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'There are teams in the books and therefore they belong in the game!'


Jan 1, 2015
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I probably could on 1.7, but I'm not as good anymore.
not a chance lol. in case you're ignorant and haven't realised this is the forum account of an eu clan that reached #1 in 1.7. WE ARE GOOD AT GAME


Apr 4, 2015
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There's nothing to value to "winning as a team". Do you want us all to /kill in the end because you guys want to stay on the top... I don't know about others but I'm not constantly tryharding on MCSG... Definitely not when I'm playing with friends. We are always messing around and just having fun on the servers. The thing, for me it was never about the "ratio" "the stats" "the wins". It was about the fun. If I see a team, I just take it as a challenge and see how far I can get on terms of my skills and my brain! You have to think. Maybe I'll "bowspam" as you guys call out. I'll choke point, I'll do all of it. I don't throw my headset n the ground and my game actually improves when fighting teams and I get more fun out of it because it's more of a challenge. If you don't like challenges, well I don't know what to say...
The fact is that MCSG is an extremely competitive environment and many people here are very skilled at the game.

I really don't get the point you're trying to make there, are you saying we shouldn't play it competitively?

I don't know if you've been playing MCSG in the last few years, but there are loads of hackers, and even the most skilled players need to team to beat the hackers and other teams as well.

You see, even the most skilled players can't take out 3 teams and 3 hackers in the same game. It just isn't possible. You can't outsmart teams using chokepoints. Players that team are as smart as you. They've played this game before.

I don't know if you've actually read the other posts on this thread but you should do it, you would know a whole lot more.


Nov 2, 2014
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if you wanna have fun play a goddamn casual server like Mineplex or Hive lmao


Aug 8, 2014
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Nope. This thread is like asking this game is too hard and it needs to be limited so I can win easier.
Last edited:


Jul 5, 2014
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Teaming is a huge problem on MCSG, in my opinion even bigger than hackers.

I think Solo servers would be a great addition to decrease the tention in the community and give the competitive play a boost.

Saying that teams belong in the game as there was a team of 5 in the book is just dumb. In the book you could kill a person with one arrow! Comparing the book into the actual game is so dumb. I think that's the first thing MCG has to get over before actually starting to improve the server.

"People team for fun!" No, they don't anymore. People team to boost each others stats. Nowadays, if I get killed by a team, I get verbally abused as if I was a hacker.

"Some players just shouldn't take the game too seriously." This is MCSG, people come here for competitive Survival Games. If they wanted to have fun on Survival Games, they'd play Mineplex.

"It would be so hard to moderate." Many servers already have Solo SG and if people are teaming, they'd get banned. You can tell that people are teamed easily: If they go around killing people as a team, punish them. If they share stuff, punish, you get the drill.

Now, I want some conversation and feedback, thanks! ^_^
am sure you teamed atleast once. If you have, you are being hypocritical. Deal with teaming or leave McGamer. Simple.


Jul 5, 2014
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do you always start posting pictures when you run out of arguments? It's like arguing with a 5 year old lmao
I could have but I didn't want to. Tired of seeing this guy's sh***y arguments over and over again.
Why do you have to assume that the players pushing for solo servers are all bad at the game? I'm a 'top' eu player, but that doesn't mean I can consistently take out teams of respectably good players. When I play as a team I never get 2v1'd by a legit player. It's honestly way too easy. A solo player has no choice but to quickly deplete his secondaries and gapples when fighting a team, and if the team find themselves to be losing they can easily back off or gapple themselves, so that next time they engage the solo player has fewer resources to call upon.

Chokepoints can be used to take out teams but any team who share a brain cell between them will know not to go up and will instead kill other players to take it to dm, or take refill, for example.

What essentially makes 2v1s complete bs is that, assuming equal gear, a team can effectively deal damage to you twice as quickly as you can to them, AND they have twice the number of hearts you do (if they are competent and don't go in one at a time, and back out when low). They also regen hearts at twice the rate you do, so to take them out you need to be dealing way more damage to them. Really, the best way to take out a team is to clean them up, but in order for that to happen the team must be careless enough to let that happen- getting cleaned up is almost always preventable.

Before you say that this type of team is something you rarely come across, on EU there are loads of 'tryhard teams', especially with the advent of the leaderboard reset. Lots of them even team with hackers to boost their stats.

Furthermore, teams have the potential for creating a sort of snowball effect- they can get stacked with unmatched efficiency by teaming on players with gear they need.

Regarding your 'the game was meant to have teams' point- says who? Just because something has always been a certain way, doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. I hate to take real world examples, but slavery was the norm for the duration of mankind until revolutionaries such as William Wilberforce started campaigning against it in England. He was met with a lot of resistance as everyone was accustomed to slavery, and I'm sure many a person retorted '<insert race> are meant to be our slaves'. Hopefully you can see that I'm not calling you a slave trader, but rather pointing out the weakness in your argument.

And lastly, please stop condescending and telling me to 'adapt'. I have over 2 years of experience- I've taken out huge stream teams, led clans and gone toe to toe with players considered to be 'the best' and come out on top. That's not to say that I'm the best, or that I can't possibly improve but if I need to improve to have a better chance of taking out teams, then if anything this should serve as a wake-up call as the number of players who actually are able to reliably take out teams must be severely limited.

I'm also a fair way better than you. ^_^

He was expressing himself. Did you here the sayings a icture is worth a thousand words?

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