Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Accepted1. Nickname:Alex
2. IGN (In-Game Name):_ZlexPvP
3. Skype name:alex.zaharia01
4. Wins/Games played:38/760
5. Age:13
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]:Yes, diamond
7. PvP Strengths :Sword, Fns, Rod
8. PvP Weaknesses :Bow
9. Why should we accept you? :Because i am good at pvp and i will help clan with wins.
10. Favorite mapsar72, SG Adrenaline, SG 4
11. Previous clans:ElementalPlayers, Lotris.
12. Country:Romania, Constanta
Nocheerleader? ign: ayysami
Romgleza e ma-ta ))Smookers = scris la troll (putin cam romglez founder-ul )
Accept, call me on skype to test!1. Nickname:Alex
2. IGN (In-Game Name):GoofyyEzChild,Gooofyyy,DomnulGoof
3. Skype name:alexandru_cul1
4. Wins/Games played:512/3120
5. Age:14
6. Donor on MCSG [Yes OR No]:Yes, platinun at Gooofyyy
7. PvP Strengths :Sword, Fns, Rod
8. PvP Weaknesses :Bow
9. Why should we accept you? :Because i am good at pvp and i will help clan with wins.
10. Favorite mapsar72, SG Adrenaline, SG 4,Alaskan
11. Previousclans:multe...
12. Country:Romania,Cluj