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Multi-Posts - Clarification?

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey there.

I recently used the Report button on a Moderator's post, and reported it as a "Triple Post", since it was just that - they posted three times within a few minutes, and it was a situation where they could have very easily completed it within a single post. I didn't want to get them in trouble or anything, I was just hoping that perhaps a Moderator or they themselves could look over it and perhaps edit them into a single post. I understand that it could have been on Mobile or something, so I didn't want to rag on them for triple posting or something, so I chose to use the Report button.

After coming home a few minutes ago, I noticed this: (http://prntscr.com/3ql7yn)

So, basically what I took this to mean is that the person did not triple post, when they really did. The message, "Not a triple post. Not the same post 3 times." would infer that the person who dealt with my Report thought that what a "triple post" was that the person posted the same thing 3 times, when really I thought it was this:
(http://prntscr.com/3ql8e8) Taken from MCSG Updated Rules Version 3.0

So...I've been defining a multi-post (double post, triple post, etc.) for more than the past year as something such as: "Multiple posts in a row by the same user in an unnecessary situation", and an "unnecessary situation" would be something such as quoting multiple people in separate posts, quoting someone and then posting your own thing, etc. within a short timespan, such as a few minutes between each post.

Have I been mistaken? Because if so, I should probably go and fix my guide, and I've been telling people incorrect information for the past year.
And if I was correct... well, erm, I think you may have a staff member who needs to be re-acquainted with the forums.
And if you have absolutely no idea what I've been trying to say in this thread, please ask and I'll try to explain xD I'm kinda tired and might not be thinking straight.

Halp pls ;-;

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
You are right - whoever rejected your report was wrong.

I apologize for the inconvenience; I will bring this up with the other members of staff.
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