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My MCSG Story


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
I'm feeling really bored and I have nothing to do, so I thought why not write my MCSG story. Enjoy

I had just got done reading "The Hunger Games" and I absolutely fell in love. I wanted to play it, but I had no idea how to go about doing that. One day, I was watching Youtube and in the recommended videos I saw CaptainSparklez playing Hunger Games. I immediately clicked on it, hoping it was a way for me to finally play a Hunger Games themed game. It was about an hour long, and I watched all of it. I didn't know what game it was at first, and I later realized it was Minecraft. I looked up Minecraft and realized that it was 20$, and my parents would never let me get it. At that time, I was actively playing on Steam, and I asked one of my close friends if he had a MC account, he said yes, and that is how rexblaze3 came to be. I immediately looked up Hunger Games server. I found these really bad servers, but eventually I came to MCSG. That's how it all began.

I had no idea what to do, or how to join. I looked up Youtuber's who could possibly give me a push in the right direction, and I found BajanCanadian. (lol ;-;) I found out about the forums, and I went on there and clicked servers, hoping to find a server I could play on. I found a server and I added it to my server list and joined. It was TSG 1 and it was a live game, but I didn't know that. I started fisting people and teleporting and I had no idea what was going on, I asked people in the spectator chat to help me, and they did. I learned about lobbys and such. I finally found a lobby that wasn't full, and I began playing. I was extremely competitive, and I still am, and it sucked being so bad at the game, so I tried getting better. I tried copying what Bajan was doing, and his strategies. It somewhat helped me, but I found other youtuber's such as Egrodo. I watched Egrodo and I immediately wanted to be like him in terms of PvP, so I did everything he did. I slowly got better.

I was doing a lot better then before, averaging about 500 points, which back then was huge to me. It fueled me even more. I then joined a game and I saw xMatthew and xDeadZz. They both had 2,000 points and I knew they were most likely a team, and I asked to team. They said no, but I stayed in the server in an attempt to take them on. I died by them later on in the game, but I stayed in and talked to them. They then asked me if I had a skype, and I gave them my skype. We all went in a call and played MCSG the whole night. I told them about my ambition of getting better and they set up a private server that we could practice on. We did 1v1's, 2v1's, etc. It helped me a lot. We were in a game, and suddenly Egrodo joined. I was freaking out, this was one of my biggest MCSG idols. I asked for his skype, and surprisingly he accepted me. I told him how he was my idol, and I asked how he got so good. This is when he introduced to me Roxbot. I stayed up late, practicing on this server over and over again. By this time, xMatthew and xDeadZz had drifted away, they had removed me on skype and hadn't bothered adding me back.

Egrodo told me about clans, and specifically Forgotten. He told me how good they were, and I knew that was the place for me. I was very shy back then and I didn't want to talk, and Egrodo told me I had no possible chance of getting in. I made lots of friends on Roxbot and was becoming somewhat well known. I was still playing Steam, and my friend said that I couldn't have rexblaze3 anymore. I had no idea what to do.. One of the funnest things in my life just disappeared like that. I talked to Egrodo about it, and he suggest the name "Rexy". Later that day, I begged my mom to buy me a new MC account. She finally gave in. I tried Rexy, but it was taken. So, I went with rexxyy. I loved the name! By this time, Egrodo had left for New York. (I think)

I met a friend on Roxbot, and his name was Uncrowdedflyer5. We often saw each other in MCSG games and would team. We always fought in DM, and he was extremely good. Then one day, I joined us72 and I saw Uncrowdedflyer5, with Swagrocker and Arched10. I asked if I could join their team, and they said yes if I joined the teamspeak. I had no idea what Teamspeak was at the time, but I downloaded it. They told me about the Forgotten/Rebel TS. I joined that, and they moved me up. I had my mic muted, and they were all so nice. We kept playing on us72 and it was so fun. I knew I wanted to be in Rebels by that time. I continued to play with them, and I met amazing people like Zoeticly/sosilly99 and Soulv2. I became great friends with them. Then the Survival Server came out and all the Rebels did was play on it. (#bokshlefs) It was extremely fun, and lots of memories were made there. The Rebel applications were finally open, and I applied. I was very positive that I would make it in. I got trial member and I was ecstatic! Later I got full member, and I met many amazing people.

Factions got boring eventually and we went back to playing MCSG. At this time, many things were happening with Rebels and I had no idea what to think of it. Me, being the compulsive person I am, left. I knew what clan I wanted to join next, and it was Forgotten. I applied and later got accepted. It was fun, everyone in there was really good. Eventually it got boring and at times I didn't feel comfortable. I knew I wanted to rejoin Rebels because they were my true family. So I did.

There were many new members and I loved all of them. I later got Elite, and I was very happy. I was elite for a very long time, and one day I was promoted to trial-officer. It was like a dream come true, and words cannot describe my feelings that day. I continued to be an officer, old people left Rebels and new people came. It was exciting yet depressing at the same time, seeing old friends go.

Then one day I come back from school and check skype. I see tons of skype messages, and I ask what it's about. People found out that I was faking a person, and I immediately felt ruined and helpless. I thought about every person that I affected by doing that, and I wanted to quit. The person that I was talking to talked me out of it and gave me very helpful advice. (ily person) It still affects me today, but I eventually got over it and I saw that my true friends didn't care.

Thank you every person who has affected me in MCSG throughout my time here. I love all of you<3. Who knew a block game could impact you so much?;)
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District 13
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
First now to read

Edit: Very nice story.
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District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Ily rexy bae. You're so strong with dealing with the **** people give you and I love you <3. Luv ya bae


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I remember that first time I saw you on Roxbot and we 1v1'd (I'm surprised I won once. I guess I was actually decent then XD)

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