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Phoenix -{AU Team}-

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Apr 11, 2014
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Alright.. It seems our good friend Reziduu is spreading lies about us in the phoenix vs nekk clan battle. Let me tell you the full story. We started of the match pretty well, going 2-0 we were having a lot of fun. Until reziduu got kinda annoyed it was a 5v5. He started getting quite obnoxious and I quote him on this. "We can only do a 4v4 or a 6v6, not a 5v5," and when the ref (blakew447) said that was stupid, he was removed from the chat. I added him back and I continued to ignore him and told him to join a server. We joined a server and we didn't have much gear, and then we see #Nekk with 7 members instead of 5 of which we stated beforehand. One of those members (Aram14) was using hacks and was banned the next day. We thought that was completely not legit so we called a D'Q and the ref agreed (Now those backing up Reziduu please explain why they are in the wrong?). After that csimp complained that we didn't say we could use extra members when I stated the rules first thing which included the old MCGamer rules. We also agreed to do a 5v5 before the clan battle and that decision never changed, I can quote you the entire skype chat. We never agreed to a 7v5 and that hacking was allowed. After all of this, Rezziduu complained on our thread and that post removed as his post was untruthful and was going to start unnecessary flame. He then started to whinge to Bowser52000 and blakew447 and started to disrespect staff and eventually got banned, and guess what. Reziduu ended up d'dosing blakew447 and Bowser52000 http://i.imgur.com/AVcHXGP.png. Favoured by staff? No, you were definetely in the wrong and by d'dosing the staff, do you think they would be on your side? I would also like to state we are the only AU clan that is blacklisted (meaning that mods cannot join the clan). So before you start believing in Reziduu raging and how he beat us, know the full story. I have a few witnesses to this clan battle if you don't believe me (although I don't want to think there are people in this world that actually believe Reziduu). Have a nice day everyone :).
Yeah Reziduu (I know I'm going to get banned for doing this) is one hell of a dipshit, yes I know that he cheats he also lies, tells that he's rich then deleted my account and blocked me, I hate Marc more then you'll ever Cameron, he deleted KabaniaBum, even check on mcsg stats.


Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks appreciate it. It didn't only take me passion to get through it but it also took some
heart from my fellow community of MCSG.
Hmmm. I'm pretty sure getting banned is a message that the person that got banned should consider quitting and start real life? Unless you are so persistent to annoy Phoenix then you must come back. It must be so fun and such a great way to spend life as a child to just attempt to annoy people over a computer game involving blocks. So depressing. Anyway, CONGRATS ON GETTING UN BANNEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD SIKE!

Kevin Rudd

Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hmmm. I'm pretty sure getting banned is a message that the person that got banned should consider quitting and start real life? Unless you are so persistent to annoy Phoenix then you must come back. It must be so fun and such a great way to spend life as a child to just attempt to annoy people over a computer game involving blocks. So depressing. Anyway, CONGRATS ON GETTING UN BANNEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD SIKE!
thanks again couldn't do it without phoenix's support <3

John Howard

Oct 5, 2013
Reaction score
Alright.. It seems our good friend Reziduu is spreading lies about us in the phoenix vs nekk clan battle. Let me tell you the full story. We started of the match pretty well, going 2-0 we were having a lot of fun. Until reziduu got kinda annoyed it was a 5v5. He started getting quite obnoxious and I quote him on this. "We can only do a 4v4 or a 6v6, not a 5v5," and when the ref (blakew447) said that was stupid, he was removed from the chat. I added him back and I continued to ignore him and told him to join a server. We joined a server and we didn't have much gear, and then we see #Nekk with 7 members instead of 5 of which we stated beforehand. One of those members (Aram14) was using hacks and was banned the next day. We thought that was completely not legit so we called a D'Q and the ref agreed (Now those backing up Reziduu please explain why they are in the wrong?). After that csimp complained that we didn't say we could use extra members when I stated the rules first thing which included the old MCGamer rules. We also agreed to do a 5v5 before the clan battle and that decision never changed, I can quote you the entire skype chat. We never agreed to a 7v5 and that hacking was allowed. After all of this, Rezziduu complained on our thread and that post removed as his post was untruthful and was going to start unnecessary flame. He then started to whinge to Bowser52000 and blakew447 and started to disrespect staff and eventually got banned, and guess what. Reziduu ended up d'dosing blakew447 and Bowser52000 http://i.imgur.com/AVcHXGP.png. Favoured by staff? No, you were definetely in the wrong and by d'dosing the staff, do you think they would be on your side? I would also like to state we are the only AU clan that is blacklisted (meaning that mods cannot join the clan). So before you start believing in Reziduu raging and how he beat us, know the full story. I have a few witnesses to this clan battle if you don't believe me (although I don't want to think there are people in this world that actually believe Reziduu). Have a nice day everyone :).
I thought MCSG moderators had nothing to do with clan battles anymore, I could be wrong though. :)


Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
I have Resigned as a phoenix officer and left the clan due to the clan being blacklisted and the MCSG staff having their certain opinions on me. I do not want the clan to be unfairly treated and remained blacklisted due to staff disliking me and my actions towards them influencing the clan. I wish Phoenix the very best of luck and have no doubt it will remain the #1 AU clan under CoDsNo65

- Towel out.
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