I've been playing since Jinx came out, I'm kinda new but level 30, got stuck in bronze 1 with 3 of my provisionals having afks/trolls. I main Top, best champs are Rumble, Vladimir and Wukong. I've been playing a lot of jungle recently, a lot of support junglers like sejuani, amumu and nautilus, but also been having fun carrying with hecarim and vi. Best mid laner is Gragas, Not a strong adc but if I have to in ranked it's jinx. I'm an alright support, mainly go nami for that.
My last game in my match history I went 18/3/8 in a normal game testing out vi a bit more.
I don't consider myself a pro in anyway, I have fun playing the game and I have been admitting when it's my fault for a loss, I don't blame the team for a loss unless they are trolls/afk which happens a lot in OCE with no tribunal set up.