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Strategy Game - Waiting Game, but still super awesome


May 4, 2012
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I recently got addicted to a great strategy game called Neptune's Pride II. It's one of those games where it takes time for stuff to happen, since it's like an online board game and not everyone has the same schedule in the game.

It's sort of like a take over the world game, galaxy wide, with lots of interesting aspects to it. You try to get your Economy up to get more money at production (which comes every 24 hours in a normal game), your Industry which makes ships which you can send in carriers to take over different stars and defend your own, and Science which lets you improve your technology and which helps you do many things.

The game is still in beta, and there are many features being worked on by the lone developer (it's an indie game), but it's already really awesome. The games have 8 people each, and will take a few weeks to complete in a normal game. I've been looking for people to play with though that I know, so we might either form a small alliance in a game with other people or so we can form a game full of MCSG'ers and play it all with people we know.

The game can be found here:

Sadly, to make your own game you have to become a premium member (which is quite worth it in my opinion, if I could I would try to get it), but we can still all join a game at the same time that's system made (there are 2 games open at all times made by the system, and there are also lots of premium player made games that normal players can join).

So if anyone would like to try and play a game together, message me either in a PM or on my profile and we can either join a game and team through skype (not constantly in a call obviously, the game takes weeks) or we can just message each other on the forums. Once in the game, there is a communication system too.

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