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The Rebels (US Clan)

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May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: jack16610
Age: 13
Donor: No, I am getting Diamond Donor on Monday.
Got Skype/TS: Yes.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) jack16610
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: MTN
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Never.
PvP Strengths: Flint & Steel, Strafe, Circle Tactic, Fishing Rod, Bow, Sword.
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights
Past Clans (If any) Never.
You cool?: Sure am, if you think I am at least..
Best puppy picture: http://imgur.com/XSVpW


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: XyZebrAbC/Ceroria

Age: 14

Donor: I'm a gold donor c:

Wins: On my main account I have 322 (I think), but my ratio is awful because I used to be flat out atrocious. I practically learned Minecraft through MCSG. When I started in August, I just played a lot with IRL friends, they were good, and I sucked. They then got a lot better, and both joined the Rebels and were in at one point (1999rocks and Nitro_Elite) then left for other clans, or just kinda died off from MCSG. I now have my new account where hopefully my ratio will be significantly better.

Got Skype/TS: Yus, both. I've hung out on the Rebels teamspeak somewhat often over the last 6 months-ish.

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): skydoggamesmc (off my old youtube channel :p)

Got a mic: I has Blue Yeti, and love it, even though it seems to not like me, hahah.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.

How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Well, like stated before, I'm IRL friends with two past, respected members, and have occasionally been in games here and there with them and other members of the clan. However, most people I'd teamed with before have left the clan (sadface)

PvP Strengths: My PvP specialty is definitely melee sword combat. Ever since I actually became decently okay at the game, I'd always relied on my sword/rod and waited to learn bow/Fns skills until later. I'm now actually decent with Flint and Steel now, but don't use it as much.

PvP Weaknesses: I'm not too good with long range bow shots, however I'm pretty niss at dem 180s.

Past Clans (If any) My first clan was Abyss with Mwinkl3sHD. Then, plimpy41 and I led Imperial for a good 3 months. After that I joined Kronic, which disbanded and half of that went to create Swift, which eventually became Verzon, and after Verzon disbanded I was in the Cyan Volts for a week. However, I was not active enough so I decided to leave the Volts as to not cause them trouble with inactive members. After that, a few people from Verzon decided to reband the clan and name it Inviction. Inviction was great, but it lost it's family-like feel. That is why I came here, because this clan has an amazing sense of family, and it would be an honor to be a part of it c:

You cool?: Yus. And loyal to clans, the only clan I left was the Volts because I was inactive. I've stayed with all other clans until the end.

Best puppy picture: Hmm, well... It depends on who's viewing this and if they like pugs or corgis...

*Cracks Knuckles*

^^^ Pug


^^^ Corgi

^^^ In memory of Zeno :3

Maxypie :3
Last edited:


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: XyZebrAbC/Ceroria

Age: 14

Donor: I'm a gold donor c:

Wins: On my main account I have 322 (I think), but my ratio is awful because I used to be flat out atrocious. I practically learned Minecraft through MCSG. When I started in August, I just played a lot with IRL friends, they were good, and I sucked. They then got a lot better, and both joined the Rebels and were in at one point (1999rocks and Nitro_Elite) then left for other clans, or just kinda died off from MCSG. I now have my new account where hopefully my ratio will be significantly better.

Got Skype/TS: Yus, both. I've hung out on the Rebels teamspeak somewhat often over the last 6 months-ish.

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): skydoggamesmc (off my old youtube channel :p)

Got a mic: I has Blue Yeti, and love it, even though it seems to not like me, hahah.

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.

How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Well, like stated before, I'm IRL friends with two past, respected members, and have occasionally been in games here and there with them and other members of the clan. However, most people I'd teamed with before have left the clan (sadface)

PvP Strengths: My PvP specialty is definitely melee sword combat. Ever since I actually became decently okay at the game, I'd always relied on my sword/rod and waited to learn bow/Fns skills until later. I'm now actually decent with Flint and Steel now, but don't use it as much.

PvP Weaknesses: I'm not too good with long range bow shots, however I'm pretty niss at dem 180s.

Past Clans (If any) My first clan was Abyss with Mwinkl3sHD. Then, plimpy41 and I led Imperial for a good 3 months. After that I joined Kronic, which disbanded and half of that went to create Swift, which eventually became Verzon, and after Verzon disbanded I was in the Cyan Volts for a week. However, I was not active enough so I decided to leave the Volts as to not cause them trouble with inactive members. After that, a few people from Verzon decided to reband the clan and name it Inviction. Inviction was great, but it lost it's family-like feel. That is why I came here, because this clan has an amazing sense of family, and it would be an honor to be a part of it c:

You cool?: Yus. And loyal to clans, the only clan I left was the Volts because I was inactive. I've stayed with all other clans until the end.

Best puppy picture: Hmm, well... It depends on who's viewing this and if they like pugs or corgis...

*Cracks Knuckles*

^^^ Pug

View attachment 20327

^^^ Corgi

^^^ In memory of Zeno :3
Pug, Corgi and a Labrador/Golden Retriever?

Auto accept


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys I might be a little inactive so I would like to revoke my app and I'll put it up again when I think I'm not inactive.
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