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The Problems Right Now


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Mcsg is having a few Problems right now, some that could potentially minimise the player base.

Player Popularity​
If you have ever played Clash of clans, you'll realise that once you lift your elixir/Gold storages, you get higher gold and elixir then before, because you can. The same with MCSG, if you add more servers, you'll get more players. Our player count is higher then before, even at the times when we are at our worst. If you look at what is happening (i.e. Bajan leaving, Hive starting up) YOu'll realise that we are doing EXTREMELY well.​
Donor Diagnosis​
I know some more servers are scheduled to come out soon, but, if you look at all the threads these days, it's all about donor privileges. The problem isn't the donors, but indeed the servers. To diagnose the problem, we need to add more servers, so less people get kicked.​
Over-Powered People​
I remember one of my earlier games.​
Let's set the scene. SG2, I was scared by spiders, In a semi-circulaur building with a fountain at the front. It was raining heavily. Leather gear and wood sword (I was a noob back then) One guy in the game was lucky enough to have an Iron sword, and he was camping at corn. A handful of lucky people had stone swords, and the rest of us had wood axes/ swords.​
It was a sunny day on breeze and 24 tributes surrounded a green cornucopia. I run to the hill with the temple on top and get a wood sword. I climb up the trees and get a bow, arrows, food and some amour. I see someone approaching. I hit him once, twice and... iron armour and iron sword, I'm dead meat.​
That was 2 minutes into the game. The one before was 15. I pretty sure MCSG is getting too overpowered.​
That was a post by Gello45​
(P.s. if you read this and there is poor grammar, i will edit soon, i'm in a rush).​


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
On Player Popularity and Donor Diagnosis:
More servers costs more money. I understand where you're coming from, because if you get more servers, you'll get more players and therefore probably (that's a key word) get more donors too. But that's not necessarily going to happen. If MCSG buys more servers, they will have lost more money, but maybe there will be less people willing to buy donor that join. So they will end up getting less donations than the price for the servers, and eventually have to lose those servers and they will end up back where they started, just with less money.
Of course the chances of this happening are lower, I think the way MCSG is doing right now seems more logical because they are playing it safe. However, my opinion could be biased because I'm someone that never takes risks in life, and always take the safest path.

There are many threads about people complaining about donor. But in the end, I find that the person that made the thread ends up being able to play because of the help that came with the response. Normally if a thread like that is made, they are playing on the US servers where there are tons of donors. In that case, they can just try the later servers of that region (Us20-40, maybe even 30-40) because those will definitely have less donors. Or another option is switching to the CA region. I find there are many fewer donors there, and even players in general. Since the leaderboards are worldwide now, there is no point caring about where you get your wins, and you can just play on the CA servers.
So if anyone ever complains about something like that, just respond with the things I've given here. Every time someone has gotten this answer, they have either responded saying that they are not having any more problems or they didn't respond at all, which means the same thing because if they were still having the problem they would have posted asking for more help.

On Over-Powered People:
In the past, there were no tier 2 chests, except the ones in corn. Then they added tier 2's to the map all around in harder to reach chests. I think this makes sense because then you have a chance at getting good gear whether you go to the cornucopia or not, as long as you know where enough tier 2's are.
I think you said the answer to your problem yourself. You were a noob back then. I played alot (@TheRandomMan1000 yes, I played alot. A game about a furry animal #Trololololol :p) back in beta, and after a while I had no trouble even getting up to iron sword. In fact, it was harder to get iron sword than to get a bit of iron armour mixed in with your leather, which is to say that it was also really easy to get better than leather armour.

Nowadays I find if someone has iron armour that early in the game, it's for the same reason that someone would have had it in the past. They got a weapon in corn, and decided to immediately start killing people and eventually managed to rack up some good armour. I agree that in the past it was more of a special thing to get a sword right at the start, but it's still a really helpful tool now.

I think you're just exaggerating a bit with that. I will rarely find that someone poses more of a threat than me on any map, based off their gear compared to my gear, not skill to skill, and the only time I find myself in a situation where I stand no chance is when I get really bad luck. Because someone else got good gear that fast, it means it's also possible for you to get the same thing. Think about how other people feel when the same thing happens to them, because it surely does happen to everyone.


Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I understand the first bit, but we have more donors, and there really only has been 12 servers added in a long time. That's a pretty small number compared to every server ever made.
I actually try to never go on to US servers, since I live in AU. When I get onto the AU servers, I get kicked if I'm in the last 10-8 which is a pretty bad number for me. I don't particularly like the CA servers for they are even further then US, which is the worst server location to go on for me.
I understand your second point, but I have noticed, that nowadays there are 4-6 Full iron armour diamond sword players, which again is just too much. I Have once found full chain armour in a chest, and have also found full Iron armour in a chest which is Ridiculous.
Thanks for the post, By the way.


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I understand the first bit, but we have more donors, and there really only has been 12 servers added in a long time. That's a pretty small number compared to every server ever made.
I actually try to never go on to US servers, since I live in AU. When I get onto the AU servers, I get kicked if I'm in the last 10-8 which is a pretty bad number for me. I don't particularly like the CA servers for they are even further then US, which is the worst server location to go on for me.
I understand your second point, but I have noticed, that nowadays there are 4-6 Full iron armour diamond sword players, which again is just too much. I Have once found full chain armour in a chest, and have also found full Iron armour in a chest which is Ridiculous.
Thanks for the post, By the way.
They are adding more servers tomorrow. I don't see the need to have more servers than required for donors to play, I think right now is just fine.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
On Player Popularity and Donor Diagnosis:
More servers costs more money. I understand where you're coming from, because if you get more servers, you'll get more players and therefore probably (that's a key word) get more donors too. But that's not necessarily going to happen. If MCSG buys more servers, they will have lost more money, but maybe there will be less people willing to buy donor that join. So they will end up getting less donations than the price for the servers, and eventually have to lose those servers and they will end up back where they started, just with less money.
Of course the chances of this happening are lower, I think the way MCSG is doing right now seems more logical because they are playing it safe. However, my opinion could be biased because I'm someone that never takes risks in life, and always take the safest path.

There are many threads about people complaining about donor. But in the end, I find that the person that made the thread ends up being able to play because of the help that came with the response. Normally if a thread like that is made, they are playing on the US servers where there are tons of donors. In that case, they can just try the later servers of that region (Us20-40, maybe even 30-40) because those will definitely have less donors. Or another option is switching to the CA region. I find there are many fewer donors there, and even players in general. Since the leaderboards are worldwide now, there is no point caring about where you get your wins, and you can just play on the CA servers.
So if anyone ever complains about something like that, just respond with the things I've given here. Every time someone has gotten this answer, they have either responded saying that they are not having any more problems or they didn't respond at all, which means the same thing because if they were still having the problem they would have posted asking for more help.

On Over-Powered People:
In the past, there were no tier 2 chests, except the ones in corn. Then they added tier 2's to the map all around in harder to reach chests. I think this makes sense because then you have a chance at getting good gear whether you go to the cornucopia or not, as long as you know where enough tier 2's are.
I think you said the answer to your problem yourself. You were a noob back then. I played alot (@TheRandomMan1000 yes, I played alot. A game about a furry animal #Trololololol :p) back in beta, and after a while I had no trouble even getting up to iron sword. In fact, it was harder to get iron sword than to get a bit of iron armour mixed in with your leather, which is to say that it was also really easy to get better than leather armour.

Nowadays I find if someone has iron armour that early in the game, it's for the same reason that someone would have had it in the past. They got a weapon in corn, and decided to immediately start killing people and eventually managed to rack up some good armour. I agree that in the past it was more of a special thing to get a sword right at the start, but it's still a really helpful tool now.

I think you're just exaggerating a bit with that. I will rarely find that someone poses more of a threat than me on any map, based off their gear compared to my gear, not skill to skill, and the only time I find myself in a situation where I stand no chance is when I get really bad luck. Because someone else got good gear that fast, it means it's also possible for you to get the same thing. Think about how other people feel when the same thing happens to them, because it surely does happen to everyone.
Sorry but snipping takes too long on the iPad.
You said alot instead of a lot.:p


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
We are actually getting more servers, which is a definite plus and should solve that issue you mentioned, taking that off the list.
With that gone, we still have the "Player popularity", "Donor Diagnosis", and "Over-powered people" left to address.
These are not actually impending issues, but I could see why you would be confused, and I will try to clear them all up for you.

"Player Popularity" ~ "Donor Diagnosis"
I was a bit confused as to what you were trying to say here, but I've come to the conclusion you are poking at the fact we need more servers.
I suppose, sure, we need more servers, but do we really?
If you're a donor and a server is full, there's boatloads more servers you could join, so as a donor this isn't an issue. As a non-donor, it can be incredibly difficult to join, so I see where you're coming from here.
Like Squirrel said though, more servers means loss of money. Sure, it might increase the amount of donors, but I don't really think it would be worth it.
A $10 one month donorship is around 1/100 of the cost of a new server, which isn't a very good ratio.

"Over-Powered people"
I think, I'm not sure, but I think tiers were a new addition since whichever time period you were talking about.
Tier 2's (I think) are essential to the gameplay experience, as it provides an advantage to anyone with a good Tier 2 route.
Yes, I suppose it isn't fair, but at the same time you could just as easily gather up a route consisting of a few Tier 2's and you'd be even with them.
Sometimes, people just get really good stuff. The items in chests are totally randomized, so most items you receive are based off luck.
Some games you'll get great stuff, sometimes you'll get not-so-great stuff, but it's just part of the game.

Hopefully I could clear anything up, or change your view on something.
If this doesn't make sense, refer to HalfSquirrel 's post, it was better than this one anyways >.<

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