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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Sep 28, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Daniel
Minecraft IGN: SumBoDeee
Age: 15
Skype name: veanauser
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: yes
Wins: 389
Games Played: 2808
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9-9.5
Past clans: none
Why do you want to join The Rival: I would like to join The Rival because I believe that I can be a good asset to this team. I am a mature player, and I am also very good at handling situations. I am pretty good at pvp as well. I am more of a tactical player, which is what sets me apart from some of the others. My main strengths are bows and flint and steel. A weakness of mine is block hitting.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Sure
How would you help this clan: I believe that I can help this clan by keeping the teamspeak a safe environment and by bringing another good player to that table. All in all, I can bring a mature, tactical, and dedicated player tot just team which is what in my opinion every team needs more of.
Tell us more about yourself: I have a twin brother who is a moderator and another friend irl who is one as we'll. I am on the rowing team at my school. I am also pretty good with people. In my free time I like to play MCSG and hangout with friends. Lastly, I'm good at handling tough situations.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes, I know Cf918.


Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Daniel
Minecraft IGN: SumBoDeee
Age: 15
Skype name: veanauser
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: yes
Wins: 389
Games Played: 2808
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9-9.5
Past clans: none
Why do you want to join The Rival: I would like to join The Rival because I believe that I can be a good asset to this team. I am a mature player, and I am also very good at handling situations. I am pretty good at pvp as well. I am more of a tactical player, which is what sets me apart from some of the others. My main strengths are bows and flint and steel. A weakness of mine is block hitting.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Sure
How would you help this clan: I believe that I can help this clan by keeping the teamspeak a safe environment and by bringing another good player to that table. All in all, I can bring a mature, tactical, and dedicated player tot just team which is what in my opinion every team needs more of.
Tell us more about yourself: I have a twin brother who is a moderator and another friend irl who is one as we'll. I am on the rowing team at my school. I am also pretty good with people. In my free time I like to play MCSG and hangout with friends. Lastly, I'm good at handling tough situations.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes, I know Cf918.
Amazing, the one who I invite, still makes an incredible app, you really care. Accepted, Very Impressed welcome.


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Josh

IGN: JoshCoolCohen

Age: 11

Skype Name: JoshCoolCohen

Team Speak: I don't have a TS but I will make one for the battles.

Donor: I am non-donor but I am buying Diamond Donor.

Wins: 203

Games Played:

How active do you play 1/10: 9/10

How mature are you 1/10: 7/10

Past Clans: I have not been in past clans.

Why do you want to join The Rival: Because I feel like I would be good enough to join because I have been working so hard to get to 200 wins and I have been practicing 24/7 so I can feel like I am good enough to even try out. It would be really cool if I got in.

Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes.

How would you help this clan: I would try my hardest to help win in clan battles, and clan wars and support my team mates.

Tell us more about yourself: Well, I am friends with a lot of your members: CoolDarkraiDude, Zlim95, Becuzimbored, and Cmaaldibson. I am exceptionally good at PVP, I play everyday practicing to get better and better. And I just hope that I'll make it in.

Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes, CoolDarkraiDude, Zlim95, Becuzimbored, and Cmaaldibson.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
I heard you were in the need of a TeamSpeak. Feel free to add me on Skype - drewo136 we could work something out!
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