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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score

EndGamers. A skilled group of elite players fused together as more than just a family. But we lacked something. Long since we lost our sparks, we seeked to find an amber which could re-ignite our passion. No, we needed something new. A rebellion, an uprising, defying those who cross our nature. Since the beginning, we were here to show everyone who we really are. Behold,


TeamSpeak IP:


[- 9/12 -]

• Leaders •



• Generals •
(The Leaders' trustworthy equals in leadership)

• Officers •



• Elites •


• Legends •
(over 1k wins)
XXJessuH09 | _JessuH_

Cizzle1 | TheCizzler


• Members •





(cute) Clan Accounts
(These accounts are allowed to be used in clan wars)


Add one of the following if you are interested in a clan battle:
XXJessuH09 - [ jesse2909 ]
Teku30 - [ teku30 ]
- [ kyskillz ]







(Ask below)




FFA Victories
Teku - 3
KY - 6
Artic - 9
Ciz - 1

Jess - 6
Narwhal - 2
Nix - 1
Sladden - 0
Nox - 0

WON: 27 LOST: 1
EndGamers - v - Intense (3-1) Victory
EndGamers - v - HeroesJP (3-2)Victory
EndGamers - v - Tarantulas (3-1) Victory
EndGamers - v - Growth (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - YouJustGotPwned (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheForce (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheReturn (3-0)Victory
EndGamers - v - TheRacoons (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheRuined (3-2) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheInforce (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - Bombastic (5-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - SonsOfDiamond (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheMetroX (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheGladiatorZ (3-1) Victory
EndGamers - v - TheFusion (3-1) Victory
EndGamers - v - Vector (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - Akrasia (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - Easiest (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - FrostBite (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - DeadPixels (1-2) DQ
EndGamers - v - TheSpokey (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - Vision (5-3) Victory
EndGamers - v - DeadlySquad (3-1) Victory | DQ
EndGamers - v - Devilation (5-2) Victory
EndGamers - v - EmperorsReborn (0-5) Loss

EndGamers - v - Penetration (3-0) PP
EndGamers - v - Rangerz (5-1) Victory
EndGamers - v - Gapples 2.0 (5-2) Victory

Ryska_ryssen's Tournament
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?

PheonixEU's Tournament
EndGamers - v - Reign (2-1) PP
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?

Vestregutten's Tournament: 2nd Place: LOST

-EndGamers - v - ClanPig (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - GreenWayz (3-0) Victory
EndGamers - v - Rebels EU (1-5) Loss
(Luck NOT in our favour. Teku's pc wasnt working, extremely undergeared fights, crashes, targetting, hacks, the usual ;-; though looking forward to the cw )

EU Clan Leaderboards
- Position #4 -
EndGamers - v - Pheonix (5-3) Victory

EndGamers - v - Trivium (1-5) Loss
EndGamers - v - ??? (?-?) ?

Clan Battle Proofs

We have never been DDOS'd before, until we JUST HAPPENED to start the clan battle. Eventually KY had to change IP's and he was fine. They honestly DDOS'd us at one point for half an hour video here, and only when we were winning, yet stopped the round where we had nothing and lost, pathetic. Yet we managed to win 3 rounds. Apart from that, they broke 3 rules and blamed us for having a randy as a spec. We have evidence for not http://prntscr.com/3s3b6k, http://prntscr.com/3s3ds4, and 92 % packetloss DDOS
http://prntscr.com/3s3drl. Sad.


You are expected to have read everything thoroughly.

Requirements: Essential to read. You may be tested.
Performance. We judge people by their skill and communication, not statistics.
Maturity. Our age limit is generally 13, though if the applicant presented maturity in his/their work, exceptions are made.
Activity. Must be regularly active on our teamspeak (at least 4-7 hours a week), and possibly/preferably when battle announcements are made.
Skill. Everyone has their ups and downs, but you must be able to hold your ground. You might be asked go on a route alone, and are expected to accomplish this task. If worse case scenario, make it out alive.
Routes. Must know chest routes, landmarks, callouts and meeting spots on the generally well-known battle played maps.
English & mic. Must have a good microphone with next-to-no background noise, and communicate well with English.
Application: Create your own composition/paragraph(s) about whatever you feel suitable to be accepted, implying on WHY we should accept you. Include your age, wins, PvP styles, personalities. You can use the requirements as a guideline.

Thanks for reading this far <3

Not Longest Running EU Clan
Since Oct. 19, 2013

(Old Thread here. New one made due to buggy forum issues)

' We will End Your Game'

Last edited:


Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: I am 14
1. Wins / Games played: pevasty: 500+/2070+ YoureTanked_: 5+/15+ On hive i have 412/1550 for pevasty and on YoureTanked i have 65/200
2. Residence (country): I am English
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): PevastyFTW
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I am applying for this clan because i would like to meet different people, instead of joining clans with my friends. I havent really met any players in this clan and i would love to meet you guys to try to make some new friends and maybe i can improve my pvp by playing with you awesome guys.
5. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because, in my opinion, i am quite good at pvp. I am also mature but i do like to have a bit of fun when it is appropriate.

6. How will you benefit this clan: I will benefit this clan by bringing even better PVP into this clan and maybe i can help you guys win even more clan battles. I could show you some of my pvp tricks to maybe even improve you guys.
7. How active are you: I am very active, but i do have a hive clan to run but i will try to play about 1-3 hours a day.
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: None
10. Have you teamed with the members before: I have teamed with NiggleWiggle before, me and him are good friends, but apart from that there are none.
11. Past clan experience: Well i've been in TeamSypher since i have returned from Hive.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: I couldn't decide between YES/NO so i chose MAYBE
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES
14. How would you rate yourself PvP wise? Out of 10 i would probably rate it 8/10
16. Describe your playstyle, tactics, weaknesses, strengths. etc.: My playstyle is attacking when i have more gear than the other guy and i am on the upper hand but i play defensive when i am under-decked and i am low. My tactics are to turn around when the person chasing me doesnt expect it, i have used this tactic for ages and i never really die when i use it. One of my strengths is the flint and steel because i can place it accurately and i can dodge it. I am good at surprising my opponent because i can turn around quickly and get good combo's on him the fishing rod technique and my ping. I am saying now i am not a ping abuser. My weakness is the bow. On my day i can be one of the best bowmen, but usually i am not every accurate with it but i can hit bow shots on the person. I am also not very good when i play with cold hands as i cannot click very fast.
17. Describe your personality (not video-game wise): I am not shy, and i am quite mature. If i am not on skype, its because im playing football, thats right i play football, or i am out with my family.
18. Do you think you'll fit in: I think i do fit in, and i hope you think i do to. I hope i fit in at the clan a=because i would love to stay here for a while.
18. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I would mind too much if i was to be declined and i wouldnt bug you on skype or on this thread. No not really
19. Any additional information:No not really apart from the fact i luv you guys <3

I, pevasty will thereby agree to follow the EndGamers rules and regulations™ and keep my word to the application written above.


Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score

0. Age:
I am 12 years of age.

1. Wins / Games played:
I believe I have 6 on MCSG/ 100 and 143 on TheHive servers/2,00

2. Residence (country):
United States

3. Your Skype (PM if needed):

4. Why are you applying for this particular clan:
This looks like an amazing clan with very skilled players and it would be cool to see what happens!

5. Why should we accept you:
I am a decent PvPer and I would be very active and I wouldn't even think about leaving because this looks like an amazing clan.

6. How will you benefit this clan:
I will play with you guys and hopefully play some clan battles and help you guys win.

7. How active are you:

I am very active, except for now because I am in Mexico

8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO

Not really.

9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like to have a nationality and win exception because I don't believe because I don't have too many wins I should be declined.

10. Have you teamed with the members before:
No, I have not. I hope it can be a learning experience!

11. Past clan experience:

12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO:

I wouldn't think about leaving.

13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO

Yes, I will.

14. How would you rate yourself PvP wise?:

I would give myself a 7/10

16. Describe your playstyle, tactics, weaknesses, strengths. etc.:
Fishing rod: I have some pretty op tactics and I am learning new ones.

Bow: I can lock down very well and I am precise.

Flint and Steel: I have some good tactics and can place it unexpectedly.


Water Fights: I do very bad in them because they will boost and get to me.
17. Describe your personality (not video-game wise):
I would say I am a fun person who has a nice personality, and it will be cool to see what happens.
18. Do you think you'll fit in:

I do pretty good with fitting in, so yes.
18. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined:
I will completely respect your decision because I do not meet many requirements.
19. Any additional information:

Thanks for reading!​


Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age:
I am 12 years of age.
1. Wins / Games played:
I believe I have 6 on MCSG/ 100 and 143 on TheHive servers/2,00
2. Residence (country):
United States
3. Your Skype (PM if needed):
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan:
This looks like an amazing clan with very skilled players and it would be cool to see what happens!
5. Why should we accept you:
I am a decent PvPer and I would be very active and I wouldn't even think about leaving because this looks like an amazing clan.
6. How will you benefit this clan:
I will play with you guys and hopefully play some clan battles and help you guys win.

7. How active are you:

I am very active, except for now because I am in Mexico
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO
Not really.
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: I would like to have a nationality and win exception because I don't believe because I don't have too many wins I should be declined.
10. Have you teamed with the members before:
No, I have not. I hope it can be a learning experience!
11. Past clan experience:
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO:

I wouldn't think about leaving.
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO

Yes, I will.
14. How would you rate yourself PvP wise?:
I would give myself a 7/10
16. Describe your playstyle, tactics, weaknesses, strengths. etc.:
Fishing rod: I have some pretty op tactics and I am learning new ones.

Bow: I can lock down very well and I am precise.

Flint and Steel: I have some good tactics and can place it unexpectedly.


Water Fights: I do very bad in them because they will boost and get to me.
17. Describe your personality (not video-game wise):
I would say I am a fun person who has a nice personality, and it will be cool to see what happens.
18. Do you think you'll fit in:

I do pretty good with fitting in, so yes.
18. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined:
I will completely respect your decision because I do not meet many requirements.
19. Any additional information:

Thanks for reading!​
Declined for the reason of lack of wins and poor ratio.


Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: I am 14
1. Wins / Games played: pevasty: 500+/2070+ YoureTanked_: 5+/15+ On hive i have 412/1550 for pevasty and on YoureTanked i have 65/200
2. Residence (country): I am English
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): PevastyFTW
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: I am applying for this clan because i would like to meet different people, instead of joining clans with my friends. I havent really met any players in this clan and i would love to meet you guys to try to make some new friends and maybe i can improve my pvp by playing with you awesome guys.
5. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because, in my opinion, i am quite good at pvp. I am also mature but i do like to have a bit of fun when it is appropriate.
6. How will you benefit this clan: I will benefit this clan by bringing even better PVP into this clan and maybe i can help you guys win even more clan battles. I could show you some of my pvp tricks to maybe even improve you guys.
7. How active are you: I am very active, but i do have a hive clan to run but i will try to play about 1-3 hours a day.
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: None
10. Have you teamed with the members before: I have teamed with NiggleWiggle before, me and him are good friends, but apart from that there are none.
11. Past clan experience: Well i've been in TeamSypher since i have returned from Hive.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: I couldn't decide between YES/NO so i chose MAYBE
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES
14. How would you rate yourself PvP wise? Out of 10 i would probably rate it 8/10
16. Describe your playstyle, tactics, weaknesses, strengths. etc.: My playstyle is attacking when i have more gear than the other guy and i am on the upper hand but i play defensive when i am under-decked and i am low. My tactics are to turn around when the person chasing me doesnt expect it, i have used this tactic for ages and i never really die when i use it. One of my strengths is the flint and steel because i can place it accurately and i can dodge it. I am good at surprising my opponent because i can turn around quickly and get good combo's on him the fishing rod technique and my ping. I am saying now i am not a ping abuser. My weakness is the bow. On my day i can be one of the best bowmen, but usually i am not every accurate with it but i can hit bow shots on the person. I am also not very good when i play with cold hands as i cannot click very fast.
17. Describe your personality (not video-game wise): I am not shy, and i am quite mature. If i am not on skype, its because im playing football, thats right i play football, or i am out with my family.
18. Do you think you'll fit in: I think i do fit in, and i hope you think i do to. I hope i fit in at the clan a=because i would love to stay here for a while.
18. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: I would mind too much if i was to be declined and i wouldnt bug you on skype or on this thread. No not really
19. Any additional information:No not really apart from the fact i luv you guys <3

I, pevasty will thereby agree to follow the EndGamers rules and regulations™ and keep my word to the application written above.
Accepted for trial.
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