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MCGamer Please..

Aug 12, 2015
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Hi Guys

I realise this isn't the first post like this and it wont be the last but until something is done these posts are just going to keep on appearing. This post will is going to address the cheaters in MCSG, the glitches and some way as to how the server can be improved.

I don't know about other regions but I play on AU and pretty much every game there is a hacker and it is beginning to become ridiculous. When I see the hacker I try to get a moderator to check them out or at least make them aware of the hacker. But a lot of mods sit in hub, claim they are 'waiting for reports' but half the time they are AFK or just don't answer. Furthermore, a lot of the time when I go on the teamspeak staff are either in Movie channels, DND channels or have 'No poke, staff only' or something along those lines. You might say "Record the hacker and upload it" well not everyone can record and not many mods know what they are looking for in a hacker recording. Also the communication between staff and regular players needs to improve particularly when it comes to hackers. If I go on TS and poke a mod about a hacker it would be a bit easier if I knew the mod was spectating so I got get the player to hack against me and provide evidence. Or if they didn't think the person was hacking they could tell me so then I could find my own evidence instead of running on the outskirts of the map forever waiting for the hacker to be dealt with.

There are 3 people that I can name off the top of my head who have managed to Hack/Autoclick for ages and get away with it. Pyr, Psychokiller, Zaplum/Incredibil1ty and ms_ are prime examples of how the staff are either not doing their job or don't know how to do it properly. Pyr had 1123 wins and about 2500 games played before he got banned for hacking and now somehow is unbannaed, Pscyhokiller had 1134 wins and about 3300 games played before he got banned. Zaplum/Incredibil1ty has 668 wins out of nearly 6000 games played before he got banned. Finally, ms_ who majority of AU knows is a hacker was banned and is now unbanned. Come on MCGamer, look at these examples and tell me nothing is wrong when it comes to hackers.

Furthermore, the maps on MCGamer need attention, some are quite glitchy and othr ideas need a few improvements. First off, the alaskan village freezing, I am not sure how long this glitch has been around but it has been far too long. Trying to play and then randomly freezing is very frustrating especially when you die as a result of being frozen and defenceless. Also the 'featured map' plug in should be altered, I am not saying it is bad, in fact I like the idea but please reduce the time of the map being featured. I think 48 hours would be an appropriate time as it gives all regions plenty of time to play on the map without getting annoyed with it.

Finally, there isn't really any excuse as to why MCGamer after more than 3 years of public release has still not designed a working anti-cheat to prevent speed hackers. From what I know there is a more advanced anti-cheat being designed currently so this might help. The /report function is also faulty, sometimes when I try and report someone for hacking it comes up with something like "Username Uknown: *IGN* "

I apologise if this came across as abusive or disrespectful, I didn't know how else to say it nicely and try and get the message through.



Sep 7, 2013
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Jul 30, 2015
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