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Something I suggested a while ago. Separate tier chest for corn.


Jan 6, 2014
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I posted a thread about this a while back. You can find it here: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/separate-chest-tier-for-corn.116672/ It never really got that many people's attention, but the attention it did get was very positive. I would like to resurrect this idea as I believe it would be a major improvement to the cornucopia.

Honestly, as of now you will very rarely die if you go to corn unless you get really unlucky or you're just plain stupid. If you don't get a weapon, immediately turn around to your route and don't show your armor and there's a 90 - 95% chance that you won't die. Corn needs to be much more deadly, I feel it would be better if there was actually a somewhat high risk of going to corn, but also the chests would be slightly better. Unless you get a sword and go ham at spawn, it's only one tier 2 and you usually won't get everything unless you're fast. Much better to get a head start on your route even if it has only one tier 2. I think that cornucopia chests should be like this:

Slightly more armor/crafting materials/food

Much more weapons. Every chest should have a 60-70% chance of having a weapon anywhere from a wood axe to a stone sword (although stone sword would be rarer)

This way it's still possible to get stuff and escape just like the real hunger games films, but of you get a weapon and want to fight, it's much more like the huge bloodbath fight in the films instead of just easily murdering everyone and maybe being challenged by one person with a sword.

This wouldn't be op because it's basically tier 1 weapons, but it also increases the cornucopia deaths and makes corn more rewarding, as it should be.

*chests would return to normal tier 2 at refill*



Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
I think this idea seriously needs to be more acknowledged, because in the actual movies and books of the Hunger Games, there were deaths galore, weapons all over the place, I would recommend adding something like that, and as you said, we should definitely vary the kind of weapons provided in the cornucopia, heck, maybe someone could possibly be lucky enough to get an iron sword. :p

But I hope this idea gets more recognized, it deserves to be. :)

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