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Top 10 Currently Active Posters of MCSG.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Top 10 Currently Active Posters on the MCSG Forums.

First, I’ll give you a short list, with their name and approximate post count, rounded to the nearest thousand (They keep posting..) These are people that have been decently active within the last month or so, and old legends such as Stijn are not included.

1. HalfSquirrel, at almost 11,000.
2. RC_4777, at just over 8,000
3. Zeno, clocking in at slightly past 6,000.
4. darkrai202, just a tad behind Zeno, also just over 6,000.
5. BlitzCometITU, at more than 5,000 posts.
6. Matt_The Dreamer, just behind Blitz at over 5,000.
7. billyguy1, just about to tip the scale at 5,000.
8. Mamiamato24, just barely making me write the number 5,000.
9. MysterioussAli, trying to catch up with Mamia again, and starting to get closer to 5,000 as well.
10. ToeKnee, at just over 4,000 posts.

And now, for the detailed section.

  1. HalfSquirrel - MCSG’s self-proclaimed #1 forum-famous squirrel, and who is there to contest the title? The only one to have more than 10,000 posts, he has a reputation far and wide on the MCSG forums, and even on some other than MCSG. He no longer posts nearly as much, having reached 10,000 in late 2013. But who knows, perhaps soon he’ll have a competitor for the title of #1, and race to 20,000!
  2. RC_4777 - Our resident Star Wars fanatic, yet he plays Minecraft? Well, despite all odds, he’s a very important person on MCSG (Literally, a VIP!) and devotes quite a bit of time to the forums, but also has significantly slowed down in posts. How ever did they get so high?
  3. Zeno - Ah, the Rebel. He will often be remembered by his first extremely successful clan, the Rebels. He also created another very good clan, Titans, and continues to roam the forums and play League of Legends, like many other gamers.
  4. Darkrai202, the AU leader of Pheonix. A very high-ranking player both on the Forums and in-game, it’s amazing that he manages to maintain them both, with the amount of time that he spends online. Unfortunately, there are fewer forumers online when he is, so even I myself have seen rather few of his posts, as they’re often hidden in spam by the time I arrive on the scene. Yet, he is still a well-known and respected person within the community.
  5. BlitzCometITU - One of my old clan-mates, I best remember him by his old phrase "Best mayne," but not he's better known as a very outspoken forumer. I'm not actually entirely sure, but I think he often frequents clan threads nowadays.
  6. Matt_The Dreamer - That guy! With the… signatures…!! RUN WHILE YOU CAN.
  7. Billyguy1 - One of the more spammy posters, he browses forum games and whatnot all the time, raking in post counts and likes like he was a business-man making money off of fraudulent deals. (He knows I’m just teasing, no ban pls)
  8. Mamiamato24 - I used to consider him a forum god, now he’s just more like a forum prince. But still famous, and still getting insane amounts of likespams, he’s posted enough to stay on the top 10 active posters, although he did recently take a break.
  9. MysterioussAli - I actually haven’t been seeing him post a whole lot in this past month or so, but from what he told me, he spam posts like few others, on clan threads and whatnot, often with posts less than 5 characters, which would explain why I’ve hardly ever seen his posts, as I rarely go on those. Nevertheless, he has managed to continue post, post, and post. It almost makes you wonder when his keyboard is going to give out.\
  10. ToeKnee - Another person who loves the clan threads and forum games, as well as many other sections.. Basically a jack-of-all-trades, he posts everywhere and yet somehow, magically, maintains a great like-to-post ratio.

These are, in my opinion, the currently active top 10 posters on our dear MCSG forumers, and how I view them. (The order is based off of an official list, I simply changed it up to remove inactive posters.)

Have a different opinion? You’re welcome to comment with it!

Also, keep in mind that this was not from a completely unbiased standpoint, as can be viewed from my description of BlitzComet, who used to be Co-leader (Or officer, I can’t remember.) of an old clan that I was leader of, among others.

Also, when talking about “Spam-posters” (Posters who post a lot of short, relatively useless posts to increase their post count) and people who received “Like-spams”, I tried to keep it as positive as possible, but in all honesty that’s how a lot of them got such high post counts, and I must admit that even I myself have “spam-posted” sometimes, although not as often.
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