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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
101TheCreator Has been accepted as full member.
SwitchBackzz Has been accepted as full member.
GentleSnivy Has been accepted as full member.
FuzzyCookie is now a trial member.
Firefading is now a trial member.
Imightroll is pending.
Slumpfy was removed from the roster, due to inactivity.
Tafeta was removed due to inactivity.
Medza was denied.


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
101TheCreator Has been accepted as full member.
SwitchBackzz Has been accepted as full member.
GentleSnivy Has been accepted as full member.
FuzzyCookie is now a trial member.
Firefading is now a trial member.
Imightroll is pending.
Slumpfy was removed from the roster, due to inactivity.
Tafeta was removed due to inactivity.
Medza was denied.
Congrats To Everyone Accepted.


Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Andrew (Prefer Spyrew)

Minecraft IGN: Numnum789 and Mr_Spyrew7

Age: 14

Skype name: hydro.crush

Teamspeak: Yes my username will be set as numnum789

Donor: Iron donor on Mr_Spyrew7

Wins: Mr_Spyrew7: 183 numnum789: 38

Games Played: Mr_Spyrew7: 2119 Numnum789: 263

How active are you 1/10: 9

How mature are you 1/10: 8.5

Past clans: #React, #Desire, Saints (Trial member), ThePast and Invicition

Why do you want to join The Rival: I know this clan has very good teamwork and very mature members. As you can see I am a very mature person that I will always listen to the leader/officer, whenever they have something to say. I would always be respectful to everyone and if I get at mad at someone. I would control my self and don't start an argument if I am mad at someone or somebody cause flame. This clan has really good PvPers and really good leaders that show that they really care about the clan.

Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yeah of course! I would love to show some support into the rivals clan.
How would you help this clan: Well this clan is filled with excellence and awesome teamwork. Honestly, I don't know what to say. This clan is just great and will get in the top 3 MCSG clans, very soon. I do believe in this clan will come to top and succeed. Because of their teamwork and hardship into the clan.

Tell us more about yourself: I am 14 years old, and my parents are divorced. My timezone is EST. But if I happen to get accepted. I will be on at 5:30 pm during the school week. Since I have track practices from 3:15 to 5:15. On the weekends mostly anytime from 9 am to whatever.

Do you know any leaders of this clan: Well not really but I was once a trial member, but i made a couple mistakes and left the clan and I had no idea what I was doing. But I have improved my self to be mature enough and be a good PvPer. If I do get decline, it would mean that I learn my lesson since I left for a stupid reason. Also another thing is that if I do get decline, I will be sure to hop on teamspeak and chill with you guys. Because you guys are pretty cool and really nice to me.

Thank you for your time to read my application. :)
Last edited:


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
My Application For Elite


Why Do You Think You Should Be Elite?

I really think this clan has amazing potential. I want to be a part of this clan when it truly reaches it's peak in talent, teamwork and overall greatness. I think the way I can help this clan reach greatness is being the rank elite. I consider myself a decent PvPer all around, but when it comes down to my particular skill set, I think it comes to flint and steel, fishing rod and the sword, so melee PvP in short. I know how to strafe well, how to time my fishing rod so I can use it to it's full effect and how to use flint and steel offensively and defensively. I think my particular skills can be used as needed from the elite position is this clan. You may be wondering how I am with the bow. I may not be the most amazing bow PvPer, but when it comes down to it, I can get the job done. Thank you for considering me for the elite position in this amazing clan.


Rivals For Life,

Application For Elite:
I think I could be an Elite for #Rivals because I think I am good in pvp and we could use one more Elite. My strongest weapon for fighting would be the bow and I am Good with the Sword and Fishing Rod but I can get better, though I am not in clan wars nor a substitute I think I could be good enough to be an Elite. It has been great being in this clan and I don't think I would leave this, and this is the best clan I have been in yet. I appreciate the maturity and it sometimes can be funny in this clan perhaps Sportsfan2565, JusticeDog, Bcuzimbored1243, CoolDarkRaidude, Cf918, Jspwn
Wait you can apply for elite... Wtf? I understand for officer, as it is based on responsibility. But elite is based purely on skill and activity, you get it when the rest of the clan thinks you're ready. Sorry if you guys don't agree, but this is my opinion. I don't think applying for elite should be a thing.


Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
101TheCreator Has been accepted as full member.
SwitchBackzz Has been accepted as full member.
GentleSnivy Has been accepted as full member.
FuzzyCookie is now a trial member.
Firefading is now a trial member.
Imightroll is pending.
Slumpfy was removed from the roster, due to inactivity.
Tafeta was removed due to inactivity.
Medza was denied.
Don't Mention me :(
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