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Ultimate MCSG Tips!




Welcome to my thread of (my) Ultimate MCSG tips. Most tips in here are common knowledge but will also be some that you have never heard of. I have gathered these in the time of playing in MCSG. Which is surely a long time. (Since May 2012). If you liked the tips then I'm sure you're gonna be in a high position on the leader-boards.
Basic Tips.png
These are some basic tips that are mostly common knowledge and are used by (probably) every single Minecraft player.

Chest-looting; If you are still a "noob" at Minecraft you probably won't know this but shift clicking allowed you to get an item into your inventory by just left-clicking on it. You do this by holding Left-Shift and then left-click on an item, it will instantly go into the first slot of your "hotbar".

Sound; Sound can make a big difference, example; I am crafting a sword on Breeze Island and I hear someone jumping in the water I can instantly turn around and look for that player - this also applies for falling damage from other players, there can be a big difference between you and another player if you don't take falling damage from a small drop and he does, you can almost say that you have a small advantage over him at that point. I prefer to keep your Music Volume on 0% and your Sound Volume on the highest that you think is suitable to hear all of the sounds. However, I play with background music (not in-game Minecraft music) but I make sure that the Minecraft sounds are always overlaying the background music.

Armor; Armor in MCSG is very important if you know what armor is better then the other, you will definitely have some kind of mental advantage.
Here are all the available armors in MCSG (left is worst armor, right is best armor)

You can see that Chain armor is BETTER then Gold armor.

Advanced Tips.png
Here are some tips for them "super MLG pro 1337" players.
There might also be some tips that some people would never be interested in or would ever get to know of.
Food Saturation; Your food and hunger-meter is very important. This is too much for me to cover in a small text so here's a link to the Wiki of Food Saturation and Hunger Refill.
Weapon-damage values; Knowing which weapons are better then each other is also good to know, in-case you're doubting which is better in-game. Most you have to know is which is better then each other, but you can also go more in depth of durability, reduced damage by blocking, etc. For all the damage values etc. Click here.
Map layouts; The maps from MCSG are very well made and balanced pretty good. I suggest before you start playing a certain map (or a new map). That you've never played before to get a "World Downloader Mod" and get it into your Single Player so you can check it out and make a certain Chest Route. Which you can then use in MCSG and win the game!

If there's anything I missed please use the same style I used, basically like this;
Subject; "text"
Also make sure there are no grammar mistakes in it. I will correct if there are though.
If you do it like that I will most likely implement it (I'll edit it a little bit as well).
I'll make sure to put in your forum profile and a link to it after the certain subject.
Thank you for reading! Now go own some noobs!


Jun 12, 2012
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More general knowledge about MCSG ;)
Well, besides the map download suggestion, it could apply to anything Minecraft related :p

Do see how it's connected to MCSG though.

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