistently hitting over 30,000 unique people a day with spikes on the weekends with over 40,000+ to sometimes 50,000 people. You all can have your opinions on the direction we pick but overall if we stayed on 1.2.5 (which was indeed the best update we had here), we would have killed ourselves due to lack of players who updated.

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