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The State of AU MCSG Currently!


Jul 4, 2013
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So, I play on MCSG a lot, yes, a lot. I used to love it so much more than I do now though. So, I thought why I'd give some reasons on why I currently despise MCSG.

1. People with godly ping and no lag who abuse it. These people just sprint behind you and hit you from 5 blocks away, they'll always get the first hit in fights and they'll land their fishing rod stuns. It drives me mad when I'm trying to fight someone and Telstra is taking a crap. I'm trying to fight with 2 bars of connection and 200 ping against someone like chezy101 is getting no lag and 15 ping. (No offence Chezy, just using you as an example ;D)

2. Teams absoloutely suck, and seeing as I'm not allowed to use Skype or TS (Dad's fault >:C) I rarely team. And, well, I love taking out a team, but it sucks when i wreck them and they just run away to their teammate. It really annoys me. I understand when it's a livestream or something (people recording with subs or something), but I hate it when I see the same people continuously team. I just think to myself "Well, they're obviously too bad to pllay solo, and they're not getting any better". I'll be honest, I also think '#*@! you teaming noobs'. Also, most of them are point or win whores.
Please note, I understand if you're in a clan or best mates or BFF's for life or whatever, but please do FFA sometimes (The nice clans do).

3. Hackers in AU are increasing in numbers and the strength of the hack (Nothing quite as bad as LeefyGreenTea though, well not yet). Seeing as school in Australia just started back up around a month ago, we had A LOT of mods retire. We rarely have more than 2 mods on (if any), wertea, le0, ghotiyz etc. Barely anybody takes the initiative to record hackers (Being a bit of a hypocrite right here), Even if you just screenshot someone avoiding the swear filter, please help the state of AU.

Ok, I'm not being a hater on ChadTheDJ or the devs or anything, but please, we need some more AU mods. And, to all you rule breakers and hackers, I'll have Fraps open and my finger hovering over f9, ready to record you.

Thanks everyone for reading.
Peace! spencer54325


Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Teams are not, Internet abusers? You can't abuse your Internet if you have good Internet and have good ping like I normally get like 19-24 ping how do you abuse it?


Jul 4, 2013
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Teams are not, Internet abusers? You can't abuse your Internet if you have good Internet and have good ping like I normally get like 19-24 ping how do you abuse it?
When they don't use any tactics or anything to kill you, they just hit you from max reach and abuse 1.7 sprint.
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
There has been a need for Au mods. And that is something we are dealing with at the moment. I come Au quite a bit sometimes, and I am just able to record on it. But don't you worry the mod situation is being dealt with.

DJ Kitty

Jun 10, 2013
Reaction score
1. I have never seen a internet abuser, they either have, better stuff, they hack or they are just better than you.

2. I team a lot but i don't care about wins, i play for fun and thats what most teams do.

3. Yes hackers are a big problem i agree with this one


there are a lot of arrogant people in the AU MCSG community
most of them are very competitive
most of them purposely try to get one another banned
most of them no life (even the people who are all like 'omg u freckin no lyf!1!')
most of them are all abusive
most of them complain about everything


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
The really frustrating thing about the small number of AU moderators is that if you received just ONE ban, no matter how small it was, it automatically disqualifies you from ever getting the chance to become a moderator. And I honestly think this rule needs a good look at, there are quite a few people who would be excellent candidates who are about to be online often and who have been an active member in reporting abusive people and hackers, but ultimately are just ignored because of their ban.
That rule is in place to ensure that the staff team is as good as it can be. If someone's broken the rules before, it doesn't make much sense for them to enforce the rules. I know some people with ban histories may make great mods, but think about how many could be bad. Yes, people may change over time, but how can that be assessed? They could put on an act, and then be naughty and misuse their power. The easiest solution would be to just have never been banned in the first place.

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