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Phoenix - AU Clan

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Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft Name: legosean10
Wins: 405
W/L ratio (In percentage form): 27%
Age: 12 - 13 this month
Donator: Diamond
Way of communication: Skype & Teamspeak are the ones I use currently.
Skype/TS name: legosean9 & LegoSean9
Self Rating at MCSG (1-10) 7-8.5 or so, sometimes worse or better depending on how I am per day.
Strengths: Flint & Steel, fast placing, usually unexpected. Fishing rod to my advantage, good uses for it - knocking people to break their sprint...etc. Bow - pretty decent at shooting a bow, judging where my opponent (s) will run / go next. Taking on teams of 2 or 3 I'm pretty decent at, as long as they aren't in phoenix >.<
Weaknesses: Phoenix members xD Large teams of more than 4 or 5, that are decently stacked. I don't have the best chestroutes for maps, and don't have some at all for some unpopular maps, or the least popular maps, including Vida Cova etc.
Would you fit in with the clan?: I am already friends with a few people in the clan, and I believe that I have been rebuilding my reputation on MCSG. Last time I applied I was declined for "lack of wins" and being kinda "big headed" or "cocky" I understand that i was and have now learnt from that. I believe I can have a great time and make some good friendships with the amazing members of this clan. I really admire the skill of the clan members, and strive to be almost as good as nick :3 I think I fit in a lot better now that I have talked to and played with some members such as RobertGoodwin, StigJam & darkrai202, as well as playing and fighting others such as Kytria & snochet.
Have you been in any previous clans?: #EPIC, #Ressurection, #Echo & for a short while #Blur

thanks, and good luck to the clan, even though you don't need it. BTW, nice clan image, looks great!

(Reposted as suggested)
in order to be accepted you must be friends with pleb. if you don't know who pleb is then you cannot join phoenix. join the ts often in order to befriend pleb.


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Tell me who pleb is xD
in order to be accepted you must be friends with pleb. if you don't know who pleb is then you cannot join phoenix. join the ts often in order to befriend pleb.


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Okay. I feel like a lot of you feel aren't getting any attention on your app let me say this. If no one has responded to your app yet then that's a good sign. Also, legosean, if you ask why your app hasn't gotten any replies yet it has only been yesterday since you applied and I feel like this still isn't the clan for you.

Sorry legosean you have been declined.

All other apps at the moment that haven't been declined already are being considered and go on teamspeak so we can get to know you better, and trust me, this will give you a much better chance. Also, try to reach the win requirement during that time for those who have recently applied and don't reach the win requirement that will also increase your chances (a little obvious but :p).
Sorry but just a quick question, when did I ask why my app hasn't been looked at? I did actually just say "trying to stay patient for my app to get a reply" something along those lines, I just meant that I'm nervous, and kinda anxious. If that is the reason you declined me I understand, but may you look and discuss and give me feedback or something about the rear of my applcation. I would like to know a bit about that. I understand if you decline me, but could it be off other reasons other than me making a kinda-fake post. :) thanks


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry but just a quick question, when did I ask why my app hasn't been looked at? I did actually just say "trying to stay patient for my app to get a reply" something along those lines, I just meant that I'm nervous, and kinda anxious. If that is the reason you declined me I understand, but may you look and discuss and give me feedback or something about the rear of my applcation. I would like to know a bit about that. I understand if you decline me, but could it be off other reasons other than me making a kinda-fake post. :) thanks
As I actually stated before, I felt like this isn't the clan for you and and you wouldn't fit in the clan well and tbh I still haven't seen a changed you since your last application. I would like to mention that you uploaded a video of killing one of our members and making it look like you killed his three team instead of just killing him. I still think you are incredibly haughty and even though you reach the win requirement, we have reached a maximum on our rooster and only those with either a lot of wins, has good relationships in the clan, or we just think he has potential, they would get accepted. However, you seem to have not proven yourself and I feel like half of your skill is because of your connection (sorry if I'm rude but I'd rather tell the truth than sugar coat things). I can understand how you may have been confused that you got declined basically for what you said, but just the way you said it, made it look like you were hinting at your app, which the majority of phoenix have already seen. We know your nervous yes, but so is everyone else waiting.

This is the full reason that you have been declined.


Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
As I actually stated before, I felt like this isn't the clan for you and and you wouldn't fit in the clan well and tbh I still haven't seen a changed you since your last application. I would like to mention that you uploaded a video of killing one of our members and making it look like you killed his three team instead of just killing him. I still think you are incredibly haughty and even though you reach the win requirement, we have reached a maximum on our rooster and only those with either a lot of wins, has good relationships in the clan, or we just think he has potential, they would get accepted. However, you seem to have not proven yourself and I feel like half of your skill is because of your connection (sorry if I'm rude but I'd rather tell the truth than sugar coat things). I can understand how you may have been confused that you got declined basically for what you said, but just the way you said it, made it look like you were hinting at your app, which the majority of phoenix have already seen. We know your nervous yes, but so is everyone else waiting.

This is the full reason that you have been declined.
Alrighty, I understand. Hopefulyl I can still have fun playing with some of your members while not being officially in the clan. Thank you for your full response, I appreciate your time. :)


As I actually stated before, I felt like this isn't the clan for you and and you wouldn't fit in the clan well and tbh I still haven't seen a changed you since your last application. I would like to mention that you uploaded a video of killing one of our members and making it look like you killed his three team instead of just killing him. I still think you are incredibly haughty and even though you reach the win requirement, we have reached a maximum on our rooster and only those with either a lot of wins, has good relationships in the clan, or we just think he has potential, they would get accepted. However, you seem to have not proven yourself and I feel like half of your skill is because of your connection (sorry if I'm rude but I'd rather tell the truth than sugar coat things). I can understand how you may have been confused that you got declined basically for what you said, but just the way you said it, made it look like you were hinting at your app, which the majority of phoenix have already seen. We know your nervous yes, but so is everyone else waiting.

This is the full reason that you have been declined.
On your rooster? You have a rooster?


Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Darkrai, you live in Adelaide..? well.. I live der too, and i've probably seen you, just haven't realised it was you ;)


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
me too want to be friends :)

same here
ok i want to be friends darkrai202 and you are a noob you always have to go in a huge team to win and you prob scumbag them or they just let u win and i got told when ever some1 kills u your like HACKER but darkrai can we be friends skype is killingfire749
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