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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Christian Frances
Minecraft IGN: EpicPotato773
Age: 13
Skype Name: epicpotato773
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: Diamond Sponsor
Wins: 407
Games Played: 2836 (Please Ignore This My PvP Skill Level Is Exceptional+First 2000 Games Played As A Noob)
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past Clans: Paradox, Chop, Conplexity, Mystic, Silence, Revolution
Why do you want to join the Rival: I want to join The Rival for three main reasons. Number 1 is that my Baby Girl SportsFan2565 is in here. Number 2 is I like to be surrounded with MCSG players with the same skill as me if not better. Finally Number 3 is because at my old clan there wasn't many clan battles which I love to do, and judging by this clans Clan Battle Records, you guys have a lot of Clan Battles that I hope to be a part of.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: I already am.
How would you help this clan: I would help this clan in many different ways. One being I am a very skilled PvPer who could cause a lot of damage in Clan Battles, Scrimmages, etc. I also would be able to help organize Clan Battles considering I have a lot of friends on Skype who own/ or are in clans.
Tell us more about yourself: We'll I like to play sports, eat puncakes, and play MCSG.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes I know almost all of them.


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Christian Frances
Minecraft IGN: EpicPotato773
Age: 13
Skype Name: epicpotato773
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: Diamond Sponsor
Wins: 407
Games Played: 2836 (Please Ignore This My PvP Skill Level Is Exceptional+First 2000 Games Played As A Noob)
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past Clans: Paradox, Chop, Conplexity, Mystic, Silence, Revolution
Why do you want to join the Rival: I want to join The Rival for three main reasons. Number 1 is that my Baby Girl SportsFan2565 is in here. Number 2 is I like to be surrounded with MCSG players with the same skill as me if not better. Finally Number 3 is because at my old clan there wasn't many clan battles which I love to do, and judging by this clans Clan Battle Records, you guys have a lot of Clan Battles that I hope to be a part of.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: I already am.
How would you help this clan: I would help this clan in many different ways. One being I am a very skilled PvPer who could cause a lot of damage in Clan Battles, Scrimmages, etc. I also would be able to help organize Clan Battles considering I have a lot of friends on Skype who own/ or are in clans.
Tell us more about yourself: We'll I like to play sports, eat puncakes, and play MCSG.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes I know almost all of them.
Not reccomended


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Christian Frances
Minecraft IGN: EpicPotato773
Age: 13
Skype Name: epicpotato773
Teamspeak: Yes
Donor: Diamond Sponsor
Wins: 407
Games Played: 2836 (Please Ignore This My PvP Skill Level Is Exceptional+First 2000 Games Played As A Noob)
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past Clans: Paradox, Chop, Conplexity, Mystic, Silence, Revolution
Why do you want to join the Rival: I want to join The Rival for three main reasons. Number 1 is that my Baby Girl SportsFan2565 is in here. Number 2 is I like to be surrounded with MCSG players with the same skill as me if not better. Finally Number 3 is because at my old clan there wasn't many clan battles which I love to do, and judging by this clans Clan Battle Records, you guys have a lot of Clan Battles that I hope to be a part of.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: I already am.
How would you help this clan: I would help this clan in many different ways. One being I am a very skilled PvPer who could cause a lot of damage in Clan Battles, Scrimmages, etc. I also would be able to help organize Clan Battles considering I have a lot of friends on Skype who own/ or are in clans.
Tell us more about yourself: We'll I like to play sports, eat puncakes, and play MCSG.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Yes I know almost all of them.
Recommended for trial cheerleader.
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