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Sep 21, 2013
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Hey guys Drazzerien here! I am here to share my MCSG map which I had created and finished!

During the 1.5 Beta era there was a small jungle community. The people of the village lived off the land that they where isolated into. To be suppressed by the tall mountains surrounding them was no predicament. Within this small valley the land was blessed with the graces of a single god. The god was refereed by the indigenous as "Kotha." There are four shrines in the Valley to base of the four elements of the world of fire, water, earth, and air. Many of the villagers had began to wonder what may lay outside this small shell of there only known world. A group of them (including the chief) had climbed to the mouth of the gods and asked Kotha what lay outside this world. Kotha had simply told them it was a world of darkness, leave and you threaten to taint the world that I have given to you. Despite this, all of the villagers had left their land behind for freedom. They thought they had left quietly without Kotha Noticing. However Kotha was well aware of their plans, and as the villagers left the valley, had sent a humongous wave of lava to surround the outside of the valley. Most of them where scorched alive, but those who survived where forbidden the enter the utopia of Kothakakum.

Now every 100 years Kotha selects 24 warriors to battle for his entertainment. It has been played with many of my friends and they seem to love fighting in it!

This Map is an approx 350x350 medium/small map which includes:
- 200 chests
- a combination of rough, and easy going terrain
- 24 podiums
- traps
- secrets
- Easter eggs
- dungeons
- structures within harmony of nature

*the map does not have a glass dome, however this can be added at anytime.

I would love to hear criticism on how this map could be improved in any way! I had taken screenshots without shaders because I felt it relates to most players during the survival games.

View attachment 16079


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