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Macros... rule change?

Do you support this feature suggestion, hold no opinion, or are against it? (Please comment)

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    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • +1 Support

    Votes: 6 18.8%
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    Votes: 2 6.3%
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  • -2 Support

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Moo, don't make any more threads at midnight... this was an awful idea. Go drunk, you're home.

    Votes: 10 31.3%

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Macro - A series of automatic key presses, triggered by an additional button (such as a side button on a Razer Naga) to perform something such as an entire flint and steel placement and switching back to your sword slot.
Hotkey - Using an additional button (such as a side button on a Razer Naga) to perform a single action, such as switching to a slot within your hotbar.
Number key - 1 through 0 on your keyboard, which is on virtually every keyboard.
Action - The usage of a key or keys in order to do something. A single action would be something such as pressing the 1 number key, and a multi-action would be something such as pressing 3>right_click>1 (A standard Fishing Rod combo and switching back to your sword slot)

Currently, the MCGamer rules dictate that extra keys on gaming gear (gaming mice, keyboards, etc.,) are restricted to 1 action per hotkey, and macros are not allowed.
While this sets the bar to be even for all players in that aspect, there are also factors which make this rule a bit... questionable, for lack of a better word.

Positive sides (Pros) of this rule:
- Fair for players without gaming gear.
Since gaming gear is usually more expensive than regular hardware/peripherals due to extra features and higher quality, the majority of average players don't possess gaming peripherals.
- Macros can sometimes be mistaken for combat hacks, due to rapid execution of combos (FNS, fishing rod, etc.)
- Macros Mod isn't allowed, so there's no free alternative.

Negative sides (Cons) of this rule:
- Very difficult to catch, spot, or suspect.
Due to the nature of macros, it can easily look like someone is simply experienced and highly proficient.
- Even more difficult to prove.
Unless someone has recorded admittance to using macros (ex: saying it in chat or in a video), it's virtually impossible to punish someone for it.
- People pay for their gaming gear, and sometimes choose more expensive equipment particularly for Minecraft. (I literally bought a Naga instead of a Deathadder for MCSG)
- $$$ = Wasted

What I suggest is that the rule is changed in order to allow macros of up to three actions.

An example of what would be allowed:
Hotbar setup:

The maximum actions permitted, three, would be sufficient to perform a full fishing rod combination from the position shown in the screenshot: 3>Right click>1. This would switch to the fishing rod, cast it, and then switch back to the sword.
Or, it would also be enough to lay a flint and steel quickly. 9>right click>1.

Having small macros, which is something attained using real-life funds, can be compared to playing on a gaming computer versus an opponent on a laptop with 2 GBs of RAM and outdated hardware.
Gaming computers are completely legitimate and allowed. It's often a matter of Have's and Have not's. Unfortunate, but true.
Here's a personal example: I have a pretty meh-ish computer, but I try to compensate for it using my Naga, which I currently only have single-action hotkeys programmed on. I was given the option of improving my hardware via mouse, but not the option of getting a better computer, due to financial limitations. Having the potential of my mouse restricted due to a rule that I wasn't even aware of until after I ordered the mouse... well, that's a bit disappointing, to be blunt.
I can only imagine that my thoughts are reflected by many other owners of gaming mice.

Positive sides (Pros) for changing this rule:
- This would allow more people to utilize their gaming peripherals in a way that they were made and bought for.
- It's literally what some people purchase their mouse for.
- Promotes dexterity and adaptation with your hands, which can help with typing and other games.
- Encourages a higher level of competitive play, and opens up options for more advanced techniques.
- Having a limit of 3 actions would restrict macros to performing only actions that can ordinarily be accomplished through practice and skill.
- I hate to say this, but the majority of people with gaming gear use macros anyways... it's so widespread that enforcing the current rule is simply impractical.

Negative sides (Cons) for changing this rule:
- Those without macros could be at a disadvantage.
- People might misinterpret the rule as saying all macros are allowed, thus creating large and complex macros. (Although seriously, what good is a macro beyond 4-5 actions in MC?)
- Macros mod could be installed and used as a substitute, which changes the game beyond hardware and vanilla features.

Opinions? c:


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
It would definitely make gameplay more interesting.
On one hand, why not let people take advantage of their gaming gear? It's perfectly fine for them to use it to its fullest potential and make it worth the money.
But there's also the question of what happens to those who don't have such equipment, as mentioned in the Pros and Cons. Some of them won't be able to take advantage of this, whether it be the availability of this equipment in their country/area or whether they don't have enough money to pay for it. This is debatable as the same concept applies for gaming laptops, computers and keyboards.
I don't know, it's a cool idea and I can't really say much since I have zero knowledge about macros.


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I like it, but then again you have to consider what you said:

Negative sides (Cons) for changing this rule:
- Those without macros could be at a disadvantage.
- People might misinterpret the rule as saying all macros are allowed, thus creating large and complex macros. (Although seriously, what good is a macro beyond 4-5 actions in MC?)
- Macros mod could be installed and used as a substitute, which changes the game beyond hardware and vanilla features.

Specifically the part about the people without macros. This could change alot and would cause alot of misunderstanding and people binding 3+ functions. This would ruin the game for people like me. If you go to ThatOneTomahawk 's thread about computer setups, you will notice not many people have gaming gear.

This is only my opinion and I don't want flame against it.

Thanks and have a great day (or night)!
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
I always knew about the macros rule, but I never new it was a limit to one action per macro. This feels like gray area, but what about typing stuff in chat? Are you allowed to have chat macros?

Also, on the topic of three actions per macro: please no. I have a DeathAdder and I use the macros as easy-to-reach hotkeys. I understand that if you bought the stuff, you should be allowed to use it to its fullest potential, but I really don't think it's fair to have someone be able to perform a rod or FnS combo without even requiring the skill or practice to do so. For example, last year I sucked with a rod (and still need to practice it), but I gave up a lot of MCSG playing time to play on ROXBOT. I learned slowly to use the rod properly and effectively. With a three action macro, all this is thrown out the window for an easy way out for those with the means to buy it.


Apr 13, 2013
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As someone who plays on a Win8 laptop at 75-90FPS with an E-3 Cobra gaming mouse I dropped twenty-some bucks on (it has two buttons on the side but they aren't really classified as macros I don't THINK) , I'm against this suggestion....I think. Not really sure if you're moving to allow or disallow macros or merely opening a neutral discussion. Pretty sure you're in favor of it since you bought a Naga, but after hearing from an official source (I'd not done my homework and thought the hotkeys on gaming mouses were one action only) the multiple action per one macro thing, I'd have to say I agree with the rule. Geezus, no wonder BomBashious is so quick with a rod. =_=

I'd be more in favor of a Xime add-on that kicks or bans someone if they execute a certain number (3+) of actions simultaneously. As long as aforementioned add-on doesn't start kicking/banning people for inane reasons like Nexus PMR does.


Nov 2, 2014
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Sure, I guess. It really depends on the way people use it. If people use it to toggle hacks on and off, or use autoclick, that would be a bit insane.

At the sane time, I had a naga, so I guess I can see where you're coming from, but it would probably end up causing more trouble than it's worth.


Aug 20, 2012
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well a while ago i asked multiple staff if razer naga macro/actions were allowed everysingle one said yes :/ i have proof on my old pc that i dont have atm but since i asked 3 staff i assumed that only ingame macros/actions were banned and peripheral macros were allowed .. so for the past year i have had a fishingrod macro/action that jumps to the rod uses it and switches back to a sword so ... yeah .... um this confuses me MOO STOP CONFUSING ME also the mcsg rules only talk about the macros mod making it very unclear for a full rule on peripheral macros/actions


Apr 8, 2013
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nonono oo ono pls no

mcsg need help skilers not nabs but hthis is hlpin nab wit no skil! ! > ______________ < pls no impletmen or im quit


Sep 28, 2013
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- It's literally what some people purchase their mouse for.
Sorry Moo, I love you, but God no. If I (HYPOTHETICALLY), just bought minecraft so that I could hack on MCG, should I be allowed to?

And in general, we shouldn't be giving even more of an advantage to people with the money/means to get gaming gear. It should be an even playing ground for everyone and allowing macros warps it out of perspective. For example rod macros are insanely OP.

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