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What maps would you like to see in the next MCGamer map update?


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, Sanders here!
I have seen a lot of good maps in the map section lately, and I was kinda curious about the opinions of the community.
I know there has been a ton of these threads already, but here we go:

"What maps would you like to see in the next map push?"

I will be making a list of maps downbelow that i think have a change of getting accepted, If you want your map down here I will add it to the list. Please note that they are in random order, not favoring anyone.​

-- Columbus Circle --
by SpaghettiSquid, ConsiderCandy, Chrisability, Spemble, NICKNATAW and Iphotography98
Columbus Circle is a map based off of New York City, including real locations and buildings! It includes extensive interior design, traps, parkour, and the like! The map has it's own lore behind it, unlike most MCSG maps, that President Snow wrote himself for this years games.
Lore: The world has fallen into an ice age and New York is the last city standing. An elecromagnetic reactor at the heart of the city (visible here) is the only barrier keeping out the ice, snow, and howling winds. And it's slowly breaking.. With nowhere to run, no escape, the harsh climate creates an impenetrable border like none seen before in Survival Games history.
Link to the thread:

-- Hogwarts SG --
by: kaspersson, @TSnipers, @BennPlex, @mfunGamer,@JLioner (Team Lionz)

Hogwarts SG is a map based on the Hogwarts™-castle from the novels by Joanne K. Rowling. It includes the castle, the lands around it and Hogsmeade™.
Link to the thread:

-- Community Games 4.0 --

by: Sean, FlintySteely, Frazzli185, KitMencha, mmmeh, Zacharutio, FourthState, Swordz_
The map is based in medieval times and has a great amount of variation to it. Flat areas for PvP, epic terraforming to please the eye and awesome structures for people to explore along with some nice hidden features. This map was made for the community games event and I have decided to also submit it as a regular map.
Link to the thread:

-- Alvarian --

by: helix (Helix Build Team)

Alvarian, luxurious lands owned by nature and the elves that roam it.
There are 5 districts, the rich elves town, the middle class markets, poor valley elves, volcanic district and the exotic forest. These districts are differentiated by the types of trees and flowers they have, so it's easy to identify what district you are present in. From mushroom forests, to abandoned sewers, there's nothing isn't appealing to the eye. Alvarian, the capital city of the elves universe.

Link to the thread:

-- Narrock Manor --

by: AppleCiider, MexicanTaco, AzTax, dankrai101, Frostyy & Shoula
A brand new map created by "Sponge Builds" is set in an old fashioned time in the Wild West but with the twist of Gothic Horror.
Link to the thread:

-- RF7: Ozmandias --
by RedForest
100 years ago the great war destroyed much of the planets surface, most of the survivors fled to the skies and formed flying cities such as mortal skies. The city of mortal skies fell into turmoil as two factions fought for control, the traditionalists wanting to keep their life in the skies and the people wanting to go down to the planets surface. A group of survivors finds themselves stranded in the desert where their ship crashes.

An Ancient city swallowed by the desert, the baking heat of the sun bearing down upon them, no water and a band of survivors who have been living on the surface for 100 years, can you survive? Ozymandias.

Link to the thread:

-- Imaginaerum --

by: @DragonRules & AlvaroGisbertCOD & @Emimugar2.
Imaginaerum is a fantasy world, which borns mixing a circus, a zoo and a theme park. I just came with the idea of doing something new, magical and funny at the same time for the MCSG servers when I randomly saw random images of a circus in google images, and I thought it would be funny bringing something like that to minecraft world.
Link to the thread:

-- United nation --

by: @Giver (JacobDoesGames)
In the year 2365 our great President announced that as of that very year our
Nation would completely change..
He declared specific Units for each Districts of the Nation to live in for a period
of their lives in order to prevent much danger and tragedy in our world.
Since then a new freedom emerged...
No more crime, no more loss, no more tragedy.
Simply, freedom and peace.
Link to the thread:

-- Forestside --

by: Novaaa, mat56789, MasonBulldog19, Chris|Bro & SuperxAndrew
From the creators who brought you Survival Imperius.
This map was based off a traditional house feel. This map contains large custom trees, very large homes, a private airfield for the residents, and cars placed through the roads.
Link to the thread:


-- Helios - Kingdom of the Sky --

by: SuperxAndrew, joel Maury-Holmes, DatPikachu, Chris|Bro, Mamiamato24
Helios was my (SuperxAndrew's) attempt at a 'playable' void map. Most of the time with void maps they are impossible to have enjoyable pvp on. I believe I have changed that. With 4 main (big) islands offering many flat areas for pvp and exploring, I think that gameplay that this map will present will be like never before. Of course there is always the possibility of getting knocked into the void, but that is part of it.
Link to the thread:

-- Sanctum ---

by: Creepy_Crawler, @LoganWayne97, GabbageFilms, Dominoyo, TeamDmon, HottPink, TheRyan_MC
The map is a fantasy medieval themed land, where the government is run by religion. They have built their monuments to their saviors, and have rugged the surrounding valley to prevent their beliefs from spreading. They have secluded everyone and everything related to their beliefs and saviors inside their royal city of Sanctum.
Link to the thread:

-- Fenecia --

by @Cretifery_aka_Captain & Calspazer
Fenecia is Survival Games map based of fantasy industrial city. Map includes cranes, ships, boat containers and so on. Gameplay on this map is fun, because good terraforming, also we kept PvP in mind so this map is very good for all PvP games. We didn't put any unfair items anywhere so nobody can't get full diamond armor :p . On map we built very high quality builds.
Link to the thread:

-- Rebellion's District --

by Sanders (yes thats me)
Welcome to Rebellion's District all! A map based upon the original Hunger Games District 13 and several other Survival Games maps. The map consists of 2 section's known as "The surface" and "The underground". The Idea for Rebellion's District was to create two maps connected to each other by tunnels to create an new and interesting way of playing Survival Games. The map can still be altered/changed, even major changes can be made! I want to say thanks to everyone who supported me building this map by giving feedback/suggestions to improve the map!
Link to the thread:


Thanks for checking out the thread & make sure to check out all the other threads I linked here!
If you feel like your map should be on the list, then hit me up! Just send me a PM or send a message in this thread! I Did not create a poll because all the maps listed so far cant all fit in the poll, so i decided not to add any1 rather than leaving some people out.

Hope you have a great day!

Last edited:


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Awesome thread Sanders!
I also think there should be new maps for other gametypes :p


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Exceptional thread! I agree with most of your selections and would be especially pleased to see Hogwarts (because I'm a big Harry Potter nerd) and Helios because I did some work on it ;3


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Great! I think most of these deserve to be accepted.

Columbus Circle worries me, since it has so many buildings, but I think it wouldn't be an issue.
Hogwarts SG, IMO, should be an 120 man map.
Community Games 4 needs a better name, but regardless of that, it should be in MCSG.
Alvarian looks like a mix of Haruka and Enchanted Forest.
Narrock Manor looks pretty good.
I don't really like the sand dunes theme, but Ozmandias's builds are good.
Helios should replace Lobby Games.


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Exceptional thread! I agree with most of your selections and would be especially pleased to see Hogwarts (because I'm a big Harry Potter nerd) and Helios because I did some work on it ;3
Thanks! Took a while to make :3
There are just so many maps that I think have a chance of getting accepted, I just really cant decide which ones I would want most.
Great! I think most of these deserve to be accepted.

Columbus Circle worries me, since it has so many buildings, but I think it wouldn't be an issue.
Hogwarts SG, IMO, should be an 120 man map.
Community Games 4 needs a better name, but regardless of that, it should be in MCSG.
Alvarian looks like a mix of Haruka and Enchanted Forest.
Narrock Manor looks pretty good.
I don't really like the sand dunes theme, but Ozmandias's builds are good.
Helios should replace Lobby Games.
I agree with most of your statements, Thanks for leaving a comment :)
Alvarian would be awesome!
I agree man but I won't act biased.


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Eww... who like's Rebellion's District? Who likes that map, it's so ugly...
said no one ever.

In all seriousness though, I would definitely love to see all of these maps on the server as they seem very well built!
Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
Awesome thread! Im glad to see my Fenecia map here :) . I think all maps looks nice, but Im not sure if Columbus Circle and Imaginaerum are good enough to become MCG maps.


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Awesome thread! Im glad to see my Fenecia map here :) . I think all maps looks nice, but Im not sure if Columbus Circle and Imaginaerum are good enough to become MCG maps.
I think I can agree with you. I like columbus circle, but I wasnt sure about imaginaerum. Still, I put it up there because we have seen in previous updates that sometimes maps get accepted that we're very unexpected. This could be one of those maps :)

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