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Permanent Bans


Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
I am sure this will have been suggested before but I feel that it needs to be seriously considered.

With the current system, you can be permanently banned for breaking the rules a number of times. I agree with this as some hackers etc. don't learn and so a 10 day ban (not sure what it is) would not surpass.

However the simple fact is that people change a lot over time and so one may do things in the past which they would never even think of doing now. However because their 'past self' got them banned they cannot play the server.

For example lovelights, he was permanently banned on his old account but look at what he has contributed to the community, and I am sure there are many more like him.

I also have personal experience of this as I was banned for abuse almost 1 year ago, and have since then matured. However because of my past actions, despite them being a year ago, I am unable to play.

I believe that mcsg should develop a system of banning people similar to the of Badlion. Where as if you were banned 4 or more months ago and you make a ban appeal in which you
show regret you may be considered for an unban.


Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
I personally don't see any problem with our banning system.

1) If you get banned for hacking (admitting to hacking, aimbot, kill aura, etc) you will be banned for one week.
2) If you continue to hack, and have not learned your lesson from your one week ban, you will be permanently banned.

As you might be able so see, we don't permanently ban right off the bat, we give our players a second chance. If you continue to break our rules, we will permanently ban you from our server.

At anytime if you feel you've been banned incorrectly, unfairly, or wrongly what-so-ever, you have every right to make a Ban Dispute, allowing a higher ranked staff member to look over your ban to make sure it is correct.

If you have any other problems with our banning system, feel free to further explain.


Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
I personally don't see any problem with our banning system.

1) If you get banned for hacking (admitting to hacking, aimbot, kill aura, etc) you will be banned for one week.
2) If you continue to hack, and have not learned your lesson from your one week ban, you will be permanently banned.

As you might be able so see, we don't permanently ban right off the bat, we give our players a second chance. If you continue to break our rules, we will permanently ban you from our server.

At anytime if you feel you've been banned incorrectly, unfairly, or wrongly what-so-ever, you have every right to make a Ban Dispute, allowing a higher ranked staff member to look over your ban to make sure it is correct.

If you have any other problems with our banning system, feel free to further explain.
1.This is not me saying I should be unbanned, I am just giving my opinion context.
2.This second chance is following a 1 week ban. People don't change very much in a week period, compared to a year etc. and so I believe those who have been banned for a long period of time and are still here (Are sorry for whatever they did) should be unbanned for the reasons I stated above.
3. Although this does apply to people who were hacking in their past. It works best for things like abuse where as the person may have matured.
Last edited:


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
This topic has been talked through a lot before.
I agree with you: People change. However, I think that MCGamer gives enough opportunities beforehand; at least a couple of opportunities for the other rules being broken, only one for hacking, though.

I don't think MCGamer will change this rule because it is not convenient for them.

As I had said above, this topic has been talked before and these threads, were the topic was discussed, were locked. So, the most appropriate would be a thread lock. But, I think there is nothing wrong on seeing what the players think of this (as its been a few months since I've seen these types of threads). Thus, the thread can go on.
Not that my opinion matters, though. I'm not a mod. c:


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly i don't like this idea. Players are already given multiple chances, if they don't learn after those, than it is their own fault for not obeying the rules.


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
There are already too many hackers as it is and relaxing the rules for people who have previously hacked would just annoy the community a lot more. Mods are working hard enough as it is and don't need people coming back and hacking again. Obviously some people will have changed and won't hack, however this can't be said for everyone.


Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
There are already too many hackers as it is and relaxing the rules for people who have previously hacked would just annoy the community a lot more. Mods are working hard enough as it is and don't need people coming back and hacking again. Obviously some people will have changed and won't hack, however this can't be said for everyone.
I doubt there are many hackers who hacked, and are then willing to wait a year to get a chance to be unbanned. Most hackers have played under 200 games, and come simply to annoy people, or to feel that they are good at something for the first time in their lives. Most would not stay around the community for this amount of time. Also it is not like waiting a month and you get unbanned, as of course this would increase the number of hackers. How many people do you think would wait a year to get unbanned then hack? As stated above however this banning system would have to be dependant on the offence. Although it does work for hackers it works much better when applied to those who were banned for abuse etc.


Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
When a player is hacking or admitting to hacking they are banned for a week.
If they continue after that week ban they are permanently banned.

This system seems fine to me, they would still hack if the situation before replicated itself. Rather they were bored or wanted to have fun. If they don't fix it in a week then they deserve to be banned. People can change as much as they want in a week the amount of time doesn't matter.

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