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My Suggestions For The Server

Which of my suggestions would you like to see most?

  • UHC

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • 1v1, 2v2, an 3v3 pvp

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Mini games like paintball

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
My Suggestions

Hey everyone lately I have been thinking of what would make MCgamer 100% for all players. MCgamer already has a lot of fun things like MCSG and Quarter Quell and some of AVN's mini games but there is just an open spot to complete the package. Some of my future suggestions for the server would be 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 pvp for those that like that style of pvp and also UHC. UHC is not my cup of tea but if UHC was added to MCgamer it would be really fun. The Devs would be able to make an awesome plugin for it to.

List of my suggestion
- 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 pvp

- Mini games like paintball

Your Suggestions

I would love to hear what your suggestions would be to make MCgamer 100% with the essentials that would fit everyone's style and would make even more people come to MCgamer. Put all your thoughts down below :)


1. Please be positive
2. Please do not say anything that could potential hurt anyone's feelings
3. Do not start flame with anyone
4. Please be appropriate with your suggestions


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hmm... I think I've seen threads like this before, but weren't recognized enough. Hopefully this one would do! ;D
One of my suggestions were actually some sort of 1v1 kind of system.
However, the catch is you do not know who you are going up against.
Meaning that you could be facing an exceptional fighter like Huahwi, or a trash can, like me!

But yet again, I don't always consider doing something like that. Maybe we could also implement training grounds for new players, ambitious towards improving their fighting abilities. Although 1v1 systems or Battlegrounds seem like adequate solutions, it would be difficult for new players to go up against professional fighters.
That's why we should implement some sort of NPC training grounds, where you choose a difficulty level, and then you can fight against NPCs. I have used some sort of plugins before to which you would be able to create a Non playable character with any skin. And you can command them to move around or even hit you.
That's why I think it would be useful. c:


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Hmm... I think I've seen threads like this before, but weren't recognized enough. Hopefully this one would do! ;D
One of my suggestions were actually some sort of 1v1 kind of system.
However, the catch is you do not know who you are going up against.
Meaning that you could be facing an exceptional fighter like Huahwi, or a trash can, like me!

But yet again, I don't always consider doing something like that. Maybe we could also implement training grounds for new players, ambitious towards improving their fighting abilities. Although 1v1 systems or Battlegrounds seem like adequate solutions, it would be difficult for new players to go up against professional fighters.
That's why we should implement some sort of NPC training grounds, where you choose a difficulty level, and then you can fight against NPCs. I have used some sort of plugins before to which you would be able to create a Non playable character with any skin. And you can command them to move around or even hit you.
That's why I think it would be useful. c:
That would actually be really cool to see and be able to fight the NPC with whatever kind of difficulty would fit that player and even really good players could practice as well. For the 1v1's maybe the disguise plugin wouldn't work because to be honest I would also like to know who I am fighting. Thanks for sharing your suggestions!


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
I would like MCG to have a 1v1!

Now, for the new minigames, Rocket Rumble and whatever. No one plays them. Why? Because MCG is known as PvP server. For minigames, people go on Mineplex, Hive or Hypixel. NEVER MCG, okay? I tried Rocket Rumble once, but it was so messy, with all the iymes in there, I didn't know what to do to get playing. There was like 5 other players on, I was so confused.

I say, get rid of everything but Battlegrounds and MCSG, and get a 1v1. People come here to PvP. When we sometimes play minigames with our clan, we go on Mineplex. MCG minigames are confusing and not popular, so none of them can even start. They are literally waste of money.


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
I would like MCG to have a 1v1!

Now, for the new minigames, Rocket Rumble and whatever. No one plays them. Why? Because MCG is known as PvP server. For minigames, people go on Mineplex, Hive or Hypixel. NEVER MCG, okay? I tried Rocket Rumble once, but it was so messy, with all the iymes in there, I didn't know what to do to get playing. There was like 5 other players on, I was so confused.

I say, get rid of everything but Battlegrounds and MCSG, and get a 1v1. People come here to PvP. When we sometimes play minigames with our clan, we go on Mineplex. MCG minigames are confusing and not popular, so none of them can even start. They are literally waste of money.
I have heard a lot of people say that MCG is mainly known for its PvP and it is but I still think its cool they are spending the time and thinking about the community. They should also keep Quarter Quell I don't play it to often but it is still pvp and it is really really cool. Thanks for sharing your suggestion!


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Other than a 1v1 section of Battlegrounds, I don't care about anything else listed. Good day.

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