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Meet Mooclan/3,000th Post Commemoration


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
All these people talking about how fast they type, and I'm over here usng my 2 pointer fingers trying to find where the c is.
Haha :) It takes a lot of practice. I just got fast because I was staff on so many servers and had to answer tons of questions, and also had to type while I was PvPing sometimes.

Edit: I changed the typing speed in the OP to 364, because I got this: http://imgur.com/Sp2XojG
Last edited:


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Haha :) It takes a lot of practice. I just got fast because I was staff on so many servers and had to answer tons of questions, and also had to type while I was PvPing sometimes.

Edit: I changed the typing speed in the OP to 364, because I got this: http://imgur.com/Sp2XojG
I still don't believe you :p It's not even possible to read the word that fast.


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score

Yeah, that's right :D This is my 3,000th post, and I am currently sitting at 2,500 likes, exactly! :D
In honor of this milestone, I'll be doing a "Meet Me" thread, and if you have any questions you'd like answered (Which is unlikely) you can ask them, as long as I have an answer.

Beware, this might be long. Don't read it if you aren't prepared.

About Me:
I was born on January 23, 1999. The reason I'm saying this is because it's 01/23/99.
My real name is Alexander. Some day I might change my last name to Mooclan, or my first to Mooclan, my middle to Alex, and change my last name to something else.
I'm a middle child, meaning I have one older and one younger sibling, both of which are girls.
My mom is basically a single parent, as my Dad is AWOL in Hong Kong, where he was arrested in January.. 2013. (Last year.) He got bail, and disappeared, and we have no idea where he is.
I was born on an island.
I used to be an amazing PvPer, but family issues and personal issues, as well as "School" have stopped me from practicing
I got my 2,000th post on January 10, 2014. That's 1000 posts in less than 1.5 months!
My 2,5000th like was given to me by tommat6000. Thank you!
I play League of Legends as well, in the NA region. You can add me @ "Mooclan" if you want c:
I have three computers:
An "AIO," or "All-in-one" which is a monitor and computer in the same thing, and it's touchscreen as well!
A laptop, a Lenovo Thinkpad from like 2007 or something.
And a regular computer that I haven't used in months, because I don't have the wire to hook it up to the monitor.
I use a 2005 mouse, and a similar keyboard.
I hold the highest typing speed I've ever even heard of, at 364 words per minute (Full score can be found here: http://imgur.com/Sp2XojG) The world record is 360, but that guy is more accurate than me. My space bar now has a crack in it.
I have no pictures of me in the last two or so years, the most recent one that I know of is from 2012 or late 2011.
I've been Admin on over 10 Minecraft Servers, and staff on over 30. However, most were very small and shut down quickly. Only a few (roughly 5) lasted more than 3 months after I was promoted to staff (Not my fault :p)

A brief summary of my time at MCSG:

Joined, was a noob. I played, and died repeatedly. For some reason I kept coming back. This was after being perm-banned on my favorite server, and was playing MCSG to get out anger. I was considered good at pvp on that server, but I had no idea how bad I really was.
Eventually, I met Cowall, and we Skype teamed early in the mornings. He introduced me to Crabby_Bunch and CraftyKratonite, and together we teamed together in the mornings, eventually getting me to 22 wins. Crafty joined a clan, and I applied too. I was 3 wins under the requirement of 25, but was accepted as a trial member. The next day, I was promoted to full member after getting 1 more win, and later the same day I was promoted to Co-Leader. Now, keep in mind that this wasn't just any nooby clan - in fact, this was the clan ranked #3 in the US at the time, right under Rebels and Romans. Being co-leader of such a clan was amazing, and I didn't even meet the win requirement yet! A few months passed, and I got to around 300 wins. I took a break from playing so much, as I had some... family issues. It wasn't until September or so that I started playing a lot again, and posting on the forums. EliteSquad was now a distant, but fond, memory, and I had also joined and left Rebels. Time passed, and I got 1000, and then 2000 posts. I met a livestreamer, DoUEvenShift, in his 24 hour livestream, which was the first one I ever watched, and I ended up winning MVP, out of some 500+ viewers. He gave me my Optifine Cape and iron donor, even though I was only supposed to win one <3
I started playing League of Legends eventually, much like many other people I know. Now I play more of that, but I'm still on the forums quite a bit.

My thank-you's:
Torchy - #EliteSquad4Lyf <3 I'll always treasure those days
Turnip - Tulip, you inspired me to start posting more, which is why I'm at 3k now :)
MJM239 - Thanks for everything, your hilarious raging and keyboard-throwing always reminds me how bad I could be at video games, and makes me thankful I'm not. jk ily <3
Cowall - I know you don't read these but thank you so much for EVERYTHING <3 If I still had a cell phone, I would text you some time. Now I just have to hope I catch you on Skype some time.
CraftyKratonite - I know you probably don't even remember much about me, but I do remember you and your voice (Srsly, I just imagined your laugh. Awk?)
BlueHeron - I looked up to you as a veteran player for so long, and now I can finally say that I'm a veteran myself. Thank you for encouraging me <3
Denster91 - Cow-Zebra-thingy :3 I know we haven't really talked talked, but small conversations here and there always cheer me up. Thank you <3
EzSp - Come to America some time and get a girlfriend or something :p I wish I was able to play more LoL with you :C maybe eventually I'll get amazing internet and my ping will be the same on NA and EUW.
Gamer101luke - Add me on Skype again ;_; I miss you (Well you don't have to if you don't want to, but say something in skype once in a while <3)
Matt90008 - One day I'll get as good as you at LoL. I got Lucian, but I still suck with him xD
piranga - Stahp spamming skype <3 Say something useful once in a while xD
Virtual - idk why im following you, but since I am you get to be on this list. Hi! Thanks for being someone I looked up to as a forumer c: (WAIT WTF I HAVE ALMOST TWICE YOUR POSTS?!??!)
DoUEvenShift - You gave me some valuable experiences... particularly with ragy college students xD It was fun helping you with SGC, and I'm glad I met you. Thank you so much for everything, I hope to join The Fellowship if it revives one day :)
TheRealAussie - When I was doing people I follow, I was so sure that I'd remember you, that I forgot to write something about you. Derp! Come back to the forums <3 we'll talk over skype, but I'd love to see more of your Pocket Monster battles one day.
Cubes - Cubing Buddy <3 Mine's sitting on my couch gathering dust, maybe later today I'll try it out a few times again. I crai evertim my Mod app gets denied ;_;
#EliteSquad - Thank you so much everyone in the EliteSquad (Except for folks like "da best mayne nance") for keeping me alive, and motivating me to become who I am today. I could never have done it without you!
If you want me to add you, let me know c:

I'm trying really hard to think of something else to write, but right now I can't.
So I'll end off with this. Thank you for reading, and if it was a TL;DR situation: 3k posts! :D

"Love is measured by how dedicated you are."
3k wow. Hi moo and good job and good luck.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
What are you talking about... :pPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

(woah I think you're the first person to catch an accidental spelling mistake by me in a loooong time o_o)

And thank you c:

Ty <3 I'll try to find you on TeamSpeak some time again soon
Yeh, spelling mistake. Next time I will make it more clear :D

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