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Optional Bounty & Sponsor Messages


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
So I believe a couple of you may remember that I went on a rant some time ago about people mistaking the meaning of sponsor gifts and bounties (mostly about bounties being thought of as gifts instead of bullseyes).

Anyway, I have come up with a possible solution that I believe alleviates some of this frustration and is also easily corrected should it be abused.

This aforementioned solution is to add a parameter to both the /sponsor and /bounty commands for a 12-15 character message that people may fill with whatever appropriate words they wish to either encourage the people they sponsor or encourage other people to target the bountied individual.

First of all, I know what any moderator reading this is thinking. What in the world is to stop people from abusing this and saying rude things to intimidate those they bounty? Well, the 12-15 character limit ensures that they can't say much. Plus, if someone does try to bypass the filter or be rude, anyone on the server will see the public message and be able to screenshot it and very easily report it.

Example of how the command parameter would be setup:

/sponsor (name). >> following GUI would be setup like an anvil with a text bar above the available items to sponsor.

/bounty (name) (amount) (optional message)


Example(s) of how people might use this to sponsor:

"You have been sponsored by mr_pendle with the message: <3 ChadTheDJ ! Be sure to thank them1"

"You have been sponsored by TheCornStealer with the message: Steal corn! Be sure to thank them!"


Example(s) of how /bounty might look:

"A bounty of 2112 points has been placed on Huahwi for the following reason: Kill him!"

"A bounty of 69 points has been placed on ThatOneTomahawk for the following reason: <3 you!"

"A bounty of 10 points has been placed on XXXRandomGoat324858969 for the following reason: Hacker?"


In conclusion, I can see this being used to give spectators a way to stay more involved in the action from beyond the grave.

In addition to this, in order to stop people from posting multiple messages, I propose that a limit be set to how may times you can bounty a single player in a game. Being able to do /bounty only once would stop the bounty spammers (I.e.: in DevonDoesGames's 50th episode, Tomahawk spam-bountied him 50 points over and over making the chat exceedingly difficult to read as to what other players might be actually saying).

Any support for one or both suggestions is appreciated as is all the constructive criticism you can muster. Thank you for your time! :)

Edit: For rare spelling mistakes (on Android again) and how /sponsor would be setup.
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Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
The is actually a good idea! (If it doesn't gt abused)
There's always going to be something being abused on MCSG to some extent. Otherwise, why would we need any mods? :p

I have thought about how this could be abused. The only way I can see it happening is either without the character limit or people bountying one person over and over (which is why I am dually suggesting a limit of one spectator being able to bounty each participant one time or some such).

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