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On the Topic of Necroposts

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Feb 1, 2013
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Hello everyone, RC here. Along with inspiration from plimpy41, I have noticed some things regarding necroposts that I'd like to discuss here to help clarify on what truly is an against-the-rules-necro and what would be considered acceptable. So without further ado, let's get started!

*Disclaimer- The views expressed in this post are not necessarily the views of MCGamer staff. I will be working with the rules, but my interpretation may be different than that of staff. Rather, I'd just like people to take this information into consideration when they see a necro or have thoughts about doing one themselves.

First, let's look at the rule itself.
4. Do not grave-dig/necropost:
Posting on old threads that serve no purpose is unnecessary and gives people unneeded alerts.

  • If a thread has gone one month without any new posts, it is considered old and posting on it will be considered necroposting.
  • If the thread is still relevant and important, necroposting on it is allowed.
  • If the thread has a new update, necroposting on it is allowed.
As the rule states, necros are generally not allowed because they bring useless topics to the front of the forums and/or give alerts to people that don't care about thread anymore. Now, let's look deeper into the rules at discuss the bullet points.

The first one talks about what would be considered a necropost. It says that a necropost is a thread that has gone for a month or more without posting. This does not mean that if the thread is 29 days old and irrelevant, you are not necroing when you post on it. If it's in the ballpark of 30, it's a necro. Don't try to "save" useless threads, as it can be annoying and serves no purpose.

Next, the rule says that relevant/important threads are alright to necro. This part of the rule is the one that seems to be most ignored. People seem very quick to go, "NECOR!!!!11!!!1!11 MOD LOCK THRED @EVRYMOD" Okay, maybe that's a bit over-exaggerated, but you get the point. Here's an example of a thread that would be an alright necro.

As an example, I'll use my feature suggestion thread about implementing a rule book. Let's say it's been a month and a half since there was a post on it. Then, someone decides to post on it:

[ 0 0
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[ Benja
|TheBigBenja| I think that this would still be a great idea to add!

(I worked way too hard on that picture... XD)

This post is relevant to the thread and there is still potential discussion on the topic, so it's fine.

The final bullet states that if a thread has a new update, necros are also fine. If I am writing my MCSG original short story, and a month and a half after the last post someone posts to ask me if the project is still taking place, that would be perfectly fine.

As a side note, random unrelated necros on decent threads are still necros.

Now, for a subguide...

When you witness a necropost, here are some questions you would want to take into consideration:
1. Is this thread still relevant, or at least possibly relevant? If so, think about the next question. You probably will want to at least want to read what the post is anyway to see if the points it brings up make the thread relevant.
2. Is the post itself relevant to the thread? If 1 and 2 are true, there's probably no reason to report the post.

If you can answer "No" to either question, you will probably want to notify a mod. But how should you go about this? Here are some do's and don't's:
  • Do not make a post saying, "OMG NECRO!" It's just as bad as the necro itself.
  • Do not tag every mod you see online. It might be acceptable to tag a moderator that is your friend that's online, but generally you don't need to.
  • Do report the post. Use the report button in the bottom corner of the necropost near the reply button, and you can simply put "necro" in the reason box. This will allow any staff to see your report, making it much easier.
  • Do help out the mods a little and remind the user that made the necropost of the rules.
I hope this will be of help to some newer (and even older) forumers out there. Thanks for reading!

Something I forgot or should add? Tell me!


Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks! Maybe with this we can finally get rid of those people who go NERCOOOO!!!11 I'm gonna start calling them anti-necros I guess...


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Very helpful to those who don't know the necro rules and stuff.


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Really tempted to wait for this thread to die out, and necro after a month xD

Irony :3


Apr 10, 2013
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Welp. I necro'd a few days ago. I guess I'll be deleting that post... (If a staff member hasn't already beat me to it :confused:)

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