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MCGamer News Show

Good idea?

  • Yes, I hope to see this soon.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No, the newspaper is better.

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
I have had this idea for the longest time now and I'm finally going to share it. I think it would be cool if MCGamer had a news show. This News show would be similar to the Newspaper but I think it'd be better. Here is what I think would make this a big success.

We'd take two mature and well known community members, and make them co-anchors (Amount of anchors can change). I think it would be best if we had one female and one male doing this job. Their role would be delivering the news to us the audience and making the show entertaining. I personally think that duckluv321 and RC_4777 would be best for this.
If one can't make it, no problem we can have substitute anchors or only have one for that show. MCGamer can make applications for the anchor mans or privately ask certain community members.

We can have a lot more segments and show more stuff than the newspaper. Here is a list of segments I thought of. Clans and Teams, New Maps, News, Rumours, Staff, Contests, Build(s), Build Teams, Tips, YouTube, Interviews.

Clans and Teams; This segment would give updates like if a clan won a clan war. It would show the Clan Leaderboards. It would tell us about new clans taking off and old great clans who disbanded. Also new clans or even old clans can request to have their clan in the segment saying that they're looking for new members to join them.

New Maps; This segment will show off of someone of the best finished maps and talk about them. It will also talk about map updates and maps in progress with a lot of potential.

News; This segment is very simple it tells you about new updates, or anything newsy.

Rumours; This segment is for all the rumours for MCGamer.

Staff; This segment is to announce all the promotions, demotions and recently hired staff member(s). MCGamer could also stress that they need staff or other stuff like that at times.

Contests; This Segment is telling the community about all the contest being held by MCGamer or community members.

Build(s); This will show all the new great builds done by community members (No SG maps for this segment).

Build Teams; This is a lot like the clan segment but is for build teams. Build teams can advertise their team here and show off their very sexy builds.

Tip(s); This segment can guest star a great PvPer (Gravey4rd ) and they can show us one of their best moves. They can bring in a new PvPer every week or even a forumer for some forum tips!

YouTube; This one will showoff some MCGamer YouTubers and give them the attention they deserve!

Interview(s); This segment would be interviewing someone who is important to our community and they can answer the communities questions!

That is it for the segments please feel free to share your segment ideas with me.

Roles; There are many roles and duties that need to be done for this to happen and here are some that I came up with. Anchor-Man, Cameraman, Editor, Writer, Director.
I am not going to go over each role.

Now the show would be best if it was 10 - 15 min. It can be released every second Saturday for example.
The episodes can be uploaded to MCGamers YouTube channel and can be announced on the forums as well.
Idea(s); We can build a studio in the Hub and we can record each episode there and we can have a spectator area where people can watch the live filming (without the voices nor the effects). During that time the records will have their chat off so we can get optimal quality to the show.

Why this would be better than the newspaper we have? It would just be more entertaining I find. It would be cooler to watch the news than read it, in my opinion. We can do so much more with this than the newspaper, we can add effects and cool stuff like that. For the maps we can show a short clip of it instead of a single screenshot. I think it would be awesome.

If this does happen it would most likely end the newspaper and I think this would be more popular.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I actually quite like this idea.
As it is, we have a CEP - Current Events Publication?
The CEP is staff-operated, and I suspect that this would be a project run by the staff team as well - I know of pretty very few "official" projects that aren't run by the staff team. Off the top of my head, the only one that I can think of is the Clan Leaderboards, but even that is affected by the relatively new Official Clan Rules (Not Soul's rules.)
However, I can still hope that the staff team would let some non-staff help out and whatnot. (Wink wink ;))

One thing that I doubt would be allowed is this:
We can have a lot more segments and show more stuff than the newspaper. Here is a list of segments I thought of. Clans and Teams, New Maps, News, Rumours, Staff, Contests, Build(s), Build Teams, Tips, YouTube, Interviews.


Rumours; This segment is for all the rumours for MCGamer.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, the staff has a slightly unusual way of dealing with these, and I really doubt they'd allow rumours to be a part of this, as fun as it could be.
However, in exchange, perhaps we could have a Controversy/Hot Discussions/Debates section, where they go over popular threads, debates, and other controversy that is going on, both in-game and out of game, as well as on YouTube. For example, Lovelights' coming out thread (as Kos) and things like the gf/rekt/ez/stemrolled ongoing debate.
It's not rumours, per se, but still a fun thing for people like me to hear about :3

Also, this is oddly coincidentally timed - I just joined Journalism today, and I'll be working on the school Newspaper. Hehehehe.


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
I actually quite like this idea.
As it is, we have a CEP - Current Events Publication?
The CEP is staff-operated, and I suspect that this would be a project run by the staff team as well - I know of pretty very few "official" projects that aren't run by the staff team. Off the top of my head, the only one that I can think of is the Clan Leaderboards, but even that is affected by the relatively new Official Clan Rules (Not Soul's rules.)
However, I can still hope that the staff team would let some non-staff help out and whatnot. (Wink wink ;))

One thing that I doubt would be allowed is this:

Unfortunately, as far as I know, the staff has a slightly unusual way of dealing with these, and I really doubt they'd allow rumours to be a part of this, as fun as it could be.
However, in exchange, perhaps we could have a Controversy/Hot Discussions/Debates section, where they go over popular threads, debates, and other controversy that is going on, both in-game and out of game, as well as on YouTube. For example, Lovelights' coming out thread (as Kos) and things like the gf/rekt/ez/stemrolled ongoing debate.
It's not rumours, per se, but still a fun thing for people like me to hear about :3

Also, this is oddly coincidentally timed - I just joined Journalism today, and I'll be working on the school Newspaper. Hehehehe.
Head Editor? :cool:


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
I actually quite like this idea.
As it is, we have a CEP - Current Events Publication?
The CEP is staff-operated, and I suspect that this would be a project run by the staff team as well - I know of pretty very few "official" projects that aren't run by the staff team. Off the top of my head, the only one that I can think of is the Clan Leaderboards, but even that is affected by the relatively new Official Clan Rules (Not Soul's rules.)
However, I can still hope that the staff team would let some non-staff help out and whatnot. (Wink wink ;))

One thing that I doubt would be allowed is this:

Unfortunately, as far as I know, the staff has a slightly unusual way of dealing with these, and I really doubt they'd allow rumours to be a part of this, as fun as it could be.
However, in exchange, perhaps we could have a Controversy/Hot Discussions/Debates section, where they go over popular threads, debates, and other controversy that is going on, both in-game and out of game, as well as on YouTube. For example, Lovelights' coming out thread (as Kos) and things like the gf/rekt/ez/stemrolled ongoing debate.
It's not rumours, per se, but still a fun thing for people like me to hear about :3

Also, this is oddly coincidentally timed - I just joined Journalism today, and I'll be working on the school Newspaper. Hehehehe.
Yeh, I thought the rumours section would be cool, if the staff take this project and make it theirs it can't really be abused or exploited. The what's hot, sounds cool too. I hope it's something the staff would be willing to doing.


District 13
Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
If this project is gonna get off the ground, we might need donations. First, we are gonna need to hire the main part to it. At least one anchorman and editor will be needed.

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