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My MCSG story.

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Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
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Seeing as many people have been posting their stories, I felt that I'd like to give it a go myself. The information in here will mostly be in chronological order, but I'm not really promising anything because I have the worst memory possible.

My story starts in the summer of 2012. After getting my new computer, I was getting bored of using it to fool around in a tedious single player world; I wanted something new and exciting. After watching the hunger games, I was thinking how great it would be to simulate this, but I had no idea how to do it. I searched up 'Hunger games game' on youtube only to find a video by chimneyswift11 (I think that's his name) playing MCSG. I immediately did the best I could to find the IP and start playing myself, I began later that day.

I remember one of my first games, on the map SG2. Because I'd never seen a build/map to this standard, other than playing the game I wondered around, staring in awe at the meticulous buildings, towering high into the dome. Because I decided to give myself a tour of the map, getting the odd chest I would find on my way, I was susceptible to being scraped by any random person with a weapon. I remember how I died, someone got behind me and hit me a few times with a stone sword. I got so scared I dropped my mouse. xD

I played a few games with my IRL friend called Aman. He doesn't really play much anymore, but I do know with all three of his accounts his wins amount to about 300. He didn't like to spend lots of time on MCSG, which left me to play by myself.

Ah. My first win. I actually won my first game solo, playing on Breeze island. I don't really remember when this was, probably when I had about 100 games played. This map used to be especially hard, but I somehow managed to get full iron and an iron sword. At this point I was not very proficient at PvP, instead I out-geared the remaining two people who stood between me and victory. Your first win is always the best.

Not long a after this came another pinnacle moment in my story, that being the first people I met through MCSG. I was playing another game on Breeze island. By then I'd played this map so many times I kept going the same way, I guess you could say I established my own route. After getting all the chests I could I began to swim back to the main island. On this leisurely swim I encountered two people who seemed to pose no threat to me, their names were deeman321 and (I can't remember the specifics of his IGN, so I'll call name him by his name) Rhys. They then asked me to team, an offer I happily accepted. After exchanging items with them I began to feel cautious as they could have betrayed me at any given time. Nonetheless, we carried on, Rhys had to go, which left me and Deeman in deathmatch. I was really nervous to face him, but we agreed to a fair one vs one. In the end he beat me with 3 hearts remaining. However, I was not bothered as I got him low and he was a good player. In the lobby afterwards he asked me if I had Skype, we quickly added each other and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

After playing a lot with Dee and Rhys, I got to know a lot of people, and had a great group of friends. I still speak to those people today but a little less than I'd like.

*A lot of stuff which is either not pertinent to the post or things I can't be bothered to write about*

At first, I'll admit, my enjoyment did not rely on browsing the forums, rather playing in-game with friends. The main reason I really signed up to the forms was to express my burning dislike for demons breeze, back when there was a vote to remove either freeze island or demons breeze. I like the map now, though. Anyway, I did think of signing up before that, but I didn't really see any reason to.

Sometime before the summer holidays in 2013, I set a goal for myself to one day be an MSCG staff member. This hope was lessened when I found out the age limit, and the likely-hood of me getting a chance. I didn't want to waste a chance, so I decided to wait until I got a bit older. My friend Dee saw this was aggravating, and pointed out to me BajanCanadian (yes, you heard) was partnering with a server we played SD on, which was Eye Of Ender, later known as TheFridge. Before you ask, I didn't like Bajan at the time, I just liked the server before and after he joined it. At the time I was 13, and actually had a descent chance of getting in as the age limit was 13. So I tried my luck. I made a very long application and sure enough was accepted for an interview a week or so later. I was so happy. Because of this I began to spend a lot of time on those forums, with those people, and in those servers. Because of this my activity on MCSG greatly decreased. I'm guessing many of you don't really want to hear the specifics about this so I'll spare the details. My career as a moderator spanned from June of 2013 to January 2014, I resigned because I felt that the server was getting very vacant at times, plus I'd been there for a very long time. Though this server I met so many cool people, one of them being Imperial_Wombat (CatBurrito) who is still one of my best friends. <3

Going back a few months from my resignation, I decided to give MCSG a go again. I was getting very bored and couldn't think of much else to do. Surprisingly, I was doing pretty well. I somewhat improved my skill whilst I was gone and began to win games with some consistency. Because we were both doing quite well, Wombat encouraged me to apply for my first clan, Allegiance. It was managed by Jam_joenut, who at the time was waiting for an interview on MCSG. As I understand it, he was denied and because of this he decided to take a break from MCSG, which meant he was also absent from the clan most of the time I was in it. This meant the beautiful thejambd took over. He was a great leader. I played many games with my clan as well as clan wars, clans is what gave me the inspiration to then stick with MCSG. All go things come to an end and this was no exception. I was pretty sad afterwards.

Subsequently we left the clan because the leaders left and we didn't know what to do. After this I was pretty sad because the clan had been a great source of entertainment and joy for me. I suppose you don't truly know what you have until it's gone. Wombat being very enthusiastic he quickly found a clan we could join. It was called Venom; a bunch of people from Emperors (the old version) made up this clan, namely CommunisticPuppy, Shaunypie87 and TheGamerScottie. I loved this clan as soon as I started speaking to them. This is the first thing I recall them ever saying whilst I spoke to them:

Shauny: Did you see that FnS?

Simeon: Yours or his? They were both pretty horrific.

This has stuck in my head for quite. xD

Long story short, Shauny left for some nub clan in the US, went to join back but by the time he did it was too late, we disbanded and getting it back together was pretty tricky. Much to my delight, cheezedoodles came back with a vengeance. <3 He made EmperorsRebron and I was accepted. This clan features all the members I love and will list most of down below.

As for me wanting to be a moderator, I am still working towards this goal. Anyway, I apologise as the quality of my writing has deteriorated towards the end. I kinda got bored of typing and wanted to get to the last part, thanking the people who made my journey worthwhile. :p

CatBurrito - You are one of the people who has been here for the most of my journey. I couldn't ask for a better friend. <3

TomahawkGoesChop - You have also been here for me, I've known you since TheFridge back when all we knew how to do is hit people with swords. xD You're so nice, and much better at the game than I ever hope to be.

cheezedoodles - The most underrated player I've ever met. You're so good at the game and an ever better person. Even though we derp around a lot on TS and in game, my experience lately would be nothing without you.

xGGw10X - I know we don't speak much as I'm always on TS, but I still really like you. You're also an underrated player and I hope we can continue to talk.

Shaunypie87 - You know I love you shauny. You're so fun to play with and I never get tired of talking to you. You and the rest of emperors and real friends to me.

_Simeon - You are the best true bac. We've had so many laughs and I'm sure there's many more to come!

xHaribos - One of the most kind and considerate people I know, apart from when it comes to your computer equipment. xD

@alien767 - You're simply the best, what else can I say. We laugh together so much and the snap chats you send me are the best ever. xD

@Its_Sean - You may find me annoying by now, but I did (and still do) look up to you. You're a very funny person and I loved speaking to you in allegiance.

thejambd - I'd love to speak to you more than I do but I worry about annoying you. I loved being in a clan with you.

123456789matrty - Basically the same I've said to Sean and Ben. :p

Batman_Return - I love a lot of things about you but the most appealing is your mic quality.

SlothPac - luv ya slot

CommunisticPuppy - You were always friendly, and you deserve your moderator rank. I hope you make the most of it, I know your great at it.

If I've missed anyone then I'm so sorry. I've written all this at like 1 in the morning and this has resulted in a mixture of bad quality writing and lack if memory, even more than usual. Please tell me if I missed you and I'll happily add you in. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my somewhat sporadic style of writing. This is my story and I hope you enjoyed.


Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
I'm chuffed to bits that I've had the privilege to meet you. You're a great friend and I hope we can continue this friendship for a very long time.

Fantastic story. :)

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