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Greek Independence Day - Parade


Jun 20, 2012
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For all of you people who don't know exactly what my culture is I am Greek and I AM PROUD! That's why I think GREEKS_ONLY_WIN is the best name ever XD . But let's move on to the real point here. Tuesday March 25th was Greek Independence day and for me being Greek and going to a Greek school it's a great day for me. It let's me bring out my inner Greek :p Anyways as most of you know, I live in New York City. Today me and a few others from my school were allowed to go into the city and celebrate our heritage with the raising of the Greek Flag in Bowling Green (only people in New York City know where that is :D). My friends were there listening to Greeks who have contributed so much to Greek-Americans like me, with events like this. Now we had some people greek dance (if you don't know what Greek Dance really is look it up: (
). If you don't know a Greek then you basically don't know how friendly they are. Remember that phrase your parents told you when you were a kid: "Never talk to strangers". Oh boy that WILL NOT stand for you if you're Greek. Put 100 Greek strangers in one room, at least 50 of them will become best friends with another 50 Greeks. Questions are constantly asked, conversations are constantly started, curiosity erupts, etc. That's how it was today in the city. And it's going to be like that x10 on Sunday when New York City has their annual Greek Independence Day Parade (http://www.hellenicsocieties.org/PARADES.html). For my school I have the honor to walk in the front of the whole parade :D along with 1 person from each other Greek school. I get to have lunch at the Pierre Hotel (where the President sometimes stays) and then get to march a second time with my school :p. ALL OF THIS IS BEING TELEVISED TOO!!!! If you have MY9 or the channel like that I think you will be able to see it. But yeah that's all I have to say :p

ΖΗΤΟ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ (Independence for Greece)

ΠΟΙΟΙ ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ (who are we)
ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ (we are greek)
ΔΕΝ ΑΚΟΥΩ (I don't hear you)
ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ (we are Greek)
ΔΥΝΑΤΑ (louder)
ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ (we are greek)
(this is what we were chanting throughout New York City :p )

Thanks For Reading,
Andreas :cool:


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I like nice people. :3
I've also known a few Greeks and yes all greeks are friendly. It's like a gene xD

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