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Well, I guess this is goodbye

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, for those of you who don't know me I am Kameronl109. I have been on these amazing servers since beta, in fact, these servers are what really got me into minecraft to start with.

Over a year ago in June I happened to see the hunger games and ever since I was wondering whether there was a game on it. I looked around for a bit and happened to come across Captain Sparklez hunger games v2 video. I opened up the video and was somewhat surprised on what I saw. It was minecraft, but nothing like I remembered it. ( I did play minecraft when it was in Alpha but got very bored with it). I worked desperately to try to remember my password for this game and sure enough I found it and logged into it. Ironically, it was a youtube comment that brought me to my first game that said "go to us1.mcsg.in, fun hunger games server" So I tried to join a game and it literally took an hour just to get into a game. Of course my first game I got stuck in a tower and died.

So after many months of losing over and over I started to meet certain people from time to time. Fnom was the very first sort minecraft partner I kind of made. After a little while I met Glitchy who was also a noob like me at the time. I started to play this game more and more often and met awesome people like N0013Hunt3r, CraftyKratonite, gavinawesome, and plenty of others. I started to get somewhat decent at the game (despite my trackpad)

During this time I tried out for moderator, got denied for it being too short, and never tried for it again

Then came the time where I started to get addicted, I would fake sick to play this game when I should be at school. I would pull allnighters playing this game. I would have zero social life just to play this game. It was problem after problem after problem. MY grades were dropping extremely low and I got to the point to where I knew I had to quit so I did. I quit for about 4 months then one of the biggest mistakes I made was I came back, deciding that I can handle it now. Terrible choice. At first I tried to keep my
word and just play a few games a day and not care about my leaderboard score. Well, sooner or later I got sucked back in trying to get higher and higher on the boards just to see if I could somehow make it back to the first few pages. During this time I met more people including Gert6, Bri, I saw Catie1980, more and more, mooclan, and plenty of others.

Then I basically boycotted computer gaming. I totally had nothing to do with it, went back into sports, went outside, hung out with people, etc. ( I somehow managed to keep me playing minecraft a secret) But I do have to thank whoever this person is who somehow clinched my decision.

I somehow came across that and saw how bad the report was. I would like to note I have never been banned before and this is no exception. But it wasn't this that made me decide to quit. I basically got to see myself play, and see my records displayed on that screen and for the first time in a long time, my eye caught the "Time Played" part and realised I wasted over 2 weeks of my life on this game. I saw, my life go from energetic, happy, outgoing to somewhat lazy, depressed and reclusive.

I have now not even TOUCHED my computer since, until now. I had to do a school project and decided that, I might as well write my last goodbyes to all the people here, those that know me, and many more that don't. I never really made my name well known through this community and that is pretty much my fault and how inactive I was on forums until recently. I want to say goodbye to all those that did bring me some hours of fun, playing this great game. I am not sure, who will read this or who will even care, but I think that for the small chance that someone might have actually been wondering where I've gone I can at least write this last goodbye.

So goodbye everyone!

Kameronl109 has left the server

Edit: Well this is ackward...... but I'm back. I really need to stop saying I'm leaving forever.....
Last edited:


Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
You made the right choice man! I was really attached to this game for a while, and I managed to find ways to keep myself from playing it too much (fortunately for me it worked). I ended up just finding hobbies and stuff to do other than MCSG, and I think that it has saved me from getting over addicted to this game again.

But enough about me. In your case from what I can see quitting was the right choice. I congratulate you for having the strength to do so. If you even read this then I am happy for you and your new purchase of this "Life" thing you speak of! Just kidding lol! :D


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
We used to team with miningboys in the beginning of v2. I'll miss you man xD


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
Bye man, even we haven't really met or anything I still wish the best for you.


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
those aren't even close to hacks. *facepalm*

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