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LogicalLlama's Tips :P.

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Jun 10, 2012
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Now I wouldnt consider myself an amazing pvp'er, but I don't think I'm bad:). I'm posting this thread to tell some people (Most likely new players) Some overlooked strategies/tips that can mean the difference between winning or losing.

1. Taking down players stronger than you/Water pvp:
When I come up against a player that Is stronger than me, I immediatly try to get to a large expanse of water. Why? Well, a lot of players basically suck at pvp in water. What I tend to do, is swim down to the sand, and he will likely swim down with you. When you're in this situation, with you below him, try to get a few hits in. However, if you are sort of level, pull out a fishing rod and push him back up above you, then attack him from beneath. If you are directly beneath the player, he wont land a single hit on you. I once took down a guy with full iron, iron sword, with just leather and a stone sword with this method. It is so simple and easy. If you get in trouble, just knock em back with a fishing rod. If your opponent has managed to gather a large amount of arrows, the only advise I can give you is swim down, up and sideways. Dont turn your back to him at any time.

2. Teams.
Pretty much the same as method 1, this time with multiple people. Try to keep hitting the weakest one away from you with your fishing rod, and take down the strongest guy. Once the stronger one is dead, the weaker tends to run, though this depends on his armor and weapon.
If you face a team on land, with no water nearby, they are rather tricky. The only way to take down a team , is to split them up. If you run in, and try to beat them both down with your sword at the same time, they will just knock you back and fourth like a ping pong ball. So dont. All I can suggest is finding water, Hoping that they somehow seperate, or even going and hiding somehwere where they can only come at you 1 at a time. E.g those trees in map 1.

3. Know a good, reliable route, for both North and South directions:
If you dont have a good route, youre never going to win, simple really. Once you have established a route for one direction, try to make one in the opposite. I do this, because I dont know, I find peole get to the chests faster when they spawn closer.

4. Managing food:
Food is extremely important in the SurvivalGames. And I find a lot of people overlook many strategies that can get you a ton more food. Firstly, fish and swim. If your route involves crossing a large expanse of water, why not fish while swimming? You can catch 4-7 fish in the time it takes to swim to some islands on Breeze Island.
Secondly, if you have a load of left over wooden axes, swords or sticks, use the god damn furnace!-.- I cant believe more people dont do this. If youve got a load of chicken, cook them with your left over wooden weapons. I do this, and every game I have like 5 steaks or something ridiculous. Another tip, dont sprint everywhere, jog.

5. Don't really try to take high ground, or put yourself in a cramped situation.
I know a lot of people stand by the 'Take high ground' strategie. But I dont. I always think its easier to attack someone from below in minecraft, and you're giving them the perfect oppurtunity to do that. Another thing, try to stay in large open spaces, so you can easily run if need be.

6. Never underestimate the power of 'weaker' weapons such as stone sword:
Yes, they are weaker than diamond and iron, but if used correctly, you can take down anyone. And this sort of ties into my next tip, Stealth. ;) Yeah;D

7. Stealth.
Knowing how to be stealthy while playing the SurvivalGames helps so much. Even if you have the weaker weapons/armour, if you attack an unsuspecting opponent from behind, youre going to be able to land atleast 3-4 more hits on him, that renders him pretty much screwed. Plus, when they get attacked, they get extremely flustered, and tend to flail their sword around everywhere. So, what I suggest is not always sprint jumping around everywher, but sneaking. Seriously though, always come at your opponent from behind, if youve got a decent weapon, its a instawin.
I myself was very stupid one round, I had full iron, diamond sword, the lot, when a guy popped up out of nowhere and started beating my back in with a stone sword. Ended up killing me, and all he had was leather panties:(. So, stealth is such a useful weapon.

8. Basic land Pvp:
So, this is just a guide for the new players. Most of you will know how to fight on land.
Basically, what you want to do is try to get to the side, and behind your opponent by strafing. What I mean by this is running upto him, then jumping around and holding d/a. This will make you very hard to hit, and by jumping you land more criticals. Another tip, that seems to only work for me /:. When your opponent is on the offensive, and is chasing you, I tend to stand behind a block... I dont know what it is, but they will run at you, and for some reason, you can hit them and they cant hit you. Its strange, but it works for me anyway!

9. Dont underestimate fishingrods:).
Fishingrods = My favourite weapon. If you know how to use them, you can take down pretty much anyone in water!

10. Bows are boss.
If you didnt know, bows are an extremely powerful weapon. Infact, once fully charged, they are more powerful then a hit from a diamond sword. Try to craft as many arrows as you can with flint, sticks, and feathers. If you have about 25+ arrows, try to 'rapid fire them' Get your opponent to run in a straight line, and keep firing at him. By the time hes recovered from the kickback, you'll have your next arrow ready.

Another bonus tip just to clear things up:
Armour in order: Leather, Gold, Chain, Iron, Diamond.
Many people think gold is better than chain, and in some cases better than iron!

Weapon order: Wood/Gold (Gold has less durability, however, it does have better enchantments.), Stone, Iron, Diamond.

Sprinting tip:
If you jump while sprinting, you will move a lot faster, however, you burn a lot more food too. If you find youself in a 2x1 space, jump and sprint, and you will move at a ridiculous speed. Like I said before though, if low on food, do not sprint about.

Thankyou for reading my guide for new players, and maybe some of you that have been playing for a while:). If this helped,vote 'Yes' on the poll, if not, 'no' and if youve learned something new, 'I learned something new'

Thanks for your time,


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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nice work but a fairly familiar list of hints that others have also posted :p


May 17, 2012
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tip 2:If you face a team on land, with no water nearby, they are rather tricky. The only way to take down a team , is to split them up.
or: you could say your final prayers, shout; FOR NARNIAAAA!!!!!! and charge them chances are they will be frightened at your voice and run :p


Jun 10, 2012
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2 people that voted no. - 2 people that got denied to work on my map building team.. strange... Js :p

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