IGN: Orym | blue_heron | tomersch <3
Wins: Over 700 on all accounts.
Past clans: Bombers, Rebels, Titans, Ascension
Skype ID: (Message one of the leaders if you don't want to post this publicly) omersiegel
Why do you want to join Trivium:
Trivium seems like that dream clan to be in, much like the original rebels were when I first stumbled upon them. What's not to like? Great leaders, great members, and a great clan vibe. Crafty, Bran, you guys know I'm not too fussed about the pvp, sure if theres a scrim, I'll scrim, but in the end, I just want a clan that can talk with me, laugh with me, and for lack of words, frollick with me. Trivium seems like this clan that can deliver this balance between fun and competition. To keep it short, this clan seems like that family that I've been searching for and wanting for for so long.
PS hooz det kreftie keed hii siems k00l