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Very Important Change To Arena 1

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Jul 6, 2012
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Hello Mscg users!
I am writing about a map-bug that should be handled right away to arena number 1.

Okay so here is the deal
In the first arena there is this redstone room where you can get random items if you load the machine. If you are smart enough you can also abuse it by waiting right underneath it until a piston will open for the dispenser and clear the blocked area which means it's a great and easy opportunity to immediatly jump towards it and get into it, take all the useful items out of it and get away with, in my case a full set of iron (helmet, chest, legs, boots, sword) which is quite powerful. Plus you do also get two diamonds from the dispenser aswell.

Fixing idea
You should remove the dispensers that makes a clear area to the dispenser and replace the stone around it with bedrock.
This give players no opportunity to get into the dispenser by breaking any blocks and for the piston no clear area around the dispenser.
This is a huge problem because when everyone is gone looking for chests you got a big fat guy running around with full set of iron and you just got this terrible wooden axe to defend yourself with... totally unbalanced if you ask me.
Note: I noticed this bug as a guy rushed towards me with iron shiny armour and i started wondering how the hell he was able to get that so fast because i knew you can't get that many items even from the center chests that fast. So i spectated him and found out how easy it really was.

Hope you will take care of this ASAP :)


May 7, 2012
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Don't worry Mindahl, this problem has already been noted, and will be fixed in the nearest update.

If you ever see anyone abusing a glitch such as this one, please don't hesitate to poke a moderator on TeamSpeak. There is ALWAYS a moderator online.

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