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General Improvements

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Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
There are a few improvements I can think of for the Survival Games. Here they are, listed in a nice and comfortable 10 commandments-like list;

1) Chests shalt be much more abundant yet more random.

The What: Randomize the spawning of chests. Add more spawning places for chests, yet make several of them empty.
The Why: Pro's know where most chests are, leading to an unfair advantage. In the city map I run from chest to chest, which really removes a lot of suspense from the game for me, and leads to an unfair advantage for the newbies.

2) Thou shalt not hide when there are only 3 tributes alive.

The What: Coordinate locations of a random tribute will be given out to each surviving player randomly after the game reaches the 30 minute mark. After the 25 minute mark thunder or fire will randomly hurt players too close to the edge of the battlefield.
The Why: People with no food, no armour and no weapons enjoy needlessly dragging out games. For the average monkey, 30 minutes is enough to gather the forces necessary to win the game. Anything over that, is irritating.

3) Thou shalt lose points slowly for not moving for a long period of time.

The What: By staying in a certain place for too long, a tribute should lose points in order to prevent camping. After all, why award someone who stands in one spot the whole entire game?
The Why: We all see it. A guy stands on an island in the middle of the ocean or on top of a building out of the sight of everyone but the spectators, rustling the jimmies of the idle spectators. In their tongue they call him Noobakin, Trollborn.

4) Non-Cornucopia chests shalt be more rewarding.

The What: Chests not contained within the cornucopia should contain gear better than a raw fish and a stick. Allow each chest to have a small chance to spawn useful materials like coal, iron armor and weapons and perhaps even diamonds. However, these chests should never reach or exceed the contents of the cornucopia chests.
The Why: Individual outer chests take a long time to reach and contain junk. This puts the tribute without 3 teammates talking to him on skype at a severe disadvantage. Resourcefulness should be able to compete with camping at the cornucopia

5) Reduce lobby wait times.
- Please.

That's all for now. Leave creative additions or criticisms of these changes in your responses, thanks!


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
the first one isn't possible, because they are all hidden now, then it can be that there is a chest on a weird place and the chests are probably too easy to find...
But your second point sounds pretty cool


May 14, 2012
Reaction score
All of these suggestions seem to only improve the game for the spectators. Some people have the strategy of staying away from others until deathmatch. Also, whats wrong with not being able to gather enough supplies to fight others and it makes no sense why they should be punished.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
1) It would completely ruin people's tactics if the chests were random. I would hate it, and might even switch to a different version of SG if this happened. Newbies can look for the chests while spectating if they like, and find good ways to get there. That way they will become pros in no time.

Also, sometimes chests already start empty. In the first 4 chests of my route 2 of them had some good stuff, 1 was empty, and 1 had 2 useless items. I think that's good enough. No one could have taken the chest that was empty because there was no one near me and because the 2 chests next to it (really obvious locations, but not right next to each other) were full, no one could have taken the one, especially without my seeing them.

2) I thought this would have at least something to do with the title... But having 1 person's co ordinates revealed would be unfair to the other 2 tributes in the top 3, and I would not like to be revealed. Normally games take about 20-30 minutes anyways. Occasionally you will have a game where there are a bunch of tributes left at the 30 minute point, but that's quite rare and, again, would be unfair if only your position was revealed at this time.

Maybe after 45 minutes, all the remaining tributes's locations are revealed. Or starting at the beginning of the game, everyone that doesn't move more than 5 blocks within 300 seconds (5 minutes) has their location revealed in the form of co ordinates. I think this makes more sense. The game does not get irritating normally after 30 minutes, and if it does, you can feel free to go find another server to play on or something to do while you wait.

3) Losing points slowly would be quite unfair. Hiding is a tactic in some cases, and you can't have people losing points for boring the spectators. It's not an reward to not die, it's an reward to get items and kills. If you camp, you are only punishing yourself so let campers be. And if you are camping next to a chest, people will know where to find you and probably will. Look at my AFK suggestion in my reply to your second point.

4) First good idea I see in your post. I like the idea of cornucopia items always having superiour items, but the normal chests around the map should still be rewarding. Those normal chests should have a small (VERY SMALL) chance of spawning gold, chain or iron armour. But they definitely should not spawn diamonds. Diamonds are easily the best item in the game, and being able to find one anywhere no matter what the chance would be unfair. Diamonds should be restricted to the cornucopia. By the way, coal never spawns and it shouldn't.

That way you can at least have some good armour, and the normal iron sword. Only the best of the best deserve diamond swords, so become one of them and get it :)

5) If you get bored in the lobby, go do something else. Browse the forums, play some game on the interwebs or do anything. Maybe take a few minute break, go eat something. I think they will be adding things to do in the lobby soon, so you won't be completely bored if you can't keep your web browser open while playing Minecraft (most people can though, so get a better computer if you can't).

I agree with Tim, most of these ideas are for the spectators. If you don't want to be a spectator, don't die and stay a tribute.
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