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Guide How To Become a Moderator - A Guide to the Basics

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Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
This is an awesome thread. I'm in the process and reading this makes me feel so much better about my application, how long I should expect to wait, and just an overall general idea of what to expect throughout the process. Well done! :)


Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
This is an awesome thread. I'm in the process and reading this makes me feel so much better about my application, how long I should expect to wait, and just an overall general idea of what to expect throughout the process. Well done! :)
Well, looks like it worked. ;)


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
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i tried everything and my head is inside the toilet, mac tutorial please


Mar 4, 2014
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Hello MCGamers <3
I thought that I would write this up to help all the newbies out who don't know how one becomes a moderator, or do not know the process. Here's exactly how it goes down, for all the world to see. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks to CAmadeusA for the help with this!

See this guide for a description of the job you are signing up for and if you feel you are right for the job, continue with this guide.

Writing Your Application

1. Follow the Format
Before the Sr. Staff even look at an application in-depth, they're going to see if the format is correct or not. If you do not fill out all the questions, or leave some blank, then you will be automatically denied.

2. Do not answer questions with one sentence
This is another rookie mistake. Make sure that you answer all of the questions with at least 2-3 sentences, preferably more. REMEMBER: Quality over quantity. Keep it fairly detailed, and do not leave anything out.

3. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
Even though I said in the last question to write as much as you can, use your common sense. Sr. Mods do not want to read 30k words in one application about how you are such an amazing moderator on this long lost server with 4 players total. If you think you have enough length in your application, stop! Don't make it too wordy.

4. Make sure you fit the requirements
Usually, we only accept those above 15 years of age. However, there is a more complicated process that you may wish to go through, if you are under the age of 15 (this is known as an age exception. If you wish to apply for an age exception, contact a member of staff.) If you have not downloaded Teamspeak, do not have a microphone, and recording software, then stop right there! You must usually fit the requirements to become a moderator before you submit your application.

5. Understand your commitment

Before you get delusions of grandeur about all the fun you are going to have, understand what you are committing to. Moderating is not all about fun. It's hard work, and you will be abused at some point. You also will be committing a good chunk of your free time, and your technological resources. Before you go applying, make sure that you are ready for this big commitment.

6. Use Proper Grammar
"i wud lyke to bcum a mod son pls acpt me thnx"
Use proper grammar when writing your moderator application. If you use too many shortforms or slang, you most likely will be denied.

After Submitting Your Application

7. WAIT!
After you have submitted your moderator application, sit down and wait! Do not get impatient and go asking staff about when your application will be reviewed. MCGamer receives on average about 50 new applications every day. It will take awhile for them to get to you. Your application must go through several stages before it is approved, so make sure that you are patient while this is happening. It can take anywhere from a day to a month for the Sr. Staff team to review your application.

8. Pending Stage
Once your application makes it to the second stage (Pending), the Sr. Staff will take their time to scrutinize your application (this stage can be up to or more then a week in time.) If your application is deemed to be worthy of an interview, then your application will be moved to the third stage, which is the interview. Should your application be denied, you will be given the reasons for your denial, and your application will be closed. At this point, you will be allowed to re-apply to go through the stages again (should you be given permission to do so.)

The Teamspeak Interview

MCGamer Teamspeak: ts.mcgamer.net
8. The Interview
If your application makes it to the third stage (Interview), you will be given an interview. This is an online interview that is done via Teamspeak, where several members of the senior staff team (including at least one admin) ask you questions about why you deserve to become a moderator with MCGamer. For those who do not know what Teamspeak is, click here for more information. Basically what happens, is that two Sr. Staff and an Admin gather in one Teamspeak room, called the Interview Room. You start in the Waiting room with a special rank that tells them that you are waiting for an interview (this rank is given to you by a member of the Sr. Staff when you poke them with the following message: Moderator Waiting Tag.) When they are ready to conduct your interview (there is no defined time for interviews, they occur when we have the correct available amount of Sr. Staff), they will move you up into the room, and will ask you questions about why you deserve to become a moderator. After the interview is finished, you will be moved back to the waiting room. Then, the staff conducting the interview will confer amongst themselves (IN PRIVATE) and then move you back up. Depending on how the interview went, you will be accepted or denied.

After Your Interview
9. Your Ultimate Fate (Accepted or Denied)
Depending on how you did, you will be accepted or denied after they finish confering. If you have been denied, don't lose faith! Re-apply and the Sr. Staff will most likely give you another shot, if your application is good enough. If you have been accepted, congratulations! You are now an official MCGamer moderator. An Admin will give you your forum rank, Teamspeak rank, and in-game rank (may not take effect right away). Also, you will be trained by a capable member of Sr. Staff who will show you how to moderate the servers, and what to do in various situations.

So, there you have it. That's how you write your moderator application, refine it, wait for a response, go through a Teamspeak interview wth the Senior Staff, and what you can expect after the interview. Best of luck to you in the future!

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Jun 19, 2012
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Thanks for the info, still waiting in the pending stage :)

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