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Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
You need to play stronger clans, Looking at that list it seems all to easy
I have nothing against you or anything but how does this concern you? :) + we have planned to fight much better clans in the past but we had a few problems inside our clan which again do not concern you, not to mention we will be fighting better clans in the future.. :) <3


Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
You need to play stronger clans, Looking at that list it seems all to easy
As Sladden already stated we plan on fighting many more 'good' clans soon which we would of already fought if we didn't go through the problems that we did like dramatic roster changes due to certain things.Plus this is not to concern you :)


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
0. Age: 12
1. Wins / Games played: 381 wins / 3500+ Games
2. Residence (country): United Kingdom
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): Seagh.phoenix1
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because everyone in this clan looks really nice and the pvp skill in this clan is amazing!
5. Why should we accept you: Because I am skill-full and think I can benefit this clan.
6. How will you benefit this clan: I can benefit this clan by helping in Clan Wars and killing people, I also have chest routes and am really looking forward to make some good friends!
7. How active are you: I am very active as I will be online every day
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO : Yes
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: My ratio :) (I have an alt Hexatron_)
10. Have you teamed with the members before:Yes, SenchSlash as he has been in one of my previous clans and is a friend of mine.
11. Past clan experience: I have quite a bit of previous clan expierience such as ; #Heroes #Exotic #TheReturnII #TheForce & #Revolve
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO : No, Definitely not.
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO : Yes, of course.
14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above):I would personally go for Member but if everyone liked me and wanted me to be upgraded rank it is all up to you guys and you can!
15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined:I will be sad, but then I will carry on with my life like usual :)
16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: I am quite good with a bow and am alright with a flint and steel, I am not the best with a fishingrod but I would atleast call myself a "pro with a bow" :) & An
Flint and steel user!
17. Any additional information: I am quite a nice guy and am quite relaxed, but can be serious at times Such as Clan Wars and I am really cheerful person!
0. Age: I turned 12 under 2 weeks ago.
1. Wins / Games played: I have 1102 wins on my main account, and 50 on my alt.
2. Residence (country): I live in England.
3. Your Skype (PM if needed): ExiliusMC is my new Skype name as my last one was bugged ;-;
4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because I want to be in an amazing clan with old friends again <3
5. Why should we accept you: Because I'm special.
6. How will you benefit this clan: I will bring fun and a good PvP'er to the team <3
7. How active are you: 3+ hours a day..... Almost as no life as you, Teku.
8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO: YUSSSSS
9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: My swag is a little too low.
10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yes, every single one. (Except Feelz ;c)

11. Past clan experience: Don't get me started.
12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO: Not this time <3333 (I left after 3 months last time HUEEHUEHUE)
13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO: YUSSSSS
14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): Owner. Just kidding, probably Elite.
15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: To eat your family.
16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.: I am good with every single weapon, but I could definitely use some work on water, ice, and close compact area fights.
17. Any additional information: NUUUUU

Can both of you guys please complete the oath thing underneath our application? Thanks.
Last edited:


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
There is a no need for it, just cw us -.-
If you knew what we are going through atm, you'd understand. I've been banned for the past couple weeks, and we need to trial our members. So if you honestly wish this conversation to go on any further, feel free to PM me. Have a nice day.


Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
If you knew what we are going through atm, you'd understand. I've been banned for the past couple weeks, and we need to trial our members. So if you honestly wish this conversation to go on any further, feel free to PM me. Have a nice day.
your skype?
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