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The Rebels (US Clan)

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May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Also the person who got me to apply, I remember being in a channel with him typing up my application.
Okay, because I was in your channel too xD I couldn't remember if it was him or someone else that was also there. (I had my mic muted the entire time though)


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: FatalModzz/drog6n
Age: 12
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 417/1519 and 23/27
Got Skype/TS: Yep
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) aaron.shlayen2
Got a mic: Yep
Timezone: Eastern
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Not alot but I'm sure I will
PvP Strengths: Strafing, Bow, Fns, Criticals, Unexpected Wrecking/Scraping, and clan battles
PvP Weaknesses: Teams of 4+, Branbob, and to much pressure
Past Clans (If any) Prodigious, Forsaken, Paradox, Soverein when froggie led it
You cool?: Ye I have lots of sweg:/
Best puppy picture:
Make sure to be active on the ts to improve your chances! Good Luck and also i noticed you applied for other clans, it helps to get in if you stay loyal to one clan your applying for.


Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Make sure to be active on the ts to improve your chances! Good Luck and also i noticed you applied for other clans, it helps to get in if you stay loyal to one clan your applying for.
Thnx for the tips


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
~ 1,500th post ~

Heyo, just wanted to post here as it will be my 1500th post! :D I also want to just say thanks for giving me the best clan experience i've ever had! :3 I love every member here and hope it continues down this beautiful path it has been so far!
<3 ~ Wert

PS: i can't get on today, I'm sick :c


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
This is my family, and I'm leaving it for obvious reasons. I don't want to be the type of person that runs away from these kinds of things, but the hate that I will get is going to follow me and I don't want that. You guys are full of amazing people who have changed my life. You guys have supported me 24/7. All of you are such great people and I can't stress that enough. I'm sorry that I've done this, you dont' freaking know how sorry I am. I know this doesn't hold anything because I can't really be trusted after what happened, but I hope this means something. I don't really know what to type right now because I'm legit bawling and my hands are shaking. I'd like to thank the people who are actually being nice, you don't know how much it means.

Bran- Brandon, thank you for being an amazing person. You will be very successful, and you're also a great singer. I will always remember you wherever I go, you deserve that. I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry that I hurt you and everyone else. I'm sorry if this isn't the best goodbye thing, but I'm trying, and I won't stop trying.

Max- Oh my god Max, you are one of the nicest freaking people alive, and you always will be. You have made so many great memories with me and I can always trust you with stuff. You have had to go through so much Max, and you still go through it. I look up to you, even though it may not seem like it. You are an amazing leader and you will go far in thsi clan Max. Never give up, please, never give up.

Myruh- Thank you for being such a funny person, you're a great officer and although we haven't talked much, I can tell you're an amazing person. I'm sorry, once again, that I can't type more, my brain is somewhat dead at the moment.

Gumby- Thank you for all those fun google hangouts, you were an amazing person that really anyone could talk to. You wouldn't be scared to voice your opinions, which made me jealous of you. I will miss you and your creepy voice.

Trevor- Trevor you don't know how jealous of you I am. You NEVER get mad, and are amazing at PvP. You have always stayed loyal to the Rebels regardless in what situation they were in. I hope school treats you well.

Lining- You are so freaking nice, Lining. You have had a huge impact on me, you have done a lot for the Rebels and I possibly hope to see you with a officer. You are amazing at PvP as well. Thank you for what you put on my profile, it means so freaking much right now. I can't emphasis that enough.

Polaris- Polaris you are one of my best friends. I'm sorry for doing this to you, I'm so f***cking sorry Polaris. You are an amazing player, and you are funny. I love your screams, and I love you as as a person. Although people may have problems with you, know that you are one of a kind and no one can take that from you. I will miss you destroying me in Pokemon showdown, and destroying me on MCSG. You, like other people, have always been here for Rebels, which is fantastic. You by far are one of the greatest pvp'ers. I will miss you dearly Polaris. Thank you for all that you have done.

Wicky- Although I haven't got the chance to talk to you, you seem very nice. You seem competitive, which I like about you. I'm sorry that I can't type more for you. I wish I got the chance to talk to you more.

Apzy- Apzy you are an amazing pvp'er! I'd always go for you because I knew if I didn't, I'd lose to you. You are a really good asset to the Rebels, and I hope you realize that.

Mike- You were here when I very first joined the Rebels, and you have been faithful to them ever since. I loved playing cards against humanity with you.

Piranga- Piranga you're voice is adorable! You always seem to put a smile on my face, even when I'm in the worst of moods. Also, I loved your derpiness in FFA's.

Rhino- You have gave me the title witch, and I love your weird noises. Thank you so much for making Rebels an ever funner place, although some people may dislike you, know that I like you, for whatever it's worth.

Cupcake- You have gave me advice, and I have given you advice. Thank you for doing that. I will always remember you Cupcake and all your silly little things you did in-game, like Rosies for Randies. I hope that you will do a good job moderating on Love's server, and I wish you the best of luck.

Gipp- You are a very nice person and it's so freaking hard to kill you. TEEHEE Thank you Gipp for being an amazing friend, even though we didn't talk a lot. I will miss you. Thanks for all that you have done for Rebels, and I loved that you stuck up for yourself. Never lose that Gipp.

Jcc- You are so nice and funny. I remember me helping you when you first joined the teamspeak. You have done a lot for the Rebels, and I hope you do more! Whether it be getting more servers for them, you were always the first in line to help, which I loved about your personality.

Blazer- I will always remember you from your instrument playing, for some reason it always had me laughing even though you did such a good job. You are an amazing person and I hope you continue to be an amazing person.

Ian- You're really good at PvP, and although you have your moments of "badness" you can actually deep down be a nice person.

Chris- "HEYYY GUYS, THIS IS KERBALS." I will remember you like that, and keep saying it. It's hilarious, you always seem to make people laugh. You're also really good at the fishing rod, which makes me look up to you. Hope you have fun in Rebels.

Wert- Even though we haven't talked much, you are an amazing person. You are so funny and I find your voice adorable! Hope you can stay in Rebels and get the best out of it.

Newie- We were accepted together, I honestly thought you would be accepted over me because you're so cool! When I first met you I was like "this guy is really good o_OO"

One last thing before I go, I love each and everyone of you. Thank you guys for being the people you are, you've impacted my life greatly. Before I go, I need to say something.


On that note, goodbye.


Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
This is my family, and I'm leaving it for obvious reasons. I don't want to be the type of person that runs away from these kinds of things, but the hate that I will get is going to follow me and I don't want that. You guys are full of amazing people who have changed my life. You guys have supported me 24/7. All of you are such great people and I can't stress that enough. I'm sorry that I've done this, you dont' freaking know how sorry I am. I know this doesn't hold anything because I can't really be trusted after what happened, but I hope this means something. I don't really know what to type right now because I'm legit bawling and my hands are shaking. I'd like to thank the people who are actually being nice, you don't know how much it means.

Bran- Brandon, thank you for being an amazing person. You will be very successful, and you're also a great singer. I will always remember you wherever I go, you deserve that. I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry that I hurt you and everyone else. I'm sorry if this isn't the best goodbye thing, but I'm trying, and I won't stop trying.

Max- Oh my god Max, you are one of the nicest freaking people alive, and you always will be. You have made so many great memories with me and I can always trust you with stuff. You have had to go through so much Max, and you still go through it. I look up to you, even though it may not seem like it. You are an amazing leader and you will go far in thsi clan Max. Never give up, please, never give up.

Myruh- Thank you for being such a funny person, you're a great officer and although we haven't talked much, I can tell you're an amazing person. I'm sorry, once again, that I can't type more, my brain is somewhat dead at the moment.

Gumby- Thank you for all those fun google hangouts, you were an amazing person that really anyone could talk to. You wouldn't be scared to voice your opinions, which made me jealous of you. I will miss you and your creepy voice.

Trevor- Trevor you don't know how jealous of you I am. You NEVER get mad, and are amazing at PvP. You have always stayed loyal to the Rebels regardless in what situation they were in. I hope school treats you well.

Lining- You are so freaking nice, Lining. You have had a huge impact on me, you have done a lot for the Rebels and I possibly hope to see you with a officer. You are amazing at PvP as well. Thank you for what you put on my profile, it means so freaking much right now. I can't emphasis that enough.

Polaris- Polaris you are one of my best friends. I'm sorry for doing this to you, I'm so f***cking sorry Polaris. You are an amazing player, and you are funny. I love your screams, and I love you as as a person. Although people may have problems with you, know that you are one of a kind and no one can take that from you. I will miss you destroying me in Pokemon showdown, and destroying me on MCSG. You, like other people, have always been here for Rebels, which is fantastic. You by far are one of the greatest pvp'ers. I will miss you dearly Polaris. Thank you for all that you have done.

Wicky- Although I haven't got the chance to talk to you, you seem very nice. You seem competitive, which I like about you. I'm sorry that I can't type more for you. I wish I got the chance to talk to you more.

Apzy- Apzy you are an amazing pvp'er! I'd always go for you because I knew if I didn't, I'd lose to you. You are a really good asset to the Rebels, and I hope you realize that.

Mike- You were here when I very first joined the Rebels, and you have been faithful to them ever since. I loved playing cards against humanity with you.

Piranga- Piranga you're voice is adorable! You always seem to put a smile on my face, even when I'm in the worst of moods. Also, I loved your derpiness in FFA's.

Rhino- You have gave me the title witch, and I love your weird noises. Thank you so much for making Rebels an ever funner place, although some people may dislike you, know that I like you, for whatever it's worth.

Cupcake- You have gave me advice, and I have given you advice. Thank you for doing that. I will always remember you Cupcake and all your silly little things you did in-game, like Rosies for Randies. I hope that you will do a good job moderating on Love's server, and I wish you the best of luck.

Gipp- You are a very nice person and it's so freaking hard to kill you. TEEHEE Thank you Gipp for being an amazing friend, even though we didn't talk a lot. I will miss you. Thanks for all that you have done for Rebels, and I loved that you stuck up for yourself. Never lose that Gipp.

Jcc- You are so nice and funny. I remember me helping you when you first joined the teamspeak. You have done a lot for the Rebels, and I hope you do more! Whether it be getting more servers for them, you were always the first in line to help, which I loved about your personality.

Blazer- I will always remember you from your instrument playing, for some reason it always had me laughing even though you did such a good job. You are an amazing person and I hope you continue to be an amazing person.

Ian- You're really good at PvP, and although you have your moments of "badness" you can actually deep down be a nice person.

Chris- "HEYYY GUYS, THIS IS KERBALS." I will remember you like that, and keep saying it. It's hilarious, you always seem to make people laugh. You're also really good at the fishing rod, which makes me look up to you. Hope you have fun in Rebels.

Wert- Even though we haven't talked much, you are an amazing person. You are so funny and I find your voice adorable! Hope you can stay in Rebels and get the best out of it.

Newie- We were accepted together, I honestly thought you would be accepted over me because you're so cool! When I first met you I was like "this guy is really good o_OO"

One last thing before I go, I love each and everyone of you. Thank you guys for being the people you are, you've impacted my life greatly. Before I go, I need to say something.


On that note, goodbye.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is my family, and I'm leaving it for obvious reasons. I don't want to be the type of person that runs away from these kinds of things, but the hate that I will get is going to follow me and I don't want that. You guys are full of amazing people who have changed my life. You guys have supported me 24/7. All of you are such great people and I can't stress that enough. I'm sorry that I've done this, you dont' freaking know how sorry I am. I know this doesn't hold anything because I can't really be trusted after what happened, but I hope this means something. I don't really know what to type right now because I'm legit bawling and my hands are shaking. I'd like to thank the people who are actually being nice, you don't know how much it means.

Bran- Brandon, thank you for being an amazing person. You will be very successful, and you're also a great singer. I will always remember you wherever I go, you deserve that. I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry that I hurt you and everyone else. I'm sorry if this isn't the best goodbye thing, but I'm trying, and I won't stop trying.

Max- Oh my god Max, you are one of the nicest freaking people alive, and you always will be. You have made so many great memories with me and I can always trust you with stuff. You have had to go through so much Max, and you still go through it. I look up to you, even though it may not seem like it. You are an amazing leader and you will go far in thsi clan Max. Never give up, please, never give up.

Myruh- Thank you for being such a funny person, you're a great officer and although we haven't talked much, I can tell you're an amazing person. I'm sorry, once again, that I can't type more, my brain is somewhat dead at the moment.

Gumby- Thank you for all those fun google hangouts, you were an amazing person that really anyone could talk to. You wouldn't be scared to voice your opinions, which made me jealous of you. I will miss you and your creepy voice.

Trevor- Trevor you don't know how jealous of you I am. You NEVER get mad, and are amazing at PvP. You have always stayed loyal to the Rebels regardless in what situation they were in. I hope school treats you well.

Lining- You are so freaking nice, Lining. You have had a huge impact on me, you have done a lot for the Rebels and I possibly hope to see you with a officer. You are amazing at PvP as well. Thank you for what you put on my profile, it means so freaking much right now. I can't emphasis that enough.

Polaris- Polaris you are one of my best friends. I'm sorry for doing this to you, I'm so f***cking sorry Polaris. You are an amazing player, and you are funny. I love your screams, and I love you as as a person. Although people may have problems with you, know that you are one of a kind and no one can take that from you. I will miss you destroying me in Pokemon showdown, and destroying me on MCSG. You, like other people, have always been here for Rebels, which is fantastic. You by far are one of the greatest pvp'ers. I will miss you dearly Polaris. Thank you for all that you have done.

Wicky- Although I haven't got the chance to talk to you, you seem very nice. You seem competitive, which I like about you. I'm sorry that I can't type more for you. I wish I got the chance to talk to you more.

Apzy- Apzy you are an amazing pvp'er! I'd always go for you because I knew if I didn't, I'd lose to you. You are a really good asset to the Rebels, and I hope you realize that.

Mike- You were here when I very first joined the Rebels, and you have been faithful to them ever since. I loved playing cards against humanity with you.

Piranga- Piranga you're voice is adorable! You always seem to put a smile on my face, even when I'm in the worst of moods. Also, I loved your derpiness in FFA's.

Rhino- You have gave me the title witch, and I love your weird noises. Thank you so much for making Rebels an ever funner place, although some people may dislike you, know that I like you, for whatever it's worth.

Cupcake- You have gave me advice, and I have given you advice. Thank you for doing that. I will always remember you Cupcake and all your silly little things you did in-game, like Rosies for Randies. I hope that you will do a good job moderating on Love's server, and I wish you the best of luck.

Gipp- You are a very nice person and it's so freaking hard to kill you. TEEHEE Thank you Gipp for being an amazing friend, even though we didn't talk a lot. I will miss you. Thanks for all that you have done for Rebels, and I loved that you stuck up for yourself. Never lose that Gipp.

Jcc- You are so nice and funny. I remember me helping you when you first joined the teamspeak. You have done a lot for the Rebels, and I hope you do more! Whether it be getting more servers for them, you were always the first in line to help, which I loved about your personality.

Blazer- I will always remember you from your instrument playing, for some reason it always had me laughing even though you did such a good job. You are an amazing person and I hope you continue to be an amazing person.

Ian- You're really good at PvP, and although you have your moments of "badness" you can actually deep down be a nice person.

Chris- "HEYYY GUYS, THIS IS KERBALS." I will remember you like that, and keep saying it. It's hilarious, you always seem to make people laugh. You're also really good at the fishing rod, which makes me look up to you. Hope you have fun in Rebels.

Wert- Even though we haven't talked much, you are an amazing person. You are so funny and I find your voice adorable! Hope you can stay in Rebels and get the best out of it.

Newie- We were accepted together, I honestly thought you would be accepted over me because you're so cool! When I first met you I was like "this guy is really good o_OO"

One last thing before I go, I love each and everyone of you. Thank you guys for being the people you are, you've impacted my life greatly. Before I go, I need to say something.


On that note, goodbye.


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
This is my family, and I'm leaving it for obvious reasons. I don't want to be the type of person that runs away from these kinds of things, but the hate that I will get is going to follow me and I don't want that. You guys are full of amazing people who have changed my life. You guys have supported me 24/7. All of you are such great people and I can't stress that enough. I'm sorry that I've done this, you dont' freaking know how sorry I am. I know this doesn't hold anything because I can't really be trusted after what happened, but I hope this means something. I don't really know what to type right now because I'm legit bawling and my hands are shaking. I'd like to thank the people who are actually being nice, you don't know how much it means.

Bran- Brandon, thank you for being an amazing person. You will be very successful, and you're also a great singer. I will always remember you wherever I go, you deserve that. I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry that I hurt you and everyone else. I'm sorry if this isn't the best goodbye thing, but I'm trying, and I won't stop trying.

Max- Oh my god Max, you are one of the nicest freaking people alive, and you always will be. You have made so many great memories with me and I can always trust you with stuff. You have had to go through so much Max, and you still go through it. I look up to you, even though it may not seem like it. You are an amazing leader and you will go far in thsi clan Max. Never give up, please, never give up.

Myruh- Thank you for being such a funny person, you're a great officer and although we haven't talked much, I can tell you're an amazing person. I'm sorry, once again, that I can't type more, my brain is somewhat dead at the moment.

Gumby- Thank you for all those fun google hangouts, you were an amazing person that really anyone could talk to. You wouldn't be scared to voice your opinions, which made me jealous of you. I will miss you and your creepy voice.

Trevor- Trevor you don't know how jealous of you I am. You NEVER get mad, and are amazing at PvP. You have always stayed loyal to the Rebels regardless in what situation they were in. I hope school treats you well.

Lining- You are so freaking nice, Lining. You have had a huge impact on me, you have done a lot for the Rebels and I possibly hope to see you with a officer. You are amazing at PvP as well. Thank you for what you put on my profile, it means so freaking much right now. I can't emphasis that enough.

Polaris- Polaris you are one of my best friends. I'm sorry for doing this to you, I'm so f***cking sorry Polaris. You are an amazing player, and you are funny. I love your screams, and I love you as as a person. Although people may have problems with you, know that you are one of a kind and no one can take that from you. I will miss you destroying me in Pokemon showdown, and destroying me on MCSG. You, like other people, have always been here for Rebels, which is fantastic. You by far are one of the greatest pvp'ers. I will miss you dearly Polaris. Thank you for all that you have done.

Wicky- Although I haven't got the chance to talk to you, you seem very nice. You seem competitive, which I like about you. I'm sorry that I can't type more for you. I wish I got the chance to talk to you more.

Apzy- Apzy you are an amazing pvp'er! I'd always go for you because I knew if I didn't, I'd lose to you. You are a really good asset to the Rebels, and I hope you realize that.

Mike- You were here when I very first joined the Rebels, and you have been faithful to them ever since. I loved playing cards against humanity with you.

Piranga- Piranga you're voice is adorable! You always seem to put a smile on my face, even when I'm in the worst of moods. Also, I loved your derpiness in FFA's.

Rhino- You have gave me the title witch, and I love your weird noises. Thank you so much for making Rebels an ever funner place, although some people may dislike you, know that I like you, for whatever it's worth.

Cupcake- You have gave me advice, and I have given you advice. Thank you for doing that. I will always remember you Cupcake and all your silly little things you did in-game, like Rosies for Randies. I hope that you will do a good job moderating on Love's server, and I wish you the best of luck.

Gipp- You are a very nice person and it's so freaking hard to kill you. TEEHEE Thank you Gipp for being an amazing friend, even though we didn't talk a lot. I will miss you. Thanks for all that you have done for Rebels, and I loved that you stuck up for yourself. Never lose that Gipp.

Jcc- You are so nice and funny. I remember me helping you when you first joined the teamspeak. You have done a lot for the Rebels, and I hope you do more! Whether it be getting more servers for them, you were always the first in line to help, which I loved about your personality.

Blazer- I will always remember you from your instrument playing, for some reason it always had me laughing even though you did such a good job. You are an amazing person and I hope you continue to be an amazing person.

Ian- You're really good at PvP, and although you have your moments of "badness" you can actually deep down be a nice person.

Chris- "HEYYY GUYS, THIS IS KERBALS." I will remember you like that, and keep saying it. It's hilarious, you always seem to make people laugh. You're also really good at the fishing rod, which makes me look up to you. Hope you have fun in Rebels.

Wert- Even though we haven't talked much, you are an amazing person. You are so funny and I find your voice adorable! Hope you can stay in Rebels and get the best out of it.

Newie- We were accepted together, I honestly thought you would be accepted over me because you're so cool! When I first met you I was like "this guy is really good o_OO"

One last thing before I go, I love each and everyone of you. Thank you guys for being the people you are, you've impacted my life greatly. Before I go, I need to say something.


On that note, goodbye.
brb going to go kill myself :( we are all going to miss you here but whatever reason you have for leaving i respect it. thanks so much for helping me in the beginning i probably wouldnt be in if it werent for you :( see ya come on ts to say hi


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
~ 1,500th post ~

Heyo, just wanted to post here as it will be my 1500th post! :D I also want to just say thanks for giving me the best clan experience i've ever had! :3 I love every member here and hope it continues down this beautiful path it has been so far!
<3 ~ Wert

PS: i can't get on today, I'm sick :c
Congrats :)
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