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My Rant On The Server


May 5, 2014
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I'm really shy, so I actually debated with myself for like a week about posting anything here xD, but I decided I should voice my opinion.

Punishment System For Hacking

When I first saw the rules, I thought it was really nice, as it was forgiving, and emphasized on giving second chances. However, with all the hackers and such nowadays, as much as I love the idea of second chances, it’s really just not working anymore. Everyone knows hacking is against the rules, everyone knows it’s bad. If you decide to do it anyways, I believe a permanent ban should be given immediately, whether it’s your first offense or fifth.

However, if a player is actually sorry enough to make at least a half-decent ban appeal, they should be given a second chance. This way, a lot of heartless hackers will not return, and for the people who are sorry, they can get another chance.


-(Hopefully) A lower amount of hackers
-Makes it less likely for someone to hack; as some people may think "I needa boost my stats, I'll just hack until I get caught, then I'll stop, it's only a week ban anyways."


-Takes more effort to get unbanned
-More work for staff (more appeals), but I don't think this is significant

Punishment System For Deleting Evidence

Honestly, it’s stupid in my opinion. I get the purpose, to ensure that evidence isn’t deleted so hackers can't return, but it has really done nothing good. I personally see it as nothing more than a way to prevent people from reporting for fear of potential punishement.

Should a punishment be given? It depends. On your first offense, a warning or something should be given, so they are well aware. After the first offense, maybe a short temp-ban, like 3 days (give or take). I personally don’t believe a permanent ban should ever be given for trying to help, unless it’s clear they’re doing it on purpose to do harm.

Of course, a lot of people state that they shouldn't change the rules just because people don't read them, but it's the same concept as putting in "You can't use a texture pack, it may give an unfair advantage," and when a bunch of appeals come in, say "You should've read the rules" (Although it's not nearly as absurd as this). In other words, it's a stupid rules in the first place, don't make the excuse that people should've read it.

(And a ban victim should be given 2 weeks to appeal, afterwards, the reporter should have no obligation to keep the evidence; 2 weeks is plenty of time)


-People less afraid to report rule breakers
-A more reasonable punishment (my opinion)


-People more likely to remove evidence (I'm assuming) as the punishments are less harsh

Purchasing Unbans

I'm pretty sure this is going to bring a lot of negative attention, but I still want to put out my opinion.

It’s actually really surprising to me that the MCG Network doesn’t offer this. Of course, I can see the reasons (being that rules breakers should stay gone), but I personally believe that the benefits greatly outweigh the consequences.

An unban should cost $10-$15. The relatively high price isn’t for the purpose of getting a lot of money, but to help ensure that the people who buy it don’t commit offenses again and get banned again, wasting their $10-$15. Also, a limit of one unban (per account) should be added, so rich hackers can’t constantly buy unbans. And of course, your ban history isn’t erased, just whatever punishments you currently have are upheld.


-People can get chances to improve their behavior on the server
-Many people, (ie Cscoop [RIP ;-; I loved your videos]) can return to the community
-A bit more money for the server


-A rule breaker gets one more chance

Moderator Restrictions

I can see why the rule about not having any punishments is in place, but I believe there should be some exceptions.
1. The person should not have been banned for a serious offense, such as hacking (using illegal mods like a minimap really isn't too bad)
2. They have a good reputation in the community

And, don't use age as a sole reason to deny someone a position, say (in nice words :3) "we're looking for someone with more experience." Age should be used as a factor, not a sole reason. Of course a lot of people would beg to differ, but it's just my opinion.


-More qualified people could achieve the position


-Really none... At least worth mentioning

Side Notes

-I feel like staff members like to lock threads for the sake of it sometimes ;-;. I understand it's to reduce spam, but sometimes it's really just unnecessary, especially in bug reports. Although they say "Message me if you have any other problems," if the staff member can't help them they're ultimately going to have to create another thread
-Don't reset leaderboards?.. ;D
-Honestly, I rarely see an idea from the community being added to the server... Maybe change that a bit? :p
-Add servers that don't record stats, just for when people want a fun game, as it will probably have less hackers
-If the no-stats servers go through, make a team limit of 3-4 (give or take) for the "ranked?" games, and any team with a greater amount must play on the no-stats servers. You really don't need to strictly moderate this.

Anyways, that's just my rant about things that can improve, tell me your thoughts (I don't expect a bunch of positive comments, just honest ones). I don't plan on adding a poll or anything yet, but I will update the Pros and Cons lists when people make good points.

Sincerely, some shy scrandy randy noob player who made one post
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