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Konichiwa (Hello in Japanese)

The time has come for me to do this. Not many people here would know me. Fewer people in-game would know. Not many people would care, but for those who would this thread is directed for you.

Many people hate me now. I piss off people in-game and sometimes even on the forums. I was banned for something I didn't even do. I have become abusive and arrogent in-game. I try to keep the game under control just like a Moderator would. All I get in return is:
'shut up eagle ur not a mod'.
I get pissed at them and that's when I flip out at some. I got more and more abusive and more people get pissed at me. Even the entire team of one of the biggest clans in Australia abuse me because I am 'annoying'.

I no longer feel that this is a place for me. I have flashbacks to when MCSG was in V1. I was 11 back then. I had fun and many other people did as well. MCSG was a family back then. I family that I felt could come to if I was feeling down or something.

I no longer have the time for MCSG. As I am 12, on the verge of 13, I have started high school. It has started to eat away at my timetable. I get back after school at 5:00. Then it is homework time. This leaves my only time for MCSG to the weekends. Even then I am still busy. I also have to upload for YouTube. I have experienced a lot of things at high school. New friends. My First Girlfriend. Camp. The list goes on.

Back on topic: As you can probably see, I am leaving MCSG. This may not be forever, but it will definately be for a while. I have had enough of the constant behaviour of MCSG and it has driven me to this decison.

Notable People:

You are an amazing friend. I first met you in the good ol' days of #Devine and we had a lot of fun. I hope to play a few games with you as well. :)

You are a talented artist, and on top of that an amazing friend. You are one of the reasons I stayed with MCSG a while longer. (BTW I am still doing YouTube so I still want that banner :p)

Blunt and the rest of the old #Devine
Those were some of my best moments. I absolutely loved the times we had together in that clan.

Although you have left MCSG as well, I wanted to tag you for that attempt on the District 12 map which failed :p. We never really got to talk much but they were still some of my favourite moments.

I'll probably add some more people on as well but for now my brain has gone to mush xD

Goodbye and I wish MCSG and ChadTheDJ for all the best in the future.

(I am still going to play a couple of games a week, but only really for the benifit of YouTube.)


Have fun having a girlfriend at 12
I bet she judged you for playing Minecraft ;)

Also do you mind telling me what clan abused you? If it's the few I have in mind, I may have to go have a good lil' chat with them xD


Have fun having a girlfriend at 12
I bet she judged you for playing Minecraft ;)

Also do you mind telling me what clan abused you? If it's the few I have in mind, I may have to go have a good lil' chat with them xD
She doesn't even know I do.;)
And I'll PM you the clan.


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
girlfriend at 12

sorry xD
You're having quite the giggle about a 12 year old girlfriend. Although it may be ridiculous, it's not a laughing matter.

jkhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahah 12 year old dating is a joke nothing is serious until like 16


You're having quite the giggle about a 12 year old girlfriend. Although it may be ridiculous, it's not a laughing matter.

jkhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahah 12 year old dating is a joke nothing is serious until like 16
don't be mean to eagle guys 12 year old relationships are fun while they last for like 2 weeks ofc

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