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Isit good I confessed?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 91.2%
  • No!

    Votes: 6 8.8%

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Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Hello everybody!

Recently, I have recieved a permanent ban on mcgamer. What I thought to be a joke was actually a really touchy matter that has gotten me a ban on mcgamer. Now, before I get into the topic, let me assure you. I am not complaining about my ban, nor am I looking for sympathy. I feel as though my time is up on mcgamer so I'm here to confess something.

Now, a small number of you know this. Whether it was from me, a friend, a complete stranger, it doesn't matter. I'm Yoyal_Honey , A banned player. I was banned 20-30/9/13. My ban was permanent. I was banned for using BSM.

Heres My story
I started around june, 2012. Playing games back then was purely for fun. Usually just playing with friends. For some time I didn't play. I came back around February 2013. I then played alot. MCSG became a hobby. I saw many good people come and go, but I digress.
The hub arrived. this was one of the best things in my eyes that Mcgamer had done. It wasn't until June-august that year that I found a large group of *late night AU players* that became my friends.


were just a few of these people who I really enjoyed spending my time with. For some reason, a few weeks later something was different. The feeling of neglect, hatred, many more hurtful things. I realised the people I trusted didn't like me. It really hurts this led to more problems, mainly IRL. feeling crap all the time. I did stupid things, such as use bsm, Force field, Aimbot, ect. Gunnishone banned me. I knew I deserved it but I never let the servers go.

I made so many ban disputed, to this day I still do. I have made a total of atleast 7 in the past 6ish months. Mcgamer will always be apart of me.

December 2013 was the day I cracked. After my disputes getting replies like "You hacked - Upheld" I couldn't take it. I made a new minecraft account, Spaiu - I brought Iron Donor, then later Gold Donor. I played like a maniac. 40/110 Win/games played ratio. I only trusted one person, my mate. kooksey99 was a good friend so I told him. At first I didn't know if it was smart. weeks later people like stevohh and StigJam89 were calling me Yoyal_Honey I didn't know if kooksey had sold me out or if people were finding out other ways. Just days later, I was playing mcsg, I stumbled into the Apex V.S Phoenix tournament/CB (Wasnt sure) I thought It would be cool to play with the pros. I persevered them. Joining the games they joined. It wasn't until then that StigJam89 told all of Apex, Phoenix and the Moderators Reffing who I was. This didn't get me banned. Staff simply wondered in there head. I wasn't questioned, approached or anything of the sort.

The only thing that this caused was the feelings I had once felt. Neglect, hatred. I felt like doing bad things, but alas I didn't. I stayed strong, I kept playing. my almost 1/2 ratio turned into a struggle for 1/5. It wasn't until a week ago. People started questioning me. The abuse I copped. It caused me to act violent. Swearing at people and threatening people.

A good, long term friend of mine (way back late 2011) Numbzy . He was an Admin on one of the first servers I played. He to, started swearing at me on skype for things I don't even do. I wanted to make him feel like he doesn't need to hate me. So I joked alot while around him. I even said "If you kill numbzy I will DoS you" or something. Lets just say ALOT of people thought I wasn't joking. This is what got be permed on this account.

So, now here I am. Permed on 2 accouns, on the server I love the deerest, that I have put so much effort, money and pride into, is now gone, out of my reach.

I, Spaiu, Yoyal or whatever you want to call me, Bid Farewell. I will miss alot of you. Some of you are like family. I will still be on the forums, chatting with friends or answering the questions of a new player, I also will be on ts occasionally. Once again, I did not right this for attention, Just to confess.

Id Like to thank:

JULIASAYS - You were a good friend c: pleb

Quackeryy - You were good competition! I'm glad I got to know you.

kooksey99 - Come over some time :)

croe97 - Cool guy. always there to talk to!

blakew447 - Good competition. Even though we didn't get along that well I will always admire you.

TheCornStealer - Stay away from Corn :p

Le0 - Best Admin <3

HugBabybear & BabyBearBear - Amazing couple. Amazing Friends. Amazing People :)

demonsushi - Funny chap

TadpolePvP - Skype buddy

xSwagBear - Always give me compliments. Make me feel good about myself, thanks :)

OhRebirth - #Pugs4Lyf

salt_and_pepper1 - "Season a burger or something" lmao

Juzzy - You hate my guts but I still love ya

LadyofLuck - you make me feel appreciated, thankyou :)

branone - You were an amazing guy. Go and get promoted lad

If I have missed you, and you think you should be here. I'm sorry.. was pretty emotional making this.

Best of luck in the future, I wish you all the best!

Edit: If anyone is mad over this, I just want to say the only reason I made an alt account was to play the game. I enjoy it. I learnt from my mistakes but getting unbanned was not an option. I wish everyone could just let people do what they think is reasonable. I play the game for fun, and when people go out of there way to remove me from the game, when I am causing them no harm, just makes me sad.
Last edited:


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
If you read, I didn't hack on my second account.
I lost it and started threatening people.
Oh, okay. Yeah making threats and making alternate accounts to bypass a ban are both against the rules though. Give it about a year and dispute the ban... if they even want to view it.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I knew who you were, (Kooksey didn't tell me by the way). I don't hate you or anything and I wish you the best in the futur.

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