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Fearless Tiger Cats (US & CA Division)


Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score

Me and my friend both know how hard it is to get into a clan, so we both decided to start our own and allow anyone who has at least 20 WINS (but there are exceptions). We understand that even though you may have less wins, there's some potential to get better. Our goal is to help people who maybe aren't that great at PVP (or maybe someone who is already pretty good) get better. I know how it is to have over 50 wins and still be a little suckish at PVP. I'm getting better thanks to a few of my friends, so I'm hoping to help some of you get better. Also, I'm hoping we'd get some people who are also willing to help others become better at MCSG. We WILL get strong enough that we can really start clan battling. We're all in this together; we'll never leave anybody behind. And no matter what happens, we'll always be...
<3 ...the Fearless Tiger Cats! <3

App Format:
Age (Must be over 14{exceptions can be made})-
Time Zone-
Donor Status-
Skype (If you don't want to post it here just type "In Private Message")-
Mic for Skype-
Wins (Must be over 20{exceptions can be made})-
Kills (This is where the exception to wins can be made)-
Best Chest Route-
Worst Chest Route-
PVP Strengths-
PVP Weaknesses-
Past Clans-
How often can you be online?-
Why do you want to be in this clan?-

The Owner
Tigris0124 (Tiff)

I am the founder of this clan! I am super excited to finally have a clan and have the opportunity to be able to meet some new friends and help anyone who wants to possibly get better! I thought a clan for people with lower amounts of wins would be an amazing opportunity for them. Don't be afraid to apply!
I'm over all a very nice person and I'm pretty easy to get along with. Like many of you, I love MCSG and though I do rage once in awhile *cough cough* a lot *cough cough*, I still have fun playing this game :D
I am currently 19 years old and in college, and I'm working to becoming a teacher at an elementary school! I also live with my boyfriend (Betrayer99 a.k.a. John) who is actually an Admin for our clan!

The Co-Owner
TemtiaStardust (Summer)

The Admins
alpha6570 (Grif)

betrayer99 (John)

To be an admin, you have to be at least 16. The two that are listed are really close friends of ours. (Well, one is Tigris0124's boyfriend). Even though they're wins are really low, they're still good PVP players and even beat our co-owner. alpha has beat our owner once.
The Kitties (<40 wins)

Master_OfTheMine (George)

The Beasts(40-80 wins)

The Masters (80-150)

The Elites(150-200)

The Unbeatables (200+)

*<name>* means they're a trail member :)

We gotta have someone cheering us on :D here are our wonderful cheerleaders!





Clan Battles: (wins-losses)
I feel like I should post this. If you wanna battle, go battle a different clan who you know would be a challenge. I feel like we aren't ready for battles yet, and I didn't make this clan to battle. We had two, and I just feel like it's only three of us who are going to be able to play the most, and I don't see how we can get other's to play. I want us to be able to fully be a good clan and not have people we just met in clan battles (like today, but he did really well with being a team).
This clan was to help other's get better, not for us to be the best clan. Maybe one day we will be, but for now, we're just focusing on getting people better. We really wouldn't mind battling other clans who are the same level as we are for now. As long as they play fair and are understanding when I ask for a rematch. It shouldn't matter what the reasoning is, if you would have asked, I would have allowed the rematch.
Another thing other clans should understand is that right now, we have many different ages in our clan. We have some people who can't stay up past a certain time and starting this week, I'll be with them because of my boyfriend's schedule change at work. You shouldn't get all mad at me when I say we don't have anyone on yet and we have to postpone, or that we can only play with two players or three (less than what was originally agreed on). Can you at least be a little mature when it comes to battling us?

Gladiators: 0-3
Imagine: 1-3
Last edited:


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Isaacswag

Worst chest route: idk Chernobyl I guess


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
Name- Isaac

IGN- Isaacswag

Age (Must be over 14{exceptions can be made})- 13

Time Zone- eastern

Donor Status- member but possibly getting VIP soon

Skype (If you don't want to post it here just type "In Private Message")- Isaacswag

Mic for Skype- yes

Wins (Must be over 20{exceptions can be made})- 200

Kills (This is where the exception to wins can be made)- 2579

Best Chest Route- SG 4

Worst Chest Route- Chernobyl

PVP Strengths- fns,sword,fishing rod, and bow

PVP Weaknesses- teams

Past Clans- #original # Dynasty

How often can you be online?- only Friday-Sunday unless it's spring break or summer vacation

Why do you want to be in this clan?- it looks like this clan can go far and the clan I'm in is being losers.


Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
Name- Isaac

IGN- Isaacswag

Age (Must be over 14{exceptions can be made})- 13

Time Zone- eastern

Donor Status- member but possibly getting VIP soon

Skype (If you don't want to post it here just type "In Private Message")- Isaacswag

Mic for Skype- yes

Wins (Must be over 20{exceptions can be made})- 200

Kills (This is where the exception to wins can be made)- 2579

Best Chest Route- SG 4

Worst Chest Route- Chernobyl

PVP Strengths- fns,sword,fishing rod, and bow

PVP Weaknesses- teams

Past Clans- #original # Dynasty

How often can you be online?- only Friday-Sunday unless it's spring break or summer vacation

Why do you want to be in this clan?- it looks like this clan can go far and the clan I'm in is being losers.
:) I'll add you on skype and TemtiaStardust will add you, too.

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