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Suggestions I Had

Which Idea Would You Like Implemented

  • Corn Tier & Single Tier Two

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Trap Blocks

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Revamp Sponsoring

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Feast

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Chat

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
These are some of the suggestions I had, they're all good in my opinion and would change the game a lot but would make it better. Lets get things started shall we.
Corn Tier: I know that this has been suggested before but I think it is such a great idea that I thought I should bring it up again. One problem I have with corn is that the risk factor is much too low, unlike the movie were corn is like a slaughter mill for humans. The corn tier would make people think twice about going to corn since the loots aren't the greatest but you would still be tempted to go to corn. Players would be debating with them selves if corn is worth it. The corn tier would have iron helmets and boots with leather tunics and leggings. The weapons would be Wood-Iron axes Wood-Stone swords (Slaughter Mill)! With resources like amazing food, cake, cooked steak and all the other divine Minecraft foods. Along with all of that sticks, iron ingots, fishing rods would also be in these chests. So if you survive the slaughtering that is happening you would have some nice loot to start the game off with.
Idea to back up "Corn Tier": Have only one tier two at corn. So have the 8 corn tier chests around in the circle/square shape and in the middle have one tier two. People would try to slip in get the tier two the slip out. Others will be murdering each other for it with their corn weapons. So well basically it will be a fight to the death for the tier two. It would also make going to corn a bit more worth it and more players would go for the risk.
Notes so far: For refill it would be best if the Corn Tiers turned into tier twos and the other tier two will remain a tier two. The reason for this is that it is a nice congratulations for those who made it this far into the games and it would attract more people to the refill.
Trap Blocks: *IF POSSIBLE* make a plugin which would make a block the looks like a normal block due harm to you. It be best if there was 20-40 randomized within a 20 block radius of corn making it once again more dangerous to go to. The traps would include; Slowness, blindness, poison, tnt, getting stuck in a cobweb or in an extreme case you'd fall through the block going to the void or lava. Once the block has been tripped it can not be tripped again until refill. There would also be some randomly all over the map, obviously not as much as there is at corn. It would be cool if there were randomly placed each game but if that isn't possible, just make patterns.
Revamp Sponsoring: Lets be honest our sponsoring is bland and it sucks. I think that we should be able to purchase a package(s) for players instead of single items. These would be more costly and there would be 5 different packages. P1|P2|P3|P4|P5. P1 is the cheapest one that would have your leather stuff and sticks with some golden weapons and raw food. P2 is slightly more expensive with gold armour and wooden weapons with some nice resources and better food. P3 a lot more expensive with chain armour and stone weapons with iron ingots, sticks, fishing rods and fns with better food. P4 really expensive with iron armour and iron weapons with great resources and amazing food. P5 Diamond boots and helmets with ok potions (Splash potion of slowness, ect.) best of the best resources and top of the line food. This package will only be able to donators and it would be the same price as P4. One thing I hate is that one person can get all the sponsored loots and no one else can. I think everyone should be able to receive one of every thing. Example, I sponsor Jim P3 and instead of P3 being removed from the sponsor shop me and other people can still donate P3 to other players. A chest would appear and the package stuff would be in there. The reason for the chest is that it's a fricken package! Also the person can pick and choose what he gets from the package and he can dump some unwanted stuff in it to make room for the sponsored loots.
Feast: Have small, medium, large feasts, the feasts would not be in every game it would happen every 3 games the server haves. In the chat a message would say "A Small Kings Feast Has Appeared At (cords)"
Sizes: Small 3 chests, medium 5 chests, large 1o chests. Ranks: Newbie=Crappy Career=Good Mockingjay=Great! (Sizes and ranks can be changed).

Chat: In chat make a message saying "5 minutes to refill" "1 minute to refill" this would give the players a warning to when refill will happen. This will happen newbies more then the old pros.

Guys that is all I got, thanks for reading and please let me know what changes should be made and what ideas you liked the best!

Edit: Also please add gold stuff to tier ones and re add wolves.


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
It's an interesting idea, but in my opinion it'll make MCSG look a bit like Mineplex and the Nexus.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I think the way it is at the moment is fine. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
As I am not an avid Survival Games player, I don't have much to say about these. The "Trap Blocks" idea is pretty cool, but I feel as if it would make the games shorter than they already are...


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
As I am not an avid Survival Games player, I don't have much to say about these. The "Trap Blocks" idea is pretty cool, but I feel as if it would make the games shorter than they already are...
But it would add more of a survival aspect to the game and would be badass.

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