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Apr 17, 2012
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Every time in every game there is either someone trapped or camping or somoene with no stuff or something else that makes the games a little less fun and its really boring to watch as a spectator. And also there is no reason to win except for the points which have no use. I think you should be able to spend your points on sponsoring such as 10 points for a steak to give to someone and mabye 50 for an iron sword or something. Also you should spend like 25 to give a message to someone like, Theres a guy at x 23 z 43. Also you'd be able to do something like spawn a ghast at spawn for 50 points or other interesting tings like that. This would add more interaction with the spectators and include ways to speed up the game in a fair way and add sponsoring and gamemaking all in one


Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Before posting use the search. There are plenty of topics already on this so I will just copy/paste my response.



Minecraft is different than the books. I am not necessarily for this idea but in the books they aren't wearing armor and they don't get hurt differently from one weapon to the next, so the system in both are similar but they are not the same.

I do not think people should get sponsored but it is really hard to kill someone who has been lucky/skilled enough to take the middle. ESPECIALLY if they are teaming with another or more people so it would b e interesting to see maybe the underdogs get a better chance at winning, but not as a sponsor way. For instance Player Alpha is in the middle with full iron and a diamond sword and he is teamed with another person Player Beta with full iron and an iron sword.

Player Gamma has leather pants and helmet with a stone sword. Well it would be cool if Gamma could be *sponsored* with some items or something to even the playing field. I mean 2v1 is hard as it is, but with them being decked out it is a little different. It doesn't mean Player Gamma has to be bad, just did not have good odds with the chests.

On a side note:

I think there should be more traps on the maps so that you can have the chance to kill them by pathing mistakes. Such as a territory that you are familiar with and can transverse but since they always camp the middle and not venture you could trap them or kill them with lava holes or something. I know on the first map I have had some people chase me to die by a lava pit.
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