I'm fine by myself in water fights. I took out a team of 6 in the water are you just mad or something?
No, I have taken out plenty of teams. Once, I managed to take a 6 person team out that was out to kill me, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. It's just, if a 3 person team gets decent stuff before chests refill, they've basically automatically won unless there's another team with better stuff/more people/both out there too. Fair enough, some people like playing with their friends, but that doesn't mean you have to have to share everything with them. If you have consistently done good in a game, by killing people, getting good items and just general smart play, it's not fair to get ganged up on by a crowd of people with below average stuff. It's happened to me plenty of times and it's frustrating. I hate doing it to other people.