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Invictus Build Team


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Mauro

In game name: maurofabijanic

Age: 17

Specialty: (Building, Terraforming, Redstone, etc) Building random things from my imagination or things you guys would like me to build for you. Will try my best at building anything you guys want and will always make sure you guys like it. No matter how hard it sounds I will give out my best. Anywhere from caves to the huge houses I will be wiling to help out. Personally I would like to have a helping buddy. :)

Examples of previous work: (Screenshots, Not server IPs) Me and my friends used to play around by trying to create a map but they were not all the best so we quit. Main reason/problem was because there was only a few of us creating a map. :/

Are you experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper? If yes, to what level?: I used to use world edit a lot on my server that I host for my friends, a pretty cool plugin to play around. I know world edit can make some huge and great things just by a simple clicks but I know that true creativity comes from human hands. I am probably on a beginner level for world edit whit knowing just some basic command like using a wand and setting or replacing blocks in the section selected. I would like to help using my own hands.

Previous team experience: I was never in a building team before so if I get accepted this will be my first time joining a building team.

Why would you like to join the team?: To be honest I really want to help out building an awesome map that will hopefully be on MCGamer Network using our creativity. Hopefully having some fun on teamspeak 3 server while making awesome things for a map. Making some great ideas that will be used on our map. My main goal is to keep having fun while building a map that will be popular just like SG4.

Thanks for reading. :D
I'm sorry but you have been denied for not providing screenshots. Please apply next time with screenshots in the area that says "Examples of previous work"

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