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Multiple Ideas


Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
1: exploding pods.

2: mutations spawn. (Final 5)

3: TNT

4: backpacks for more storage

5: first blood. (Displays on screen)

6: tasks: when finishing a task you earn points.

7: throwing knives (snowballs)

8: cobwebs

9: punching does more damage rather than a half heart

10: pressure plates in chest, you place them on the ground. If you step on them you explode and lose about 3 hearts. Then pressure plate disappears.

11: Feast spawns at a certain coordinates. (Chest)

12: mob eggs, spawn in chest, spawn mob and that mob will attack enemies. Mob will have your in game name over its head.

13: roses: spawn in chest, right click and fire balls shoot out

14: winners of the hunger games win 50 extra points.

15: scoreboard


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
1. They might be adding that soon.
2. Useless
3. I feel that it is making it more like the fridge/hive.
4. I don't think you would ever need more space. LOL.
5. Pointless?
6. That is like achievments
7. Would be cool
8. Same reason as reason 3
9. NO!
10. Like F&S.
11. No. Just no.
12. Too OP
13. You are copying now.
14. Good.
15. Nah


Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
I would list my reasons, but I'm too lazy.


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
1. This particular idea was used as a joke on April Fools day. Surprisingly, a lot of people liked it. Perhaps it will make an appearance in MCSGv3 as a random event.

2. I had an idea similar to this, where Mobs don't spawn until the final 6. But you're idea could potentially work as well.

3. Eh, I can go both ways on this.

4. Definitely not. One of the aspects of this game is conservation of inventory space, and inventory management. Adding more room would take away that aspect, or at very least cripple it.

5. This would be acceptable, and rather interesting.

6. We already have achievements, which I would like a comprehensive list of, so I feel like these aren't that needed and would be pointless programming.

7. On maps like SG5 or any map with snow, someone can craft a shovel and suddenly have a ton of overpowered, extremely accurate projectiles.

8. No, The Hive and Fridge servers do this, I think.

9. No, definitely not. Punches are fine as they are. Any more and they'll be overpowered.

10. Like on question six, this seems like useless programming and would be horribly overpowered.

11. We kinda already do that with the chest refill.

12. No, unless they spawn and are aggressive to everyone.

13. No, no, no. you can find roses on the ground, that you can pick. What kind of programming can tell the difference between a rose from a chest and a rose from the ground?

14. I would appreciate this.

15. Eh. I, myself, would rather not, but that's personal preference.


District 13
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
1. Seems like an interesting idea.
2. I don't think that would be good, considering it would take away from the similarity to the Hunger Games books.
3. Could be neat. Might be spammed though.
4. Storage is fine as it is.
5. This seems like a good idea, but not really contributing anything extra to the game besides some text.
6. Seems like there would be less PvP, and more task completion.
7. Could be interesting. I like this idea.
8. Not very useful.
9. That would be so overpowered. Sort of like the diamond fist glitch.
10. Seems rather unnecessary.
11. Matches often happen too quick for that to be useful.
12. No. That is all.
13. Like in Mario? No thanks.
14. A win bonus would be good, but 50 seems like too much.
15. Could be a good idea, but ultimately doesn't add anything special to the game.

A lot of these seem like tactical changes. The Survival Games themselves aren't very tactical at all. Most of these seem like they would be superfluous, and never used.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
1: They are or we're adding that I think.

2: No. I like to just wait the games out, and sometime stock on diamonds.

3: No, flint n steel is good enough as a weapon of that sort.

4: I don't see that happening, sorting through your inventory is a risky part of the game.

5: Like an achievement? I guess could be good, but not top priority.

6: We already have achievements that give points...

7: Nah, we don't need more weapons.

8: Could be a good idea

9: No no no! Spawn punching is annoying enough already!

10: Nah, as I said, flint n steel is a good enough placement weapon. And besides, it does about 3 hearts anyway.

11: Nope, we already have refill which is more or less the same thing.

12: No. Don't like it at all. Too OP.

13: This isn't Mario.....

14: Already get 25 for winning, unless I'm mistaken.

15: No. I suggested this a while ago, and people said no. I don't think it will be added. Besides, it adds suspense in a game. Although we could have a kill count sort of thing, just for your kills.

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