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Vanguard [US Clan]

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May 11, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: XeroStyle1
  • Age:13
  • Timezone: CST
  • Wins/Games played:526/3882 (bad ratio, I know)
  • Skype ID:xerostyle1
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes.
  • PVP Strengths: Well, I'd like to say, I'm decent with the sword. I decent with flint and steel, and the rod. I can think well under pressure, and keep a positive attitude in dark matters.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Well, my bow skills are awful, I'm trying to train with it, it's slowly coming along. I underestimate people often, and end up getting wrecked.
  • How active are you?: Pretty much all day, I might have other things going on. So basically. 9/10
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Well, I'd like to join a clan that looks like it has a stacked roster, with skilled players.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I'd benefit with my activeness, positive attitude, and overall annoying siblings.
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Well, I sorta talked to Prohulk.
  • Additional comments: Well, I've never applied for a clan outside of my little circle of friends. So this is pretty new to me. My siblings can tend to be annoying, but I can shut them up. (Might complain about my awful ping.) Otherwise, happy to apply.


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: ToeHair45
  • Age: 13
  • Timezone: PST
  • Wins/Games played: 327/2288
  • Skype ID: ToeHair45
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes
  • PVP Strengths: Strategies when I am undergeared/underarmed
  • PVP Weaknesses: Wtaer Battles/ Fishing Rod Spammers
  • How active are you?: Very active on weekends, but unfortunately not as active on weekdays, due to massive homework and sports
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?: I am interested in joining clans, and this one seems like the perfect one for me!
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I can be a big underdog!
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Not that I know of. Although they might have been disguised
  • Additional comments: I can lighten the mood greatly, and can be fun to play with! (Not sexual xD)
    Thanks for reading!


Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: Zremyx
  • Age: 13
  • Timezone: CST
  • Wins/Games played: 587/2297
  • Skype ID: Zremyx
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]:Yes
  • PVP Strengths:FnS and Sword
  • PVP Weaknesses: Water battles
  • How active are you?: 2/4 hours a day
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?:because it looks like a clan that can grow and rise to the top
  • How would you benefit the clan?: Cause im very good at pvp and i am great at listening
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: no one
  • Additional comments k


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN: XeroStyle1
  • Age:13
  • Timezone: CST
  • Wins/Games played:526/3882 (bad ratio, I know)
  • Skype ID:xerostyle1
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes.
  • PVP Strengths: Well, I'd like to say, I'm decent with the sword. I decent with flint and steel, and the rod. I can think well under pressure, and keep a positive attitude in dark matters.
  • PVP Weaknesses: Well, my bow skills are awful, I'm trying to train with it, it's slowly coming along. I underestimate people often, and end up getting wrecked.
  • How active are you?: Pretty much all day, I might have other things going on. So basically. 9/10
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Well, I'd like to join a clan that looks like it has a stacked roster, with skilled players.
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I'd benefit with my activeness, positive attitude, and overall annoying siblings.
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Well, I sorta talked to Prohulk.
  • Additional comments: Well, I've never applied for a clan outside of my little circle of friends. So this is pretty new to me. My siblings can tend to be annoying, but I can shut them up. (Might complain about my awful ping.) Otherwise, happy to apply.
You have been set to Trial! Please be active on the TS during this time period.
  • Minecraft IGN: rcazilla23rocks
  • Age: 12
  • Timezone: MST
  • Wins/Games played:767/4566
  • Skype ID:roman.calzada1
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]:Yes
  • PVP Strengths: FNS fishing rod
  • PVP Weaknesses: Water fight hackers teams of 4+
  • How active are you?: 2 hours a day
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?: Because my Chrome friends are joining, also I feel that I need to be with better PvPers and get to know more people in the MCSG Community
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I would make the clan A more fun clan and I will make the clan better
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?:No, sadly not.
  • Additional comments: I may be kind of a squeaker but Im really cool and can be funny and also mature.

  • Minecraft IGN: Zremyx
  • Age: 13
  • Timezone: CST
  • Wins/Games played: 587/2297
  • Skype ID: Zremyx
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]:Yes
  • PVP Strengths:FnS and Sword
  • PVP Weaknesses: Water battles
  • How active are you?: 2/4 hours a day
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?:because it looks like a clan that can grow and rise to the top
  • How would you benefit the clan?: Cause im very good at pvp and i am great at listening
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: no one
  • Additional comments k

  • Minecraft IGN: ToeHair45
  • Age: 13
  • Timezone: PST
  • Wins/Games played: 327/2288
  • Skype ID: ToeHair45
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
  • Mic [Y/N]: Yes
  • PVP Strengths: Strategies when I am undergeared/underarmed
  • PVP Weaknesses: Wtaer Battles/ Fishing Rod Spammers
  • How active are you?: Very active on weekends, but unfortunately not as active on weekdays, due to massive homework and sports
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?: I am interested in joining clans, and this one seems like the perfect one for me!
  • How would you benefit the clan?: I can be a big underdog!
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: Not that I know of. Although they might have been disguised
  • Additional comments: I can lighten the mood greatly, and can be fun to play with! (Not sexual xD)
    Thanks for reading!

You 3 have been set to Pending! Please be active on the TS so we get to know you :)


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN:justin9cat
  • Age:13
  • Timezone:pST
  • Wins/Games played:592/3614
  • Skype ID:You have it
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:Y
  • Mic [Y/N]:Y
  • PVP Strengths:Sword,Rod
  • PVP Weaknesses:Bow spammed
  • How active are you?:3-4 days a week(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?:Because I would like to have fun with this clan
  • How would you benefit the clan?:I'd utilize my time and skills in this clan
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?:Yes, everyone
  • Additional comments:If the timesI put aren't considered active, then deny this app.


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
this is the app for a man who is mentally ill when it comes to the forums.

Minecraft IGN:Chaoskyurem2
Wins/Games played:799/3683
Skype ID:wilson.wang45
Teamspeak [Y/N]:Y
Mic [Y/N]:Y but it has echo :(
PVP Strengths:I am decent with a bow and a sword.
PVP Weaknesses:My fishing rod skills are pretty bad, but still trying to improve.
How active are you?:All day everyday except tommorow got a project, and the rest of today.
Why do you want to join Vanguard?:I want to joi n Vanguard because I want a new clan to participate in and make new friends and be with my old friends that are appplying.
How would you benefit the clan?:I would benefit Vanguard because I am a funny person to talk to and I love to make jokes.
Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?:No, but I hope to team with some.
Additional comments:Well, I am a very mature person and I am also not to serious about things. Only clan I've been in is Chrome.


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
  • Minecraft IGN:justin9cat
  • Age:13
  • Timezone:pST
  • Wins/Games played:592/3614
  • Skype ID:You have it
  • Teamspeak [Y/N]:Y
  • Mic [Y/N]:Y
  • PVP Strengths:Sword,Rod
  • PVP Weaknesses:Bow spammed
  • How active are you?:3-4 days a week(Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
  • Why do you want to join Vanguard?:Because I would like to have fun with this clan
  • How would you benefit the clan?:I'd utilize my time and skills in this clan
  • Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?:Yes, everyone
  • Additional comments:If the timesI put aren't considered active, then deny this app.
Accepted! As Trial, Please be active on the TS during Trial :)


Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
Probably wont be on tonight ,but ill be on tomorrow.
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