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Tips and Tricks to improve your play!

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Jun 15, 2012
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So I finally decided to make a post about tips and tricks that will help you play better.
DISCLAIMER: This is in no way a guide to give you many wins. It is simply to improve your play and maybe with practice can help you win. And I am in NO WAY a GOOD player, but I am the kind of person who is smart with numbers and variables. So if you try some of these tricks they should help you as long as things don't go wrong.
Maps and Locations:
You DO NOT need to know every map by memory. You only need to concern yourself with an area that you can use to help you with your fighting style and give you chests to get that most others won't get. But still you should have a basic idea of the entire map so if you get chased off your boundaries you can still find your way back or at least to corn.
People will say that you need the best chests to win. That is more or less false. If you get the right gear and someone else doesn't (i.e. You get leather armor and stone sword and someone else gets iron armor but a wooden ax.). This will give you means to kill them for armor. Anyway my strat. is to stay away from common areas and get lots of tier 1 chests with a few of tier 2 chests (good chests = 2 and not so good chests =1). It is suggested that you find your own route. Try not to use someone else's you find on the forums. Chances are others will also see it and it will become a whole blood bath route. So I recommend that you download the maps you don't have a route for and just find chests throughout the map. I did it and I have a decent score (not amazing I know).
Weapons + Armor:
A lot of people don't understand how the damage system works. Some people do and they probably know the math behind it as well. But your health, damage, armor, and food meter are ALL based off a total of 20 points (10 hearts, armor, and food). 10 hearts = 20 health. So I will be explaining by points NOT HEARTS. Here's the list for swords: Wood/ Gold = 4 (2 hearts), Stone = 5 (2.5 hearts), Iron = 6 (3 hearts), and Diamond = 7 (3.5 hearts). And believe it or not an axes damage is 1 level down from a sword. (i.e. stone ax = wood sword while a diamond ax = iron sword.) Then the criticals are as follows for swords: wood = 8, stone = 9, iron = 11 and diamond = 12. And armor is similar.
L. Cap = 1
L. Boots = 1
L. Leggings = 2
L. tunic = 3
Chain and gold are equal except chain last longer and the leggings are 4 instead of 3.
C. Helmet = 2
C. Boots = 1
C. Chestplate = 5
I. Helmet = 2
I. Boots = 2
I. Leggings = 5
I. Chestplate = 6
Now diamond armor is rare and is only seen as boots or helmets. But all are listed just in case:
D. Helmet = 3
D. Boots = 3
D. Leggings = 6
D. Chestplate = 8
Fishing Rods and flint and steel can also be used as "weapons"!

There is no way to do PvP right. You have to find your own style and a favorite type of land to fight on. But still here is a few tips and tricks.
1. Jump it gets you crits.
2. Sprint it gets you knockback.
3. When sprinting at someone jump to the left or right so that they miss and you can hit them from the side a few times. (easier on better computers, but just turn sooner if your pc is slower)
4. Jumping while sprinting moves you faster than sprinting which can help you close in or get away.
5. While in water hit them from below.
6. If in water near a coast get to the coast and sprint jump at them (if they are close).
7. ALWAYS watch your health and food bar.
8. Going against teams, try to separate and take them out 1 by one. Or you can charge head in and let them hit each other (mainly for those big teams of 5-6).
9. Always watch your surroundings and be aware of quick escape routes for you AND the opponent(s).
10. Get at them while they are in chests to get a few free hits off.
11. Sneak attacks are always best. (Tip above is an example).
12. Place fire down behind you with a flint and steel to set enemies on fire. (by _zeX99_)
13. A fishing rod can be used to create distance between you and someone else. (more helpful in water). (_zeX99_ told me to put this one up too)
14. It is recommended to put your sword to your 1 hotkey spot. Reason is that 1 is close to your WASD keys (your default movement keys) and when you go to dm it switches to the first spot. So when dm begins you automatically have your sword in your hand.
15. Press F5 twice when you think you are being chased. This will allow you to see if someone is chasing you. However watch whats in front of you before you do this so you don't run into something or someone else.
16. Don't go into water if your opponent has a bow and arrow(s). It is difficult to dodge an arrow while in water. Also, if YOU have the bow and arrow(s) then get your opponent into the water! (by Egrodo)
17. Here's a new tactic when fighting that is VERY helpful. What you do is strafe around your opponent(s) and get behind them and keep turning. This way they can't see you and you are constantly hitting them. I used this on a team in dm with much better gear then I had. I won that game. Just to show you how good it can be if it's well executed.
18. If you hit someone from the low ground while they are jumping then you can get a good few hits off of the person before they can get down to the ground. (by kezzer1995)
*More possibly added by others*

I briefly told you how to deal with teams in the last section. You pretty much want to separate them. Chances are that one of them got all the good gear or they split it. So if they have 1 good person gear total (iron armor and good sword(s)) and you got gear equal to 2/3 of a good set you should be able to take them out. Or at least 1 person. If the gear was split 50/50 then you have better gear than one of them. Because 2/3 of a good set is better than half. Therefore if you take each of them on with fair circumstances you should win. Now I also have advice about teaming. Try not to make teams of more than 3. And use this command on a person you have never teamed with before or recently.
/records {name of person}. That way you can see their history. Such as wins, streaks, and points. And always stay near eachother ( don't huddle in too close though). And I suggest if you want a GOOD team use something like skype or teamspeak even though everyone, including myself, hate people who team like that. But also be careful who you team with. Make sure by the end you can take out your own teammate(s) in deathmatch. And NEVER team with someone after the game has started. They will probably kill you as soon as you turn around. And if you accept the invite be sure to have a motive to kill them VERY soon (before they kill you). Because they will kill you the first chance they get.

When the game starts sprint jump to the chests. You may want to start at the 3-2 second left mark. On maps 1,3, and both current community maps as of this post you want to get one. On 2 however i find if you jump over the top via vines you sometimes get the luck of 2+ chests (depending on how many other people do it and how fast you shift+click). And you may also do this on map 1 on the 48 person servers. Also, at night on all maps hide near corn if you want it. I prefer to fight on flat ground so I will wait for the person to come down on map 2 (and 48 version of 1). But other than that you should be able to take them straight on unless you use the tactic mentioned before and come at them from the side while they are in the chests after they refill.

There are some items you can forget about and others that will help you. during the beginning of the game just grab everything no matter what it is. But once your inventory gets full there are some things you should get rid of:
Fishing Rod (only need one not even if possible), String (if you have a bow you don't need), more than one bow, lesser armor or weapons then you have (try and keep a weak sword so you can trick people), rotten flesh and raw chicken (only get rid of if you have a lot more food), maps, boats (get rid of on map 2 or when you don't go anywhere near water).
The list can go on, but here's stuff you DO want to keep:
flint, sticks, feathers, arrows, 1 bow, the best sword (or ax) you have, armor you can use, diamonds, iron and gold ingots (gold is more readily available and can be crafted into golden apples or better than leather armor), food, clocks and compasses can be kept but are not needed, and any other item that someone else may be able to use, but can't because you have it.

I hope these tips help you. Again I am not the best player, but I feel that these tips and tricks could help people improve their play. If you have any suggestions about other tips I may have missed or don't know of please let me know and I'll consider adding them in as an edit. May the odds be ever in your favor. And GLHF!

***And if you don't understand a tactic please just ask and I'll do my best to explain it more thoroughly to you.***


Jul 21, 2012
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How long did this take you to write...?


Jul 21, 2012
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You forgot one thing, there is another way to deal with teams, get them to chase you (doesn't matter how many) in a small area where they can't avoid fire and burn them while running away from them, if you get a succeful 2 burnings on the same person 2 or 3 hits will be insta death for them.


Jul 21, 2012
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Here is what i call my "basic mcsg ecquipment" which are the items i use: 1. Weapon 2. Bow 3. flint and steel 4. fishing rod( you apperently underestimate it but it saved my life a lot of times and also helped my teamates to push them in water towards enemy, its basicly for water only) and shears ( used to get away from enemies or remove/get vines fast(or grass if you need it).


Jul 21, 2012
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And probably my last thing that i can remember-Parkour is for me my most important skill, i'd rather know how to leg it than how to fight, it also helps in the "fighting strategies" you stated there, avoiding hits and stuff, and most important for me is. how not to break your fall, i found my personal strategy for that.


Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
And probably my last thing that i can remember-Parkour is for me my most important skill, i'd rather know how to leg it than how to fight, it also helps in the "fighting strategies" you stated there, avoiding hits and stuff, and most important for me is. how not to break your fall, i found my personal strategy for that.
well it took me about an hour give or take 1o minutes. I took a break half way through so it's not like I have an accurate amount of time.
Flint and steel I find practically useless in most cases. The case you stated is when they are chasing you. But you have to turn around in order to place the fire down. And they can easily react if they are far away or just simply hit you as you turn around. I find it useful when people aren't sprinting and thats kinda rare.
I do not underestimate the power of a fishing rod. But its something I find annoying when I want to kill someone. It is although very helpful so i guess I'll have to add that in somewhere.
Parkour i find not that important unless you really want a chest.


Jul 21, 2012
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well it took me about an hour give or take 1o minutes. I took a break half way through so it's not like I have an accurate amount of time.
Flint and steel I find practically useless in most cases. The case you stated is when they are chasing you. But you have to turn around in order to place the fire down. And they can easily react if they are far away or just simply hit you as you turn around. I find it useful when people aren't sprinting and thats kinda rare.
I do not underestimate the power of a fishing rod. But its something I find annoying when I want to kill someone. It is although very helpful so i guess I'll have to add that in somewhere.
Parkour i find not that important unless you really want a chest.
Well with practice you can turn around place fire and continue running without them hitting you and still they jump in it, same with when you are about to fight, just stand still, wait for them to get close and lit them on fire as soon as they come around 4-5 blocks near you , turn around and buck it, untill you are far away enough to lit them on fire again. Thats why you use f5 to see how far behind they are and to see if you'll have enough time to lit them on fire here i'll show you the video how its done that fire just took around 5-10 hearts from them just skip to 11 mins :


Jun 15, 2012
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I added flint and steel and fishing rod tips to the "PvP" list. Ty for your input _zeX99_

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